Product store name? It's simple!

How to come up with the name of the grocery store, if you have already decided to open it? It is known that the “correct” name is the key to the success of the entire enterprise. Whatever ship you call, it will sail! Let’s understand together this seemingly simple question.

product store name

Easiest way

The easiest way, of course, is to contact a company engaged in "naming" (from English: "name" - name). There, "specialists" involved in inventing names for different companies and organizations will surely invent something for you. At the same time, they will set a good score, since this pleasure is not cheap. But we are not looking for easy ways! Let the art of naming remain as the most extreme option (not budget).


If you are not ready to give “extra” funds for coming up with the name of the grocery store, then try to create it “do it yourself” (more precisely, with your own head)! Especially for entrepreneurs like you, there are a few simple rules that will help in this matter.

original product store names

Development tips

Inventing the name of a grocery store, you need to remember that almost any word or combination that you like can play this role.

  1. The name should be as short as possible, easy to remember, attracting potential buyers. Verbose constructs are not our method. They are sometimes not just memorized, but it can be difficult to read.

  2. It is advisable to choose a unique grocery store name. You can check the originality using the Internet. This is especially true if your plan is to organize a distribution network! Sometimes, in order to use the potential of a well-known brand, a few letters are rearranged in the already promoted name: it seems to sound similar, but actually unique (as many Chinese firms do). But this path is fraught with lawsuits from the famous brand. And they have more money than yours. So in any case, you lose.

    grocery store name

  3. The name of the grocery store should evoke a positive image among buyers, be associated with something positive, attractive. Do not create negativity in anything.

  4. There may be too original names of grocery stores, such as "Herring and Cucumber." Do not get carried away with such creativity. Remember that too bright scares, warns (so inherent in us by nature).

  5. If you have several options for names, do not rush to make a sign and register any of them. First show your options to people whose opinion you trust: friends, relatives, acquaintances. Consult with them, select the most popular and postpone the lesson for several days. Let the information stand, become more seasoned. Relax, take a trip to the forest for the weekend, at sea, fishing, somewhere else. Do everything to distract. And after a certain time, come back with a fresh look and choose. So you can sort the best option from the remaining ones.


There are also how many development methods for names that you can safely use.

  1. The name associated with the location. For a grocery store, these are: “Kalininsky” (if located in the Kalininsky district), “At home”, “Quarter”, “First City”.

    beautiful product store names

  2. By the name of the person. There may be various variants of female names: “Margot”, “Hope”, “Svetlana”. And also for men: “At Lyokha”, “Maxim”, “Alexander 01”, etc.

  3. By last name or patronymic: “Petrov-Vodkin”, “Razlivaev”, “Alekseich”, for example. But this is provided that you have a variant of a sonorous surname.

  4. Natural phenomena and animal names: "Parrot", "Anti-Lopa", "Hippopotamus" (for some reason, preference is given to exotic).

  5. History and mythology: “Old Count”, “Bacchus” (more suitable for a liquor store), “Odyssey”.

  6. Abbreviation: “KUM” (Kalininsky Department Store).

  7. Characters of fairy tales: “Old Man Hottabych” (a grocery store for children), “Prostokvashino” (sale of dairy products).

The above are just a few simple methods for forming names. Although such a scientific discipline as naming has more than forty. Ideally, the beautiful names of grocery stores should not only please the target audience (in our case, the buyers of edible products), but also cause positive associations. In this case, you need to rely on all the familiar symbols and concepts. This is a science. Simply put, the name must be simple and clear, but sonorous, and even short and memorable. Something like that!


Together we’ll come up with a name for the store, where mainly products will be sold, but also related products. The store is small, designed for residents of the quarter. Chassis and cheap products prevail, without any frills.

Options: "Edible-inedible", "Our store", "At home", "All sorts of things", "On the spot", "Quick spot", "Avoska". We choose the best and open a store. Good luck

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