How to calculate the average earnings for calculating vacation pay?

Vacation is the maximum time expected by all working people. Someone can afford to relax twice a year, and some only once. Regardless of this, everyone would like to understand in advance how much vacation pay they can count on. It is probably not possible to find out before the appointed time directly at the enterprise. Is it possible to calculate it yourself? Yes! And this article will help you with this.

How to determine the average earnings in order to properly calculate vacation pay? What payments should not be included in it? How to determine the billing period? What formulas are used in this case? Are vacation pay considered when calculating average earnings? Answers to all of the above questions will be provided in this article. Be careful, and you will be able to understand everything that interests you in this regard.

average earnings for calculating vacation pay

Which formula should be used?

This article will help you figure out how to calculate your average earnings for calculating vacation pay. To do this, as a rule, apply a certain formula. It includes the following components: the number of days that are provided to the employee for rest, and his average earnings for one working day. These indicators should be multiplied among themselves. This calculation methodology is based on the basic regulatory acts that govern the procedure in question.

So, you need to take into account the average wage for the last calendar year, the average earnings for one working day, as well as the duration of the vacation (in calendar days or workers, depending on how a particular company calculates the duration of the vacation, and how payments are accrued).

As a rule, the calculation of the duration of rest in working days is carried out only for those employees with whom an employment contract has been concluded for an extremely short period of time (no more than two months), as well as for workers who work seasonally.

Thus, your next step should be to calculate the length of the rest period and the amount of daily earnings. So you can determine the indicator you are interested in.

Find out the billing period

So, in order to determine the average earnings for the calculation of vacation pay, you will first need to figure out which calculation period to take into account. Indeed, during this time it will be necessary to add up all the payments that were made in favor of the employee. It is them that will need to be taken into account in the process of accruing vacation pay. As a rule, calculations are made for the last twelve months that an employee worked at the enterprise until the month in which he was able to go on vacation.

So, let’s look at an example, when calculating vacation pay, the average earnings for which period are calculated. If the leave was granted in June, then it is necessary to take into account the period from the first of June of the previous year to the thirty-first of May of the current year.

rules for calculating average earnings for vacation pay

Determining average daily earnings

Conducting subsequent calculations is also not difficult. The calculation of vacation, based on average earnings is carried out using the following sequence of actions.

  • So, it is necessary to find out the full amount of the monetary reward that the employee received during the entire billing period (as a rule, we are talking about a calendar year).
  • This number will need to be divided first by a number that corresponds to the number of calendar months in the period taken into account for calculation, and then by 29.3 (this number means the average number of calendar days in each of the months taken into account).

Such a calculation procedure is provided in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For clarity, consider an example. The total amount that was received by the employee for the last year (before the vacation) amounted to 480,000 rubles. Thus, daily he was paid an average of 480,000 / 12 / 29.3 = 1365.19 rubles. The calculations are simple, it is almost impossible to get confused.

vacation pay in average earnings when calculating sick leave

Sizing vacation pay

So, how should average earnings be used to calculate vacation pay? We discuss using an example. So, let's say that we are talking about the average employee of the enterprise. He was granted leave of standard duration of 28 days (respectively, calendar). His standard salary totals 25 thousand rubles. Moreover, at the same enterprise he carries out additional duties in combination, for which he receives another 7 thousand rubles per month. This figure also cannot be ignored in the process of determining the amount of vacation payments.

So, how do you use average earnings to calculate vacation pay? Consider this using the above fictitious data. The total amount of earnings of such an employee for the billing period is the following amount of funds: (25 thousand + 7 thousand) * 12 = 384 thousand rubles. To determine the average earnings for one day of work, the following actions are required: 384 thousand / 12 / 29.3 = 1,092.15 rubles. Knowing all the data described, you can easily determine the amount directly holiday pay. To do this, follow these steps: 1 092.15 * 28 = 30 580.2 rubles.

Also on the Web you can find services that will perform all these calculations automatically. You only need to enter the required data, and the program will calculate everything for you. Only these types of services should not be used to calculate the average earnings for vacation pay when leaving. In this case, the result will be inaccurate.

And if you did not work out the entire billing period?

Will the algorithm of actions for calculating the average earnings for calculating vacation pay change if the employee did not fully fulfill his duties during one or several months of the billing period (not a full month)? Yes, it will be necessary to take into account certain nuances. For example, if there was a sick-list, when calculating vacation pay, the average earnings include indicators for which period? We will discuss these features in more detail.

First you need to find out how much was actually paid to the employee as a salary for the period you are considering. It should be calculated how many calendar days were actually worked out during those months in which the employee did not fully work. This must be done separately for each specific period. In this case, the average earnings per working day will be calculated based on the previously determined number of days that were fully worked out by the employee.

When all of the above has been completed, the matter remains small. It will only be necessary to calculate the holiday pay directly. To do this, you need to multiply the average earnings per working day by the number of days (calendar) that make up the vacation.

whether vacation pay is taken into account

When working less than a year

The rules for calculating average earnings for vacation pay include such a situation. Therefore, in this case, one should also strictly adhere to the recommendations established by regulatory legal acts. So what to do in this case? What will become the billing period in such a situation? After all, there is no opportunity to take into account the previous calendar year. Do as follows.

As the calculation period, you will need to take time starting from the date when the employee officially began to fulfill his professional obligations after employment, ending with the last calendar day of the month that immediately precedes the calendar month on which the employee was granted leave.

So, for example, an employee started work on August 11, 2016. And already from April 14, 2017, such an employee wants to go on vacation (annual, paid) for two weeks. Can he officially do this? Yes. And for what period is the average earnings calculated? From August 11, 2016 to March 31, 2017.

Next, apply the calculation procedure, which was described in detail above. That's what the rules for calculating average earnings for vacation pay say. Consider some other features of this mechanism.

calculation of vacation average earnings for which period

What is not taken into account in the billing period?

Certain segments of the calendar time and certain payments, according to the legislation, should not be taken into account in the process of calculating vacation payments. Some circumstances contribute to this. Therefore, workers often ask themselves whether vacation pay is taken into account in calculating average earnings. We consider the details below.

From the calculation of average earnings vacation and business trips are excluded. Among other things, certain periods of time should not be taken into account. For example, we are talking about periods when an employee was on sick leave or on vacation, went on a business trip, was due to some circumstances relieved of his professional duties (if at the same time the salary was fully or partially saved), and also all the time while the employee received payments provided for those who temporarily lost their ability to work. This means that in the process of calculating vacation payments, it is necessary to take into account only those days that were actually and fully worked out by the employee. The period when the employee was on vacation or on sick leave, and the corresponding payments should be excluded from this period of time, is from the total amount of the monetary compensation for the accounting period.

calculation of the average earnings for vacation pay upon dismissal

Summarized accounting of time spent at work

There are exceptions to everything described. For example, this applies to those cases when a special type of accounting for working time is used - cumulative. So, in order to most accurately calculate the average earnings for calculating vacation pay, you will need to take into account the amount of the average hourly remuneration for labor. An exception is the calculation of compensation for those vacations that have not previously been used.

Premium Accounting

The regulation on average earnings in calculating vacation pay requires the full consideration of bonuses accrued for the period under review. Moreover, such payments are considered not only regular bonuses for productivity or the quality of the performance of their duties, but also those bonuses that company managers, as a rule, provide their subordinates for various holidays. Such a mechanism is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. However, some social benefits are not taken into account in the calculation of vacation pay. As a rule, we are talking about those additional bonuses that are not related to remuneration directly for work. We are talking about paying for travel, meals, mobile communications, training or financial assistance in connection with special circumstances.

A monthly bonus can only be credited once per month. If it has not been accrued more than described, then such a premium can be taken into account in full. The same mechanism applies to bonuses that are paid by management once a year, six months or a quarter. Regardless of when the premium for the previous year is accrued, it must be taken into account as part of payments for the previous billing period. If it was transferred after the employee received the money for the vacation, they should be recalculated taking into account the bonus and the employee must pay the missing amount.

how to calculate average earnings for calculating vacation pay


So, it seems that now you should not have any difficulties in accurately calculating how much this year you will receive as a vacation payment. As we found out, for this it is necessary to know a number of indicators. So, you will need to calculate how much money was paid to the employee as a whole during the last calendar year. At the same time, travel, vacation, hospital and social payments should not be taken into account, but bonuses and holiday gifts in monetary terms should be taken into account. You will also have to make efforts to correctly calculate how many calendar days an employee has actually worked.

From the total number of working days, you should subtract the time of vacation, sick leave, periodic disability, business trips, temporary, fully paid exemption from the performance of their professional duties. It is also important to consider the length of the rest period itself. Once you know the exact values ​​of the described indicators, you can easily find out how much money the company will pay you this time before the holidays. If you do not want to make efforts and count yourself, one of the online services can help you with this, which will calculate the payments for all standard cases.

Now you can always find out exactly how many vacation pay you will receive this year in advance, without waiting for the moment of their direct payment. There will be no more unpleasant surprises. And let the time of rest bring you exclusively positive emotions!

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