Oil complex for hair Head Hair: reviews of professionals

This article is for those who are dissatisfied with the length of their hair and the fact that they add less than two centimeters per month, as well as the fact that they are not so thick and do not cast a healthy shine to cause delighted looks. For those people who, when combing their curls, often get tangled in them, or bundles of hair often remain in their palms, it is worth paying attention to the effective Head Hair remedy. Reviews of this oil complex confirm that after using this long-awaited novelty from the Zdorov company, ringlets no longer remain on the back of the chair, in the bathroom, on the comb and on the pillow. It allows you to get such positive changes that it can quite replace a lot of very expensive jars or passing salon procedures.

head hair reviews

The Russian manufacturer Zdorov, which offered Head Hair to its customers, receives reviews as a large company that has long gained popularity with products such as Zdorov cream wax and Zdorov elixir. In 2017, the company presented new brands that were called Head Hair (for hair), as well as Artraid (intended for joints) to enter the European market.

Home treatments

How to replace rare, dull and weak hair with a bundle of long and healthy curls with minimal effort? You can do this even at home, if you carry out procedures using natural ingredients. However, professional cosmetologists do not advise to go to Siberia for this in order to procure the necessary oils and extracts for themselves there. After all, they are all contained in an effective tool for Head Hair.

head n hair reviews

Reviews of trichologists confirm that this complex has already been tested by more than 4 thousand men and women who have restored hair and got rid of their loss.


What gives Head Hair complex a huge amount of positive feedback? The fact is that it has a unique composition in which there are no synthetic components.

complex head hair reviews

The recipe includes:

  1. Propolis. This substance is a beekeeping product. Its color varies from dark brown to deep green. Until now, scientists have not developed a consensus on the ways in which it is synthesized. However, researchers note that the benefits of propolis as a medicine as well as cosmetic are worthy of the highest praise. The chemical composition of this product is quite rich. Its main active components are polyphenols. They are part of all proteins and constitute the final fragment of such an essential amino acid as tyrosine. Propolis helps maintain homeostasis in the body, and this is important for the normal functioning of tissues and organs of the human body. With the help of this element, metabolism is accelerated, immunity is strengthened, which allows to improve the condition of the skin and normalize the protein-fat balance. Propolis also contains vitamins, including those belonging to group B, as well as E, C, and K. These components of the bee product saturate and nourish the scalp. In addition, they enrich the hair follicles, contributing to its strengthening.
  2. Burr oil. This component, contained in the Head Hair product, receives excellent reviews, as this substance promotes hair growth. This effect occurs due to the rich chemical composition of burdock oil. It is based on organic acids and essential amino acids, vitamins, natural inulin and flavonoids. This oil is characterized by the ability to adsorb toxic molecules, as well as having a beneficial effect on the development of symbiotic microflora located on the skin surface. All these components allow you to strengthen the hair structure.
  3. Castor oil. This natural substance is very productive as a separate component of masks designed to strengthen hair and promote their growth. No wonder women love to use it so much. However, as much as possible all of its healing properties are revealed only if it is included in the composition of multicomponent preparations. So, castor oil has found its application in the unique Head Hair complex. Reviews of professionals confirm that in the product of the Zdorov company, created to strengthen hair, all substances are perfectly combined with each other and have a synergistic effect. Thanks to the castor oil extract, this complex helps to accelerate the flow of blood to the scalp. This allows you to saturate the root bulbs with useful substances, strengthening them and giving them the possibility of rapid growth.
  4. Wheat germ oil. This component, which is part of the formulation of the Head Hair complex, contributes not only to strengthening and moisturizing curls. The product obtained from wheat germ restores the structure of the hair and helps to accelerate their growth. The explanation for this lies in the fact that wheat germ is a real storehouse of vitamins. There are a lot of useful micro and macro elements in them. It is worth noting that wheat sprouts began to be eaten en masse in the early 20th century. after vitamin S was isolated from them by the agricultural chemist C. Schnabel. This element perfectly protects the cytoplasmic membranes from the destructive power of oxidative reactions. This allows you to strengthen the hair not only at the cellular, but also at the molecular level.
  5. Olive and jojoba oils (Chinese Simmondsia). What gives a similar combination of components that make up the Head Hair complex? The reviews of experts confirm that the combined effect of these oils allows you to get the maximum effect in solving the problem of accelerating the growth of hair. Thanks to their complex use, the curls are saturated with amino acids, as well as useful micro and macro elements. Once on the hair, the oils envelop them, creating a protective film that strengthens the curls and protects it from UV rays.
  6. Tangerine oil. This natural product is a wonderful blend of geraniol, alpha-pellandrene, alpha-bergamotene, limonene and myrcene. All these substances have a strengthening and protective property.

Consider the action of each of the components separately.

Burr oil

Thanks to special natural ingredients, Head Hair Hair Product receives professional reviews as a complex that effectively eliminates various diseases of curls and scalp. At the same time, experts note the ideal proportion of all the components included in the recipe. One of them is burdock oil. Get it from the rhizomes of burdock. The harvested material is converted into an extract using the infusion method, which involves the use of other oils of plant origin.

Largely thanks to this component, real reviews about Head Hair specialists confirm its beneficial effect on the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, and the ability to enhance blood circulation in capillaries and blood vessels located in the hair growth zone on the head. Such an action allows you to strengthen the roots of curls and accelerate their natural growth. Also, largely thanks to burdock oil, the Head n Hair complex in reviews is characterized as a means that effectively stops progressive baldness.

head hair for hair

This active natural component perfectly nourishes the hair follicles, eliminating problems such as dandruff, dryness and itching of the skin. Indeed, in the tissues, an intensive exchange of beneficial substances begins, including oxygen. This action allows you to make curls smooth and strong, giving them a healthy shine.

In addition, thanks to burdock oil about the systematic use of the Head n Hair complex, reviews are enthusiastic. This tool allows you to solve the problem:

- poorly growing hair;

- bald patches or strong loss of curls;

- brittle, split, thinned and weak hair.


As part of the Head n Hair complex for hair loss, an oil extract of this unique bee product was used. The active substances of this component have a beneficial effect on curls and scalp, producing a disinfecting and analgesic effect, while reducing the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Propolis oil extract is introduced at high speed into each tissue cell, starting the regeneration processes. This component stabilizes the lymph and blood circulation in the scalp. The beekeeping product heals damaged areas, and also eliminates those that are dead. This effect allows you to enhance the metabolism between the hair follicles and dermis.

The available reviews about the Head Hair oil complex allow us to judge its high efficiency. In addition, the intensity of this tool is proved by numerous positive results that were recorded in the course of its practical application. Indeed, the natural complex, thanks to propolis, which is part of its formulation, has allowed many people, especially those who have damaged or sensitive epidermis, to:

- strengthen the follicles, which is reflected in the reduction of hair falling out during the day;

- get rid of skin damage, dandruff and dryness;

- normalize regeneration and blood circulation;

- to accelerate the growth of curls.

Castor oil

This component is of plant origin. Its receipt involves the extraction of ordinary castor oil. The beneficial effects of castor oil are due to the three acids in its composition. Among them are linoleic, ricinoleic, and also oleic. In addition to them, protein substances are also in the composition. Castor oil, as the people call it oil, does not dry out. One of its main properties is the ability not to form a film on the surface.

Professionals speak of the Head Hair oil complex as a means that, thanks in large part to castor oil, allows solving problems:

- wide partings and bald patches;

- brittle hair;

- slow growth of curls;

- relieving itching and inflammatory processes.

Wheat germ oil

This component is obtained by a very laborious and complex method of cold pressing. Moreover, from one ton of the necessary raw materials, only 20 grams of the finished product is obtained. A similar method is used to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in the oil.

In the product obtained from wheat germ, a significant amount of vitamins E and D is in a concentrated state. They contribute to the normalization of the body's metabolic processes.

hair company head wind reviews

Due to the presence of wheat germ oil in the Head Hair complex, the following is achieved:

- hair follicles are strengthened;

- the tips of the curls begin to absorb nutrients.

Olive oil

This component is also of plant origin. Its main active substances are triglycerides of fatty acids, in which the content of oleic acid esters is increased. It is rich in oil and vitamins, due to which it perfectly copes with ailments of the scalp and hair.

The Head Hair complex, which the Zdorov company offers its customers, provides hydration of curls and normalization of metabolic processes during the period when the sebaceous glands do not produce the necessary amount of lubricant. This eliminates brittleness, dryness and lack of shine of hair.

Jojoba oil

This component is obtained by applying the spin method. In this case, the fruits of the shrub of Chinese Simmondsia serve as a raw material. This plant is most common in the North American deserts. The value of this oil, which is also called "liquid gold", lies in its unique composition. It is rich in amino acids, collagen and vitamin E. Also, various fatty acids are its active substances.

Thanks to the jojoba oil in its composition, the Head Hair complex receives many positive reviews as a means:

- cleansing the scalp and normalizing metabolic processes;

- stopping hair loss and activating sleeping bulbs;

- accelerating the growth of luxurious curls;

- eliminating dandruff and skin itching;

- protecting hair from the negative effects of the external environment in connection with the ability to create a film coating on them;

- reducing the harmful effects of chemicals that are used for dyeing hair;

- giving a hairstyle a lively shine.

Tangerine oil

This component has not only a pleasant citrus aroma. Thanks to its constituent substances, it significantly reduces the production of unwanted sebum volume, soothes irritation and actively nourishes the dermis.

head hair complex

Professionals note that the use of this oil saves the hair from serious damage to the structure. In addition, it copes with problems such as:

- dandruff;

- seborrhea of ​​dry and fatty type;

- thinning of the structure of curls;

- slow hair growth;

- constant dullness and dryness of the strands.

Complex application

In order to become the owner of a magnificent hairstyle, it is enough to apply the product daily on the hair and their roots. After the composition is on the curls, it is recommended to put on a shower cap and tie a head with a terry towel. Thirty minutes are enough for the procedure. After that, the oil complex is washed off with ordinary shampoo.

Due to the natural composition of the product, it shows the desired effect after the first course of use, the duration of which is one month.

head hair real reviews

Having received the desired chic hair, professionals recommend using the Head Wind range offered by Hair Company. Reviews of this cosmetic series by the Italian manufacturer indicate that the products included in it are of the luxury class and allow you to achieve the highest level of curl styling. But the most important thing is that these products continue to care for your hair, while maintaining their beautiful and healthy appearance.

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