Hospital No. 61 at Sportivnaya: reviews

Human health comes first. It is important not only to seek medical help on time, but also to choose the right specialist. Today in the country there is a huge number of public and private institutions that are ready to assist in the treatment of a particular ailment. One of them is the Moscow City Hospital at Sportivnaya. Here a huge range of medical services is provided both within the framework of the compulsory insurance program and on a paid basis.

What does the medical facility offer?

The hospital operates on the basis of departments of the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy. The main activities are gynecology, surgery, neurology and therapy. Despite this, services are provided in other areas of medicine. The institution was founded in 1957. The basic traditions of the hospital were laid by such luminaries of medical science as Lukomsky G.I., Melnikov S.A., Mikhelson V.A. During perestroika, Hospital No. 61 at Sportivnaya occupied one of the leading positions in all of Moscow. Not only residents of the capital came here, but also people from other regions of the country.

hospital 61 at sports
Today 61 hospitals at Sportivnaya offer several types of services. This is a simple medical examination, outpatient treatment, emergency hospitalization and scheduled examinations. The staff of the institution are highly qualified doctors, as well as nurses with a good heart. You can find many warm reviews about the work of specialists. These are people who really love their profession.

Emergency hospitalization of patients is carried out around the clock. Patients are admitted to the emergency room for an ambulance. Planned hospitalization is carried out only in a preliminary direction, which is prescribed by a specialist in the clinic. Can accept absolutely all 61 hospitals at Sportivnaya. Testimonials of patients show that the execution of all the necessary documents occurs as quickly as possible. It does not matter if the sick person is a resident of the capital or not. Some services are provided for a fee.

Where is the hospital located?

The medical facility is located in a quiet area of ​​the capital. In close proximity is the Sportivnaya metro station, as well as Komsomolsky Prospekt. This is an area with well-developed infrastructure, which is especially convenient for nonresident patients. Buses and minibuses run from the medical facility, and there are many shops nearby. A patient who is in hospital can at any time go out for groceries or put money into his cell phone account. But before leaving the walls of the institution, it is worth warning the medical staff.

61 sports hospital
Finding hospital number 61 is very easy. The main building is 200 meters from Sportivnaya metro station. Address: Moscow, Dovatora street, 15. Before making an appointment with the right specialist, you should call the multi-channel phone 8 (499) 686-00-68. You can call the reception department at 8 (499) 246-79-61. All information of interest is available on the website of the medical institution. In real time, each patient has the opportunity to make an appointment with the doctor.

The hospital building consists of two buildings and has an extensive green area. In the warmer months, patients can spend a lot of time outdoors. Each specialist will say that oxygen has a positive effect on the dynamics of any ailment.

Outpatient care

Hospital No. 61 at Sportivnaya provides outpatient care to everyone. Services are provided free of charge to people who have directions from clinics in Moscow. In addition, assistance can be provided through voluntary health insurance. Residents who are not registered in the capital can get an appointment with specialists after contacting the paid services department. Help is provided by prior arrangement. Appointment to the right doctor is carried out by number 8 (499) 246-80-53 or by personal appeal to the registry of the medical institution. The patient must indicate the passport data, phone number, number of the compulsory medical insurance policy, as well as the data of the clinic that issued the referral for treatment. When contacting a specialist, the patient must have a passport, as well as a compulsory medical insurance policy.

61 hospital sports
Hospital No. 61 at Sportivnaya provides qualified consultative and diagnostic assistance. If a specialist in a clinic discovers a particular ailment in a patient, a referral for additional examination is written out. On an outpatient basis, a person can pass all the necessary tests that make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis. If necessary, the patient is sent for planned hospitalization. In the hospital, the medical staff works on the latest equipment, which allows performing diagnostics at a high level. The qualifications of doctors are also in one of the first places. Only specialists who have received diplomas of the leading medical universities of the country are allowed to work.

Outpatient care is provided by the following specialists. Among them are an endocrinologist, therapist, neuropathologist, surgeon, gastroenterologist, dentist, gynecologist, otolaryngologist, pulmonologist, as well as a cardiologist. The hospital employs highly qualified specialists. Some of them have a degree, as well as the title of Doctor of Science.

Diagnostic capabilities of a medical institution

City Hospital No. 61 (Sportivnaya metro station) offers a wide range of possibilities for instrumental diagnosis of complex diseases. Using multispiral computed tomography, you can examine absolutely any part of the body. Such equipment allows you to identify tumors at the initial stage of development. In this case, the patient has a much better chance of recovery.

Hospital No. 61 at Sportivnaya offers high-quality X-ray diagnostics. The time of visiting the office can be specified in the registry or by the multi-channel number indicated above. All types of studies of traditional radiology are carried out. In addition, it is possible to perform bronchography, urography, pleurography, hysterosalpingography and fistulography.

hospital 61 on the playground
Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is performed on the latest equipment. Here, any expectant mother can check the condition of the fetus. Ultrasound equipment allows you to notice any deviations in the early stages.

Studies of the cardiovascular system are performed on the latest electrocardiographs. Patients with hypertension are constantly monitored using special equipment. All information about the patient’s blood pressure is displayed on the monitor.

Cardiology Department

It serves patients with heart defects, as well as acquired cardiac diseases. The head of the department is Batrakova Elena Pavlovna. This is a highly qualified doctor. Elena Pavlovna has been working in the field of cardiology for more than 10 years. The department specializes in providing assistance in the following areas: hypertension, rhythm disturbance, heart failure, angina pectoris, neurocirculatory dystonia.

hospital 61 at sports paid services
Patients who are hospitalized in the cardiology department are accommodated in six-bed wards. There are also several double rooms. 61 hospital at Sportivnaya has all the necessary conditions for the speedy recovery of patients with cardiac abnormalities. Help is provided by highly qualified specialists. On the basis of the department, employees of the Department of Therapy of the I. I. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy work. Many positive reviews can be heard at Dovgolis Svetlana Aristotelevna. This is a candidate of medical sciences, a cardiologist of the highest qualification. Thanks to this doctor, many lives were saved.

Neurological Department

In the field of vascular neurology, Hospital No. 61 at Sportivnaya can also provide assistance. How to get to a medical facility, each patient can easily figure it out. The building of the Department of Neurology is located near the metro station. The majority of patients are people with cerebrovascular accident. The head of the department is Pronoza Vadim Viktorovich. This is a neuropathologist of the highest category. Patients who for a long time suffered from severe headaches, impaired sleep and attention, leave only positive reviews about the specialist. The course of inpatient treatment allows you to return patients to a full life.

The department employs specialists with experience of 10 years. Many of them have a degree. Hospital No. 61 (on the sports ground you can deal with disease prevention, and people who, unfortunately, were unable to maintain their health, turn to a medical facility) is the place where several specialists decide on the right treatment. In particularly difficult cases, a consultation is convened, which allows you to decide which direction to go in order to save the patient's life.

For diagnostic purposes, computed tomography, biochemical studies, electroencephalography, and radioisotope scintigraphy are performed at the neurological department. High-quality equipment allows you to make the most accurate diagnosis to the patient.

Physiotherapy at the 61st hospital

Physiotherapeutic procedures are very important for the positive dynamics of many ailments. The department began to function from the moment the medical institution was founded. A massage room, two electric light therapy rooms, an inhalatorium, as well as a physiotherapy exercise room with the latest simulators are at the patients' services. In 2012, a major overhaul of the physiotherapy department was made. New equipment was purchased that allows patients to recover more quickly after an illness. People come here who are treated both permanently and on an outpatient basis.

hospital 61 at sports time visiting

The head of the department is Sukhova Elmira Rashidovna. This is a physiotherapist with twenty years of experience. The doctor works not only with adult patients, but also with children. Thanks to her efforts, children with cerebral palsy can lead an almost full-fledged lifestyle. The specialist notes that a lot depends not on physical exertion, but on the patient’s desire to quickly get on his feet.

Gynecological department

In this department, the diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies associated with female genital organs is carried out. Women who are at risk of terminating the pregnancy for up to 20 weeks can also be examined here. The head of the department is Galina Anatolyevna Bogacheva. This is a highly qualified obstetrician-gynecologist. The woman is sure that every member of the fairer sex should become a mother. Therefore, everything is done in the department to maintain the health of the fetus and the patient.

Offers both outpatient and inpatient treatment at Hospital No. 61 at Sportivnaya. Paid services for women can be provided by prior arrangement. The fact is that many expectant mothers strive to be observed precisely at Galina Anatolyevna. It is no coincidence that the specialist has many positive reviews. Women who cannot get the appropriate referral in the clinic have to negotiate with the doctor for a fee.

Therapeutic department

This department was not created immediately. It appeared only in 1978. Today, treatment of chronic and acute ailments of a therapeutic profile is performed here. Helps in various directions 61 hospital on the "Sports". Patient reviews show that the institution’s specialists can easily cope with gastric ulcer, various forms of gastritis, and liver diseases. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, there is a much greater chance of a full recovery.

The head of the therapeutic department is Oganesyan Karina Arsenovna. This is a specialist of the highest category with experience of more than 15 years. Close cooperation with specialists of other profiles allows Karina Arsenovna to easily find solutions to the most complex clinical problems. In the therapeutic department, patients undergo rehabilitation after complex operations. The good-natured medical staff does everything possible to ensure that patients recover faster.

What do patients say about the hospital?

If the Sportivnaya metro station is being discussed, 61 hospitals come to mind in the first place. This medical institution managed to earn great fame. All thanks to highly qualified staff and friendly service. Especially a lot of positive reviews can be heard about the work of the cardiology department. This is no coincidence. After all, the mortality rate of patients with heart problems is quite high. The specialists of this hospital strive to do everything to return a person to a normal lifestyle. A lot of it depends on the patient himself.

hospital 61 on sports how to get
Many have heard that 61 hospitals at Sportivnaya are closing. This is not true. The medical facility continues to function normally. Such rumors are associated with ongoing repairs within the walls of the hospital. The work of the construction team does not affect the reception hours of specialists. To get to the right doctor, you just need to pre-register at the registry or by phone.

Hospital № 61 at Sportivnaya will always help you to feel healthy. Everyone who once had to visit here knows how to get to a medical facility.

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