Exercises for the inner thigh

Many men pay attention to the various virtues of girls, but most often they are attracted to slender legs and elastic buttocks. It is for this reason that it is very important for women to ensure that the inside of the thigh is always taut. Thanks to hard work and special exercises, girls will not only be able to attract the opposite sex, but also begin to like themselves.

inner thigh

The article will give accurate answers to the most pressing questions: what to do to tidy the inner side of the thigh, how to lose weight and maintain the results achieved. Below are some of the best and most effective exercises. All of them help to remove fat on the inside of the thigh and turn it into muscles. As a result of regular training, each girl will be able to become the owner of beautiful slender legs, which everyone around will envy.

Gymnastics for the hips

Pumping the inner side of the thigh is of interest not only to girls, but also to young men who want to achieve an increase in muscle mass of their entire body. Therefore, the exercises for these muscles, listed below, are perfect for anyone who wants to keep their body in shape. To achieve the best result, you can use special weighting agents.

Performing exercises for the inner thigh is not particularly difficult for physically prepared people. They will find them standard. But for those who previously had nothing to do with sports, at first it will be difficult and they will have to get used to the loads.

exercises for the inner thigh

Leg lift

The inside of the thigh in women is perfectly worked out with a simple leg lift. To complete this exercise, you only need a mat.

The first step is to lie comfortably on your side, with your lower arm positioned so that your elbow rests on the floor and your palm supports your head. The opposite hand is required to rest against the floor at the level of the abdomen. In this case, the lower leg should be slightly bent, and the upper one must be smoothly raised by 45 degrees and lowered without touching the floor. During the exercise, the inside of the thigh should feel good. In total, it is recommended to perform 20 lifts in 2-3 sets for each leg.


On the inside of the thigh how to remove fat? And is it possible to consolidate the result? Many forget about the exercise, known to everyone since childhood. During its execution, the thigh muscles work perfectly and the calf muscles are additionally pumped, so it will be easy to get rid of fat deposits in problem areas with it. And the result is fixed by regular repetition of the exercise.

For the "scissors" should lie on your back and stretch your arms along the body, thereby providing yourself with support. Raising both legs 15-20 centimeters from the floor, you need to cross them 10-15 times, simulating the work of scissors. Immediately after this, for a greater effect, it is worth doing 10 leg lifts. It is best to do 3 sets.

inner thigh in women


Lungs are great for working out the inside of the thigh. Most often, of course, they are performed by girls, although for boys this exercise will also be good.

Unlike the previous two exercises, this is done from a standing position. With your hands on your hips or stretched out in front of you, you need to take one foot a step to the side, bending it at the knee and straining as much as possible. After this, you should move the body weight to the second leg, also bending it. These actions are considered as one repetition, therefore, after two lunges (one for each leg), it is required to return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times in 2 sets.

the inside of the thigh how to remove

Lead to the side

An element taken from gymnastics requires the use of support. As it is possible to take a chair with a high back.

The exercise is very simple. You need to stand facing the back of the chair and firmly rest against it with your hands. Then you should tear one leg off the floor and take it back as far as possible without bending at the knee. Repeat recommended 25 times for each leg. This exercise can be performed by absolutely anyone, it is better for trained people and athletes to use weighting agents.


Squats - plie are the favorite exercises of girls, since with their help you can pump your leg muscles well. It would seem that there is nothing complicated in performing this exercise for the inside of the thigh, but after the first squat this opinion instantly changes.

First of all, you need to spread your legs to the sides (slightly wider than the shoulders) and deploy the socks outward. Locked in this position, you should do a squat with a flat back. It is recommended to lower to the formation of an even line of the hips. Exercise is required for one minute, and then give the legs a rest of 30 seconds and take another similar approach.

slimming inner thigh

Jump Squats

Losing weight on the inside of the thigh involves the use of more intense exercises. Squats with jumps are very similar to regular pliers, but they are much more difficult to perform.

The beginning of this exercise is exactly the same as the previous one. The only difference is that when lifting from the squat, you need to maximize the tension of your legs and push yourself off the floor so that in the jump you can touch each other with your feet. For starters, just one approach of 10 repetitions will be enough, but in the future their number needs to be gradually increased.

inner thigh how to lose weight

Ball exercises

Particularly popular are exercises for losing weight on the inside of the thigh, for which a ball is needed. They are not only effective, but also interesting, so almost everyone likes it. In addition, thanks to them, different muscle groups are involved, and not just the hips.

The first exercise we will look at is clamping the ball with your knees. He will need to find an elastic rubber ball. It is advisable to take a shell designed specifically for fitness so that it does not burst during the training. The ball is clamped this way:

  1. Lie on your back and extend your arms parallel to the torso.
  2. Pull the heels closer to the buttocks and hold the projectile between the knees.
  3. Leaning your hands on the floor, raise your hips, forming a straight line between them and the body.
  4. Vigorously squeeze the ball, straining the muscles of the legs.
  5. Repeating these steps is best for 40-60 seconds in 2-3 sets.

The second effective exercise is squats with the ball. And you need to do them like this:

  1. Standing straight, squeeze the ball with your knees and straighten your back.
  2. Perform a shallow squat, squeezing the projectile as hard as possible.
  3. You need to perform the exercise about 20 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 50.

During squeezing the ball, the hips should strain quite strongly. At first glance, it may seem that these exercises will not have any effect, but after just a couple of weeks of regular training, you can see the opposite.


Such an exercise must be present in every training session, since its effectiveness depends on it. For him, you need to prepare a special rug and a solid pillow not too large in advance. Stretching the hips, although it sounds intimidating, but there is nothing wrong with it. Anyone can do it.

The first step is to lie on the mat on your back with a firm pillow under your head. Then you need to move the heel of one leg to the buttock, and the second foot - put on the opposite knee. Next, gently press on the knee of the bent leg, slowly pushing it away from you and feeling the tension. As soon as you can achieve this effect, you need to fix for 15 seconds. Immediately after this, you must perform the same actions, but changing your legs. In the process of stretching, the back must be flat, otherwise after a couple of workouts, problems will begin with it. In total, it is worth making 5 approaches, changing legs.

Thanks to this exercise, the skin of the inner thigh will become smoother and firmer. In addition, its regular implementation will contribute to the elimination of cellulite.

Accelerated boost

After doing the hip stretching, you should not rush to get up, as the exercise that we will now analyze is also performed lying down. For him, you just need to roll over on your side and remove the pillow.

Leaning the elbow of the lower hand on the floor and propping the head with the palm of your hand, you need to bend the upper leg at the knee and push it a little forward, laying on the floor - it will act as an additional support. After this, it is necessary to intensively raise the lower straight leg without touching the feet of the floor. At the same time, its upper point should be where stretching allows. Such lifts need to be made about 15 for each leg.

Overcoming resistance

You can end your workout with an exercise to overcome resistance. Both women and men like it. The main purpose of this exercise is to pump the thigh muscles. For him, you need to take a rubber band-expander.

the inside of the thigh how to remove fat

Standing straight and putting a shell on the lower part of the legs, you should lean forward 30-45 degrees and connect your hands into the castle, stretching them in front of you. Then, overcoming the resistance of the projectile, it is required to step to the side and bend the working leg at the knee. Next, you need to return to the starting position and repeat the same, but with the other foot. In total, it will be enough to complete about 15 repetitions on each leg. Beginners are allowed to perform only one approach, the rest should try to do 3-4 approaches.

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