We replenish our vocabulary: a camp is ...

Did you know that the suffix โ€œseekโ€ denotes a place whose name comes from the verb. For example, a rookery (to lie), a shelter (to run away), a refuge (to resort), a current (took), a camp (to stand). In this article we will talk about what a camp is, and we will select possible synonyms for it. Let's start with the value.

What is a camp?

In modern dictionaries you can find the meaning of almost any word.

Meaning of the word camp

The camp is:

  • temporary settlement of nomadic tribes;
  • village in the Amur region;
  • a place where animals sent to pasture rest.

Morphological characteristics, declination

The camp is a common inanimate noun of the middle gender. All declined nouns ending in "e" refer to the second declension.

CaseQuestionSingular noun examplesPlural noun examples
Nominative caseWhat?A camp is a place for livestock or tribesIn former times, there were camps and camps of primitive tribes everywhere.
GenitiveWhat?An experienced elderly reindeer herder brought some excellent breeding deers from a nearby camp.All week, residents of neighboring camps were engaged in the arrangement of life
DativeWhy?Only in the late evening a group of travelers approached the campIt is unsafe to approach other people's camps
AccusativeWhat?In the rays of the morning spring sun, we saw a beautiful green campAutumn firmly came into its own: everyone switched to winter camps
Instrumental caseThan?Scary black crows flew over the campUsually they spent the night near camps.
PrepositionalAbout what?Alyosha, have you heard anything about the camp?Young hunters usually lived in tribal camps.

Synonyms for the word "camp"

Synonyms are words that refer to the same part of speech, have different spelling and pronunciation, but with a similar meaning.

The camp is

A camp is a camp site.

Compatibility with other words

Perhaps the school will have to not only find a synonym for the word "camp", but also make phrases or sentences with the given word. To do this, you need to understand what other words it is combined with. In our case, this is a noun camp.

Synonym for the word camp

Adjectives: green, snowy, mountainous, white, colorless, multi-colored, colorful, native, alien, large, small, small, new, old, ancient, winter, spring, summer, last, first, primitive, huge, other, sacred, northern, southern, western, eastern, central, Native American, close, near, main, empty, lively, temporary, neighboring, personal, general, unique, unique, dirty, bad, good, excellent, mysterious, mystical, magical.

Communion: abandoned, found, open, cleaned, polluted, devastated, organized, broken, devastated.

Pronouns: ours, them, yours, such, some, none.

Verbs: break, equip, find, devastate, ruin, search, close, clean, pollute, like, delight, admire, surprise, cook, prepare.

Numerals: one, five, seven, seventeen, first, second, fourteenth, twenty-seventh.

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