LLC "Sashera-Med": reviews, address. Wellness products of natural plant origin

The demand for natural cosmetics and dietary supplements from natural raw materials is growing steadily, stimulating the emergence of new manufacturers. In the domestic market, one of the leading companies in this segment is Sashera-Med LLC. Customer reviews about the drugs in most cases are positive. What do customers like, and what nuances need refinement? Let's try to figure it out.


The production company "Sashera-Med" (Biysk) is located on the border with Gorny Altai. The company manufactures dietary supplements, cosmetics, products from natural raw materials collected directly in the Altai Territory to maintain health.

The basis of the preparations are the ingredients:

  • Antlers of the Altai maral.
  • Castoreum.
  • Mummy.
  • Medicinal herbs.
  • Stone oil.

The main activity of the company "Sashera-Med" (Biysk) - the development and distribution of drugs of natural origin, designed to improve the body, strengthen the immune system, improve appearance.

The offered assortment includes more than 150 items of products synthesized to stimulate the regenerative functions of the body and maintain overall health. Raw materials for preparations are procured in the ecologically clean zone of the Altai Mountains and the entire region. Almost all of the ingredients are helpful for illnesses or are taken as a preventative measure. “Everything for health” is the main postulate of the manufacturer’s domestic policy.

Raw materials are thoroughly analyzed and cleaned of related impurities. The collection is carried out manually, it is handled by specialists familiar with the medicinal properties of nature's gifts. The production technology is based on centuries of experience using modern technological processes and methods for the synthesis of drugs for a healthy lifestyle.

LLC "Sashera-Med" sets as its main goal to preserve, increase and strengthen the health of every family. The company is confident in every manufactured product, having appreciated its capabilities and safety in accordance with international standards of quality and effectiveness.

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Mumiye: preparations

Mumiye is a resinous substance with a complex multicomponent composition. It includes acids of organic and inorganic synthesis, complex natural compounds, waste products of plants and animals. Having lain for a long time in the rock, enriched with mineral complexes, the substance emerges on the surface of the mountain crevices in the form of inflows.

Mumiye from Altai is famous for its properties far beyond the borders of Russia, its effect is confirmed by numerous clinical studies and experiments. Preparations based on the Altai mummy and pure substance have a stimulating effect on the recovery processes in the tissues and cells of the whole body, participate in the processes of hematopoiesis, restoration and purification of liver cells, strengthening the immune system. A pure product or preparations based on it are taken internally and are also used for external use.

The company "Sashera-Med" (Biysk) sells mumiye in a dosage of 10 to 100 grams of pure product. The composition of many preventive and cosmeceuticals introduced a certain dose of therapeutic resin, enhancing the action of the main elements of the composition.

mummy from Altai

Reviews about the mummy

The company "Sashera-Med" (Altai Territory) produces a mummy, which is popular among buyers. Positive reviews are devoted to the benefits of using the drug and they talk about significant assistance in curing many diseases.

With external use, a decrease, and in some cases a complete disappearance of stretch marks and scars on the skin, was noted. Women used the mummy to grow and strengthen their hair and noted that the length increased markedly in a week, and the loss stopped after two weeks of use.

Recommendations for the use of mummies were left by those who used the resin to accelerate bone fusion after fractures, the effect manifested itself three weeks after the start of the course, and in the final analyzes showed bone compaction, a side effect was a significant improvement in the general condition of patients.

Most consumers noted that distinguishing Sashera-Med LLC products from other manufacturers of similar products is quite simple - there is an authentication code on the package, it can only be seen under certain conditions. Buyers believe that this step on the part of the manufacturer has saved many from buying a fake. There are no negative reviews about the properties and appearance of the mummy, only a specific smell is mentioned, which for many seemed unpleasant, and insufficient distribution of the product in retail or pharmacy chains.

all for health

Stone oil

All preparations from Sashera-Med are wellness products of natural plant origin. One of the popular and effective drugs is stone oil. It is sometimes called the white mummy, but their composition and origin are different.

Stone oil is collected on the Sayan rocks (Eastern, Central, Western), in Transbaikalia and Gorny Altai. The chemical composition includes alum of natural origin, as well as about 48 mineral components, soluble salts isolated by rocks.

The assortment of preparations from Sashera-Med of the Stone Oil line is presented in two forms:

  • Powder - 12 types of products with various additives (vitamin complexes, minerals, coenzyme Q10, mummy, etc.).
  • Suspension - drops. The lineup includes an assortment of 12 preparations with additives (beaver stream, vitamin and mineral complexes, antlers of the Altai maral, mummy, etc.).

Reception of stone oil helps restore the natural intestinal microflora, strengthens the immune system, strengthens bone tissue in case of osteoporosis, fractures, osteochondrosis, participates in hematopoiesis, suppresses neoplasms and much more.

antlers of the Altai maral


The Sashera-Med company received good reviews about preparations of the Stone Oil series. Customers praised the effect after the first course of taking the suspension or powder. They claim that the pain in the back, neck has stopped, ease of movement has appeared, and according to clinical tests, bone density has improved significantly.

Women who used stone oil to lose weight also got a positive result. The reviews talk about reducing swelling, removing excess fluid from the body, improving well-being, and normalizing sleep. No dramatic loss of kilograms was observed, but the effect that was obtained brought an improvement in health and quality of life. The high value with which everyone agrees to put up is recognized as negative.

Beaver Secret

Beaver stream or musk is another effective natural ingredient used by Sashera-Med. Products with musk have a rejuvenating effect on the body, increase activity, and affect the acceleration of metabolic processes. In addition to the main component, health complexes include chitosan, vitamins, antlers of Altai maral, beekeeping products, mummies, badger fat, etc.

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Forms of release - drops, capsules, pastes. The assortment of the “Beaver's Secret” line includes products from 18 items. Each drug is equipped with a detailed description of the effect, the scheme of use for various diseases and preventive measures.


The company Sashera-Med received positive reviews about the Secret Beaver series due to its high effectiveness in combating cough, including chronic bronchitis. It is noted that in some cases, the pain was significantly weakened or disappeared on the third day of use. Some buyers used the drugs to quickly heal wounds, heal bones after fractures and talk about a quick way out of painful conditions, improvement of the skin and quick restoration of bone tissue.

Women who purchased Beaver's Secret products in order to lose those extra pounds were counting on a clear, quick effect of decreasing body volume, but received a slightly different effect, regarded as sparing but positive. When applying, the appetite decreased (especially if taken after 18:00), the digestive tract improved, vigor appeared, and mood improved. Kilograms left without stress and with a clear improvement in the state of the body.

Negative reviews mention that the products are rarely found in pharmacies, it has a high cost. Also, almost all consumers who left stories about their impressions indicate a very unpleasant taste and smell of dietary supplements, but the resulting effect influenced the decision to continue the course of administration. For some consumers, the drugs were useless, they did not feel any action on themselves.


The company "Sashera-Med" is positioned as an organization that produces everything for human health. In addition to fortifying and prophylactic agents, the company produces caring cosmeceutical preparations.

Products are manufactured in the following lines:

  • Milk Skin is a whitening cream based on native concentrates of herbs and plants.
  • "Virtue." The line of 16 face creams for various purposes in two forms (light cream, suspension in the dispenser).
  • "Naturonik." Insect repellent applied to the skin. Wellness products - capsules, balms, drops.
  • "Sashel" is a line of eight cosmeceutical creams for various purposes (for the eyelids, moisturizing, care, nutrition, etc.) and hair care products.
  • "Venolad" - a series of creams to improve the condition of blood vessels and veins.
  • “Poseyvlas” - hair care products (shampoos, balms, masks), which include natural ingredients.
  • Antler bath products improve blood circulation and drainage metabolism, promote skin elasticity, prevent the appearance of vascular lesions, etc.

Cosmeceuticals contain natural components, such as extracts from plants, mummies, river beaver musk, stone oil, etc.

sashera honey biysk


Many customers used Sashera-Med face and body care products. Reviews talk about the positive effect of caring cosmeceuticals. Consumers argue that the properties described in the annotations to the drugs are true and bring the desired effect. Face creams help moisturize the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles, improve turgor, and nourish the skin. Most buyers warn that creams are more suitable for evening application and for many are indispensable in the cold season.

Tonics and facial lotions are highly appreciated - the effect in some cases exceeded the results obtained from the use of eminent European brands. A series of hair care products marked by a large number of enthusiastic reviews. It is said that the hair has gained strength, looks healthy, growth has improved, hair loss has stopped.

In negative reviews, it is recommended to pay attention to the composition, since many natural components can cause allergies, for example, beekeeping products will not be useful to everyone.

Target action

In the production of drugs, Sashera-Med is aimed at providing preventive and recreational assistance to a customer who has special requests. So, for men, drops of the complex effect “Pantohematogen” are offered. They include a wide range of biologically active substances that increase potency, strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems, restore reproductive functions, prevent the appearance of fatty deposits, etc.

Godzhidoktor tea drinks are produced in the form of paste, their number totals 8 items, each of them helps not only to gain health, but also to solve some of the associated tasks - to lose weight, strengthen immunity, gain a strong nervous system and much more.

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No less interesting and effective line of tools is “Special fox”. The preparations are created on the basis of the fruiting body of common chanterelle mushrooms and have a purpose in several areas - the destruction of helminths (including eggs), the elimination of fungal infections, the elimination of kidney stones, liver cleansing and much more. The products of this series from Sashera-Med received numerous and positive reviews. Many buyers got rid of helminths by drinking a standard course of drops. In confirmation of the success of treatment, data from laboratory studies are provided.

Other drugs

Products from Sashera-Med are in demand among many buyers, this is due to the large number of positive results from the application. Effectiveness was demonstrated by means aimed at combating diseases of the joints (Sustarad), the line of preparations “Siberian larch” was approved, many reviews with positive ratings were left for the products of the “Series +7” line.

Such drugs are also positively evaluated and are popular:

  • Dezpapilon - the product is designed to get rid of papillomas and is used both internally and externally. According to customer reviews, it destroys the papilloma virus without re-occurrence.
  • The series “Siberian larch larch” is a series of products based on the Siberian larch bark with complexes of herbs, vitamins, minerals, mummies, musk, etc.
  • Children's line "Bobrodok". All products of the line are safe for the body of babies. It contains natural components, such as extracts from plants and minerals. The application is shown from 1 year, the action is aimed at stabilizing the nervous system, improving brain activity, memory, strengthening immunity, etc.
  • "Cedar resin in cedar oil" - preparations are available in the form of drops and capsules. The main action is dictated by the properties of cedar, stimulating the body's internal reserves - quick healing of wounds, cleansing the skin, nutrition, strengthening nails, bones, hair, elimination of radionuclides and much more. Consumers who have experienced the effects of these drugs have received amazing results - a very quick cleansing and healing of even large wounds with almost invisible subsequent scars. Many got rid of youthful acne. Women noted a positive effect on the skin of the face - the pores narrowed, the release of fat decreased, velvety appeared, etc.

In general, all products from Sasher-Med have a complex effect on the body, aimed at solving health problems.

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Opinions of doctors

Reviews of consumers who have used this or that drug for healing or prophylaxis tell about significant progress in therapy. Doctors are in no hurry with the assessment of dietary supplements and their impact on the overall treatment of their patients. Some believe that such drugs have a placebo effect and do not affect the patient’s health, improving only the psychological state. In such cases, the doctors have no objections - a good mood and the will to recover have a powerful impetus in the treatment process.

Some doctors consider dietary supplements a harmful innovation, speaking of them as fraud in medicine. In their reviews, they focus on the unknown components, the proposed drugs and the dubious nature of the action when combined with medications. No one is sure what effect may follow with the simultaneous administration of dietary supplements and potent drugs. In addition, many patients have allergic reactions to natural components, and in this case, many diseases can worsen.

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Official medicine leaves the question of the use of drugs based on natural remedies unrated, recommending that patients consult a doctor. But doctors also have a special opinion - when traditional remedies do not work, the patient is given the opportunity to turn to traditional medicine, and she is completely on the side of remedies such as those produced by Sashera-Med. Nobody will undertake to deny the effect of the mummy, because the healing and tonic effect has been tested by many generations of people and shows positive results.

If we turn to the herbalists of the Altai Territory, then almost all of the above components will be present in the recipes used to treat various diseases.

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