Hernia under the eyes how to remove at home?

Hernia, or bags under the eyes, as they are called by the people, is a fairly common phenomenon. For human health, this ailment is not dangerous. A hernia is an adipose tissue that has accumulated in the folds of the skin, which does not affect the general condition of the body, but the appearance definitely spoils. A man looks older than his age, tired, drooping. Unfortunately, cosmetics do not hide this lack of appearance. We will talk about what methods of getting rid of a hernia under the eyes, how to remove puffiness at home, without resorting to surgery, in our article.

Ways to get rid of a hernia under the eyes

There are several effective ways to deal with infraorbital hernias. But before you make a choice in favor of one of them, you need to understand the causes of the appearance of swelling under the eyes. Improper diet, lack of sleep, smoking and alcohol are all factors that contribute to the formation of defects such as hernias under the eyes. How to remove them in this case - an operation or massage, is not yet decided. It is enough to change the lifestyle: do not stay too long at the computer, go to bed earlier, exclude spicy, salty, smoked food from the diet, etc.

In general, the following methods of disposal of bags under the eyes can be noted:

  1. Hardware cosmetology.
  2. Injection
  3. Surgical intervention (blepharoplasty).
  4. Massage and gymnastics of the eye and facial muscles.
  5. Folk methods.

The latter method refers more likely to preventive measures that will be effective in case of swelling of the eyes and at the initial stage of hernia formation. If the problem worsens without surgery, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cope with bags under the eyes.

Methods of hardware cosmetology

Methods of modern cosmetology (with timely contact with a specialist) help not only to cope with hernias, but also significantly rejuvenate and refresh the skin around the eyes. To combat the disease, the most effective procedures are:

hernia under the eyes how to remove

  • Microcurrents - hardware therapy, which consists in influencing problem areas with low voltage currents. The destruction of body fat under the eyes occurs at the cellular level, the exchange between cells is normalized, and lymphatic drainage of tissues improves.
  • Thermolifting is a radio wave method of hardware cosmetology. Radio waves contribute to the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin, tighten it, make it smoother and more elastic, reducing the growth of fatty tissues;
  • Ultrasonic lifting - the impact on the problem areas of the infraorbital region with ultrasound. One procedure is enough to achieve a uniform distribution of adipose tissue and reduce its concentration in one place. Thus, the bags under the eyes become invisible.
  • Fractional thermolysis - the effect on the hernia with the help of a laser, which helps to quickly reduce swelling and bulges on the surface of the skin.

How to remove hernias under the eyes with injections

Injection therapy methods are based on starting the body's natural production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. This, in turn, will contribute to an even distribution of adipose tissue and the disappearance of hernias under the eyes. The methods that allow you to get rid of bags under the eyes with the help of injections are as follows:

remove hernias under the eyes with injections

  • Plasmolifting - an injection of plasma that is released from the patient’s own blood. Platelet-rich biofluid promotes a natural facelift and a reduction in bulges under the eyes.
  • Mesotherapy - the introduction of vitamins and medicinal components into the infraorbital region.
  • Micro needle therapy - the method is to give skin cells a boost to produce their own collagen and elastin.

In those cases when cosmetology is powerless to cope with an existing problem, they turn to surgical methods.

Surgical method for getting rid of a hernia under the eyes

The only procedure that quickly and permanently helps to cope with body fat in the infraorbital region is blepharoplasty. This is the only method that allows you to completely remove the hernia under the eyes.

remove hernia under the eyes operation

The operation is performed in two ways:

  1. Traditional, when an incision is made using a scalpel along the natural fold of the eyelids. The recovery period after surgery is from one to two months.
  2. Transconjunctival blepharoplasty is a gentle operation in which adipose tissue is pulled by a medical needle through a puncture of the conjunctiva of the eye from the inside of the eyelid. There are no traces of such an operation at all.

Folk methods

Remove bags under the eyes at home using traditional medicine methods. All of them are absolutely painless and affordable for any person, but effective only with regular use. The first results can be noticed no earlier than a month after the start of the procedures. It is worth noting that alternative methods can be effective only if there is swelling under the eyes and small fat folds. Serious problems can only be solved by blepharoplasty.

you can remove the hernia under the eyes

How to remove a hernia under the eyes at home?

  • Using ordinary water and water treatments.
  • By making regular masks in the area of ​​the problem area.
  • With the help of improvised means. By applying cold spoons to the edema, you can tighten the skin around the eyes and improve blood circulation in this area.
  • Regular exercises and massage of the problem area.

You can start home treatment with the simplest methods.

Healing power of water

You can get rid of bags under the eyes with water as follows:

remove hernia under the eyes reviews

  1. Drink more. The problem of swelling of the infraorbital region is associated with fluid retention due to the high salt content in the body. Drinking water will help dilute the concentration of salt and remove it.
  2. Cold and hot shower. After a warm shower, pour cold water and sprinkle your face with ice. This helps to narrow blood vessels and relieve swelling.
  3. Ice cubes are good at reducing hernias under the eyes. How to remove puffiness in this case? Daily massage the problem area with ice cubes. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can freeze not water, but decoctions and infusions of herbs. For example, oak bark gives an excellent firming and tonic effect. Enough one teaspoon of dried bark pour a glass of boiling water and insist for two hours. Next, you need to pour the infusion into the molds and send it to the freezer for a while.

Effective Masks

One of the most effective masks against edema is considered potato. For its preparation, peeled and dried potato tuber is first grated. Then the resulting slurry is placed on a piece of gauze, and then put under the eyes for 15 minutes.

The second effective mask is made from chicken egg protein. First, it is whipped in a thick and lush foam, and then a couple of drops of liquid witch hazel extract is added, which, thanks to its astringent properties, promotes a natural skin tightening. Apply the mask to the face with a soft sponge, and wash off only after the protein has completely dried.

remove hernias under the eyes at home

Fresh cucumber, strawberries, aloe leaf juice and even tea bags will also help remove hernias under the eyes at home. The main advantage of these masks is that they are prepared instantly. It is enough to cut strawberries and cucumbers into slices and immediately attach them to the eyes for several minutes, the aloe leaf is also cut along the fibers, and the bagged tea is sent directly from the cup to the problem areas. Do not forget that the main thing in folk methods is the regularity of the procedure.

Eye muscle exercise

In combination with alternative methods of getting rid of hernias, it is recommended to carry out special exercises for the eye muscles. They should be carried out some time after washing off (removing) the mask.

By regularly performing massage and gymnastics of the eye and facial muscles, you can remove the hernia under the eyes without surgery.

how to remove a hernia under the eyes

Massage is performed after applying a moisturizer by tapping the fingertips along the massage lines. It is necessary to move from the inner corner of the eye along the upper eyelid and from the outer corner of the eye along the lower. Perform a massage until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin.

To strengthen the muscles around the eyes, such gymnastics will be useful:

  1. Perform eye movements from left to right, up and down, without raising eyebrows.
  2. Squeeze your eyes, count to 20, and then sharply open them without forming folds of skin on your forehead. Do up to 10 sets at a time.
  3. Perform a rotation of the eyes in a circle for 10 seconds.
  4. Alternate blinking movements of the eyes with wide openings of the eyelids, that is, combine exercise and relaxation in the exercise.

The benefits of these exercises are that you can perform them wherever you are.

How to more effectively remove a hernia under the eyes: reviews of people

Almost a quarter of women and men over the age of 40 have bags under the eyes. But the "first bells" in the form of slight puffiness in the morning appear already at the age of thirty. At this time, the most effective will be the home methods of getting rid of a hernia under the eyes. How to remove the bags, and which method is the most effective, can be found in reviews from real people.

Among the most effective home methods to combat edema, you can highlight cold spoons. Many people believe that this method is also very convenient, since the fight against swelling, as a rule, is carried out in the morning, immediately after waking up. To have a fresh and rested appearance at work, it is enough to put spoons for 15 minutes in the morning in the refrigerator, and then hold them under your eyes a little. Try, if you believe the reviews, the result will impress you.

Among the radical methods of combating hernias, transconjunctival blepharoplasty is considered the best. According to people who have tested the effectiveness of this method on themselves, getting rid of body fat is fast and almost painless. In the future, to prevent the appearance of puffiness, you can use gymnastics, which many also consider quite effective.

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