Elbow Tattoo: Pros, Cons, Features, Popular Sketches

Images on the skin near the elbow or directly on it appeared back in ancient Egypt. In those days, drawings were often applied in the form of a spiral, which was a kind of sign of philosophy. As you know, drawing in a spiral is more difficult to read, but decoding and understanding takes more time. And what kind of elbow tattoos are done in the modern world? Which ones are popular and which should be done with great care? We will understand today these questions and answer the most painful: "Does it hurt to make a tattoo on the elbows?"

elbow tattoo


This is perhaps the first thing that excites anyone who decides to get a tattoo. Recently, tattoos from the elbow to the brush or drawings directly on the elbow itself have become especially popular. Specialists, by the way, note that men wear these types of underwear. The fairer sex prefer other places for tattoos, believing that on the elbows the pictures do not look so aesthetically pleasing.


Any professional master in a tattoo salon, before applying the image to your skin forever, will ask if you know the meaning of the desired pattern. There are many examples when tattoos had to be deduced, since they carried a negative or directly opposite meaning intended by the owner.

For example, a tattoo on the elbows in the form of a web is very often done. In our country, this is a very popular tattoo among those who have been in prison. Each turn of such a network indicates a year spent in prison. Or another tattoo - a star. She also often appears on the elbows of the "sitters", moreover, crowned and respected.

tattoo from elbow to hand

But if you approach the choice of elbow tattoos on the other hand, then even “prison” tattoos, such as stars or cobwebs, can have a different meaning. For example, from the point of view of esotericism, the stars on the body are the desire for excellence, the ability to keep oneself in society, an indicator of egoism and narcissism.

But the web, which not everyone seeks to stab on his body in Russia, is very popular in Europe and America. Here it is not criminal symbolism, but an indicator of brutality, masculinity and stamina. Often a tattoo on the elbows in the form of a web appears among foreign bikers, rappers, fans of power sports.

Lettering and spirals

Most often, on the master’s table, sketching of elbow tattoos appears in the form of inscriptions. As we have said, they are difficult to read and most often are arranged in a spiral. Reading the text is thereby complicated, and the desire to better see the unusual drawing on the elbow increases.

Spiral can be not only texts, but also drawings. Such tattoos have a common meaning, are deciphered as a desire to hide the plan or a sign of wisdom and complexity of self-knowledge.

tattoo on the arm to the elbow


Each person chooses for himself “his” personal meaning for the tattoo. Tattoo on the elbows in the form of snails is very popular today. For some, they symbolize slowness and unwillingness to strive for something. For others, it is a symbol of fertility or a kind of amulet (you can hide in a snail's house in case of danger).

Most popular thumbnails

If you can’t decide which tattoo you want on your arm to the elbow or directly on it, we’ll give you examples of the most popular and often pricked images.

  • Of course, the stars, cobweb, compass, wind rose and horseshoes, which are represented by a talisman or symbol of protection, gained great popularity. Calm and confident men often prick a snake that wraps its tail around not only the elbow, but also part of the arm. A snake that bites itself by its tail symbolizes constancy, isolation and cyclicity.
    elbow tattoo
  • Among women's tattoos on the elbows, drawings in the form of flowers, inscriptions, feathers, unopened buds and hearts are in demand.
  • You can also highlight the tattoo in the form of ethnic symbols or Indian paintings.
  • If you are ready to take a hit in any situation or know exactly what you want to achieve in life, then for you a tattoo in the form of a target. The pursuit of a goal and the ability to achieve it by any means - the meaning of this picture.
    elbow tattoo designs

Features elbow tattoos. Does it hurt or not?

When applying a tattoo to the elbows, it is important to remember that this part of the human body is constantly in motion. The pattern should be selected so that its constant distortion does not spoil the overall picture and the impression of the tattoo as a whole. Experts advise to leave the central part alone and apply a picture along the edges. Another way is to paint over the entire central part (bone) of the elbow.

It is not recommended to apply difficult-to-perform images, pictures with numerous small details, long inscriptions. The beauty and importance of small details disappears.

As for the pain when applying a tattoo on the elbow, then experienced craftsmen compare it with a pattern on the knees. In both places, the skin is quite thin, and the bone is very close. But each person, as you know, has a different pain threshold. Yes, and the size of the tattoo, the feeling of pain will depend directly. Until you decide - you will not experience.

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