What to catch carp

Almost everyone knows that the catch of large crucian carp is a cherished desire of a large number of fishing enthusiasts. In this case, everyone chooses what to catch crucian carp. It can be a donka, and a fishing rod or summer mormyshka.

It is worth saying that this fish loves both plant nozzles and animal origin (maggot, worms, bloodworms, dragonfly larvae , etc.).

1. Vegetable nozzles (dough, cereals, cake, pasta, bread, etc.) are used by anglers quite often. Since fish is fastidious, food mixtures are often used, such as bread, potatoes and cereals.

Considering what to catch crucian carp using vegetable baits, it should be noted that the most common of them is a bread ball. Novice fishermen simply knead the bread in their hand and moisten it with water. And in order to squeeze it well, use gauze. Those who have more experience in fishing, season the bread with sunflower or linseed oil, adding vanilla and two drops of anise oil. Or, the boiled potato is mixed with boiled potatoes, the mixture thus obtained is kneaded to a homogeneous light yellow color. You can also mix in the pulp and honey gingerbread. To do this, it is pre-rubbed on a fine grater.

It should be noted that fish are hooked during the first movement of the float, since the nozzles of vegetable origin are quite soft and crucian carp quickly knocks them off the hook.

2. Considering what to catch crucian carp using baits of animal origin, it should be said that a so-called sandwich from several larvae of bloodworms (or an ordinary worm) and one maggot maggot gives a good bite. In this case, the latter should be fresh. Typically, such a nozzle takes a big fish. But each angler himself chooses and combines various attachments.

Consider what to fish for in the summer.

In the hot season, fish are caught on a fly or a small blacksmith. Such baits are most often used for fishing small and medium crucian carp. Also use the larvae of burdock moths, which are pre-bleached. To do this, the larvae are placed in gauze and lowered for several seconds in boiling water. Such a bait can be stored in a cold place for up to two weeks. Quite often, larvae of wasp, caddis, bark beetle or flour worm are often used .

In any case, it must be remembered that crucian carp is quite capricious and legible in food, so if the question arises about what is better to catch crucian carp, we can say that the use of maggots and bloodworms is considered to be the best option. At the same time, it is recommended that the first be pierced across not far from the head, in which case the larva will make natural movements, actively attracting crucian carp. The hook tip can be left open.

Bloodworms are recommended to attach one larva per hook so that its tip pierces the head, then the larva will remain alive.

In any case, regardless of the type of fishing tips, it is necessary to use bait. Here you need to remember that you can not allow overfeeding of fish, because otherwise it will not bite on the nozzle. As complementary foods, finely chopped maggots and worms are used, which are scattered near the place of fishing. But in reservoirs that have a muddy bottom, they are placed in special feeders.

Thus, having figured out what to fish for, it should be said that fishing is recommended at a certain distance from the reed, in the place of a sharp increase in depth. This is best done during warm rain, early in the morning or late in the evening. The fishing season for this species of fish begins in late April and ends in November. Adhering to certain rules and recommendations, you can get a good catch of crucian carp at any time of the year.

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