What relieves stomach pain and how to avoid it?

We all know the sharp pains in the stomach, sometimes arising from nowhere. Feelings of discomfort, bloating and so on are all extremely unpleasant, and sometimes unbearable feelings. In this article, we will tell you what relieves pain in the stomach, and also why it can hurt at all.

General information

that relieves stomach pain

To begin with, let's determine whether this has happened before. Is the pain temporary or recurring? If it comes to simple overeating or eating poor-quality food, then you can eliminate unpleasant symptoms on your own at home. But if pain tends to recur and systematically occur, then most likely we are talking about the manifestations of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. And in this case, self-medication can be dangerous. It is better to contact a specialist who will find out what causes these symptoms.

What relieves stomach pain

1. If we are talking about colic, spasms, then gastritis, an ulcer or colitis may be the fault. In this case, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to apply a heating pad with warm water to the abdomen. It will help relieve muscle cramps. In parallel with this, take any medication that has an antispasmodic effect, for example, No-shpa, Spazmalgin, etc.

2. What relieves pain in the stomach, if we are talking about increasing acidity, heartburn? First of all, drink a glass of boiled water, always warm, or a glass of fresh milk.

Quickly relieve stomach pain
Of the drugs you will need antacid drugs, for example, "Gastal", "Maalox" and so on.

3. Quickly relieve pain in the stomach, if it comes to simply overeating or eating too fatty foods, such drugs as Mezim, Festal will help. You can also dilute a spoonful of honey in a glass of warm water and add a few drops of lemon juice.


What relieves pain in the stomach, we already know, it is time to find out what is recommended to be done to prevent it:

  • eat right: the diet should include fruits and vegetables, meals should be regular, overeating should be avoided;
  • minimize the use of alcoholic beverages, if possible completely abandon smoking;
    stomach pain than relieve
  • constantly relieve emotional stress and avoid stresses that negatively affect both the digestive system and the body as a whole;
  • constantly monitor your weight: with a sharp set of masses, you need to reduce the amount of food consumed and exercise more often;
  • properly cook meat and fish, otherwise the microorganisms and bacteria found in these products can provoke pain in the stomach;
  • refuse to take drugs that irritate the gastric mucosa, these include, for example, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, etc.


In this article, we examined such a common phenomenon as stomach pain. How to remove it and how to avoid the appearance, you now know. We hope that these tips will be useful and help you get rid of discomfort. Be healthy!

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