Maternity hospital number 1 in Khabarovsk: reviews

Maternity hospital is a special hospital. Women come here with hope, awe and fear, and leave with the most expensive package in the world. Each of the maternity hospitals differs from the other in equipment, the date of completion of the overhaul, and the qualifications of doctors. Today it is customary to separate paid and free clinics. Moreover, the former is a priori a good attitude towards patients and a high level of service delivery, while the latter is the exact opposite. Whether it is so or not, let’s try to consider today with the example of the maternity hospital No. 1 of Khabarovsk.

1 maternity hospital Khabarovsk

general description

It is one of the oldest medical facilities in the city. About 2,800 babies are born here every year. Maternity hospital № 1 of Khabarovsk is rightfully proud of its many years of experience. Today, the clinic is equipped with the latest equipment.

It is noteworthy that the hospital № 1 of Khabarovsk is also a practice base for the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Professors and doctors of science regularly take part on duty, helping small Khabarovsk residents to be born. Of course, under their guidance the first baptism takes place and students. It is difficult to say that the state hospital № 1 of Khabarovsk may be inferior to private clinics in some ways. This is the largest obstetric institution in the region.


It is difficult to assume, but in addition to their main function, the staff of the maternity hospital No. 1 of Khabarovsk are engaged in the provision of other useful services. This is not just a clinic for obstetric care, but a whole complex where dozens of types of services are provided at the same time. Of these, we can distinguish:

  • The provision of inpatient, outpatient care.
  • Emergency medical care.
  • Entrepreneurial activity. Today, in addition to the list of free ones, the maternity hospital provides paid medical services.

In more detail, according to their list and cost, they will consult in the registry of the hospital.

1 maternity hospital Khabarovsk reviews

Maternity hospital structure

Maternity hospital No. 1 (Khabarovsk), whose address is Lenin, 67, is a complex that provides a full range of basic medical services for women. It includes:

  • Obstetric hospital.
  • Women's consultation.
  • Day Care Hospital.

The maternity hospital has modern diagnostic equipment. In addition, a friendly team of doctors works here, who every day are ready to fight for the life of the mother and newborn baby.


As a theater begins with a coat rack, so does a hospital with a front desk. The reception department in the hospital № 1 of Khabarovsk is very modern and convenient. Reviews emphasize that polite staff works here, it is pleasant to contact each of the employees. There are sofas for accompanying persons in the lobby. If you are giving birth, then at the front desk you need to take off your outer clothing and put on replaceable shoes. You should have all the documents that the employee will check with you. Next, a woman in labor is carried out to the san. hygiene.

infection in the 1st hospital of Khabarovsk

Department of Pregnancy Pathology

This is one of the largest branches in the city. People come here not only from the city, but also from all over the region. Every day about 25 women undergo examination, treatment and preparation for childbirth. Reviews emphasize that the department employs qualified obstetrician-gynecologists. On their account not a dozen saved lives. All doctors of the pathology department are on duty in the maternity ward, they operate. Patients remember the kind words of their doctors for their sensitivity, professionalism and kind attitude.

Maternity ward

Even after years, the memory of him will inspire nostalgia, because it is here that a woman hugs her child for the first time. The delivery room is equipped with modern equipment, comfortable beds. Here, women are under the supervision of an obstetrician and anesthetist. For two hours after delivery, medical staff will also be nearby. A newborn baby is immediately examined by a specialist neonatologist.

Partnership delivery is also the norm. A few decades ago, this question was practically not raised, relatives could only worry under the window of the hospital. But Western traditions have helped to understand that the presence of a partner helps a woman to calm down and concentrate, and also removes some of the responsibilities of medical personnel. A trained husband or girlfriend will constantly be next to a woman in labor, talk to her, do massage, and when the stage of childbirth comes, she will call a doctor.

Since the clinic has been operating for a long time, the issue of infection in the maternity hospital No. 1 of Khabarovsk is regularly raised in the press. The head physician responded to him quite extensively in an interview, providing an opinion of the SES, which regularly performs flushes and has no complaints about the rehabilitation of the medical unit. Of course, where microbes are regularly poisoned by all possible means, they become especially resistant. But this is a problem of any medical institution.

the child died in 1 hospital of Khabarovsk

Infant mortality

This question always excites moms who choose a maternity hospital for themselves. The appearance of man in the world is a complex process. Often there are complications that doctors have to solve on an emergency basis. However, the death of a child in maternity hospital No. 1 of Khabarovsk is quite possible, especially if the pregnancy was not going well. Today, there are many options for obstetric care, in particular, emergency cesarean section, which will help save the life of the crumbs. Thanks to the extensive experience of medical personnel and modern equipment, the likelihood of such incidents is minimized. The head doctor proudly declares that all the babies who were born here were discharged home.

But what about the sensational case that a child died in maternity hospital No. 1 of Khabarovsk? Studying materials, one can find an explanation that the event is not completely interpreted. The girl was discharged home, and died 16 days later. Kids under the age of one month remain assigned to the hospital in which they appeared, but they are monitored by the local pediatrician. In this case, a check showed that the infection got into the body outside the walls of the hospital. According to the crops, no bacteria were found in the walls of the maternity hospital. Of course, parents are easy to understand, and they want to find those responsible for the death of their crumbs. But you cannot blame the maternity hospital for everything.

The question was repeatedly raised why they closed the hospital number 1 in Khabarovsk. In connection with the investigation of the death of the baby, he was closed for reorganization. As part of its conduct, the necessary samples and flushes were taken, sanitary books of employees were checked, after which the institution was again ready to meet mothers and newborns.

death of a child in the hospital 1 Khabarovsk

Postpartum ward

Here the kids are with their mothers. The mothers are provided with qualified medical assistance, all conditions for a comfortable stay are provided. If the birth was difficult, then on the first day the baby is cared for by the medical staff so that the mother can rest and regain her strength.

In the wards of the postpartum unit there are no more than four women. The rooms are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay for mom and baby. On the floor there is a bathroom, shower bidet, showers. Five meals a day. Before discharge, a lecture on proper nutrition, personal hygiene, and contraception is given. A young mother can ask any question regarding the health status of the crumbs.

Department of Prenatal Diagnostics

Here, an examination of the mother and fetus is performed using diagnostic equipment. If necessary, a study of the abdominal cavity and kidneys. Doctors work closely with other departments of the hospital:

  • In the pathology department, the fetus is monitored.
  • In the birth block, incoming women in labor are examined, as well as the condition of the fetus is monitored during childbirth.
  • In the postpartum, the uterus is examined, neurosonography is performed.

Management spares no time and money in order to train its employees. Doctors constantly attend various seminars on the exchange of experience with colleagues, which allows you to maintain qualifications at the highest level.

1 maternity hospital doctors Khabarovsk

Department of Newborns

It is designed for 44 beds and is located on the 1st and 2nd floor. From the first days of life, doctors of the maternity hospital No. 1 of Khabarovsk support breastfeeding, which is extremely important for the growth and development of babies. It also vaccinates healthy children against hepatitis B, as well as tuberculosis. In children, blood is examined for congenital diseases, a screening is performed for hearing impairment. 24-hour monitoring of the condition of the babies is provided by neonatologists. They are the ones who meet the child in this world, examine and apply to the mother’s chest.

Paid services

Often young mothers are so worried about the upcoming birth that they want to prepare the most comfortable conditions. Today, within the framework of obstetric aid, it is possible to order a program on a paid basis, which includes a stay in a separate maternity room. The husband is present at the request of both spouses. A group of doctors is called for childbirth, which individually leads a woman in childbirth from the moment she arrives until the baby is born.

After childbirth, a separate ward “Mother and Child” is provided, in which relatives are allowed to visit from 16:00 to 19:00. The cost of the program is 41,700 rubles. If a planned cesarean is expected, then the operation costs 56,700 rubles. Judging by the reviews, the patients are very satisfied with this service. No need to worry and wait for the doctor to drop by. The obstetric team and the neonatologist are constantly on duty here.

maternity hospital 1 Khabarovsk address

Instead of a conclusion

Everyone has different impressions from visiting the maternity hospital. Someone writes that next time he will go here again, describes the high qualification of the doctors and the friendly attitude. Others, on the contrary, believe that they were treated badly, and childbirth is remembered as torture. Of course, the human factor cannot be ruled out, but most of the reviews still say that the service in the hospital is of good quality and the doctors are qualified. Here every day is filled with new events, the birth of babies, the first cries and the joy of mothers.

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