Choosing a motorcycle helmet

A helmet for a motorcycle is not only a beautiful outfit, but also a saved life in an unforeseen situation. A motorcycle is an object of increased danger for both the driver and his passenger. If you read the statistics, you can see that thanks to the helmet, a death was avoided in every third accident with the participation of a motorcycle. Having this simple device on your head, you can not only protect yourself from contact with debris, dirt, stones from under the tires of cars, but also protect yourself from colds.

motorcycle helmet

A modern motorcycle helmet is made of various materials and can be of various shapes. And if you add design refinements to this, then your head goes round when it comes time to choose this accessory.

First, consider what a helmet is for a motorcycle, and how models differ from each other.

Open helmets are the cheapest. They are used, as a rule, by drivers who are not very worried about their safety or are afraid of feelings of confined space. Other racers put on a helmet only for "excuse" before police officers. Motorcycle riders' open hats are also good for riding scooters.

Integrals are the most common type of helmet. Depending on the glazing, they are single-layer, two-layer and three-layer. They have various types of ventilation and breathing pads inside the helmet. Depending on the material, its thickness and shape, helmets have different weights.

motorcycle helmets prices

Cross-country helmets are designed primarily for off-road motorcycles. A feature of this species is the strongly extended chin. This model feature is able to protect the jaw when driving on the road and provides a good flow of air. When riding long distances such characteristics are especially useful.

Modular (flip-up) - a helmet that has the ability to become open from a closed structure. This is due to the ability of the protective glass to rise up. Thanks to the combined design of the product, you can feel the wind at a lower speed.

Helmets for motorcycles have different prices, and for production models, they start at two thousand and end with ten. Some new items reach 20 thousand rubles.

motorcycle helmet predator

The most exclusive helmet for a motorcycle is a “predator”. It is made by special order on the basis of one of the above types of helmets. With its modernization, the shape changes and coloring is carried out. Depending on the taste and state of mind, you can order a helmet in the form of a robot head from the movie "Star Wars", eggs (the painting "Aliens") or the heads of a mystical animal. Characteristic of the "predator" is the presence of transitional forms and patterns that are striking. For its individuality, this motorcycle helmet can also be called a work of art of our time.

Perfection, as we see, there is no limit. And today you can only in the most general terms guess what motorcycle helmets will be in the future.

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