Every experienced farmer knows that cattle need to be run before calving. But beginner breeders do not pay due attention to this aspect, as a result of which the productivity of the cow subsequently decreases markedly. This is due to the fact that childbirth has a positive effect not only on the amount of milk yield, but also on the health of the animal as a whole. In addition, if you have another calf, you can sell it or send it after a certain time for slaughter and provide yourself with meat. Let's try to figure out when and how to start a cow before calving, so that novice farmers can properly prepare a heifer and provide her with suitable conditions.
Care Rules
Let's dwell on this in more detail. Breeding cattle is a profitable, but rather troublesome process. In order for a cow to give a lot of high-quality milk, it is important for her to provide a balanced diet, as well as create good living conditions in a stable. Therefore, it is not enough just to have an idea of how to run a cow before calving. Care rules are an equally important aspect that should be given attention. Among the main recommendations of specialists, the following can be distinguished:
- Shortly before the expected calving, the animal must be placed in a separate utility room located in a quiet and peaceful place to protect the female from any stressful situations.
- The crib should be insulated, because even because of the small drafts, the cow can get sick. The floor is covered with a thick layer of straw, which is regularly changed. The room is periodically ventilated and cleaned.
- In the warm season, the animal should spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.
- Feeding is carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, all the rest of the time the chick uses young shoots of trees and fresh grass on the pasture. Fresh water is also required. How to run a cow before calving in winter? The process is practically no different from the similar process conducted in the summer, but some adjustments are made to the nutrition program. The diet should be more nutritious and balanced. The obligatory component is compound feeds, as well as fresh fruits, vegetables and root crops.
- Experts in the field of animal husbandry claim that it is better to transfer a pregnant cow to maintenance according to the daily routine. Eating, walking and milking should be carried out strictly according to schedule.
- If a pregnant heifer belongs to highly dairy breeds, then you need to milk it at least twice a day.
How to run a cow before calving, so that the birth is normal, and the productivity of the animal remains at a high level? Salt is added to the main food to normalize the water balance, and also give vitamin complexes to replenish the body's nutrient content.
Preparation period
So what do you need to know about this? Pregnancy in cows, as in humans, lasts 9 months. For this period to go well, every farmer must know how to properly run a cow before calving. Throughout the duration of the gestation of the calf, the female requires constant care. The breeder must monitor the health of his ward. Preparation of the animal for childbirth begins in about 15-20 days. The same amount of time will be required for the female to recover from childbirth. It was during this period that the cow's body was rebuilt and prepared to feed the offspring with milk. For high yields, a cow needs a high-quality diet.
What to do if calving failed
This aspect is worth exploring in the first place. When answering the question of how to run a cow before calving, it is very important to say a few words about the abscess. Very often, in the process of childbirth, the animal ruptures and damages the soft tissues, as a result of which a purulent process begins under the skin. In this case, you need to not only call the veterinarian, but also adjust the diet. Throughout the recovery period, the cow is given dry feed, such as animal feed, and ground cereal mixtures. Their daily rate is from 10 to 14 kg, depending on the type and individual characteristics of a particular cow. The amount of hay and straw is reduced to three kilograms. You can also give a little silo, legumes and premix. Particular attention should be paid to calcium-rich foods. They need to be temporarily excluded from the daily diet, or at least minimized, since an overabundance of this element can lead to the development of various complications and health problems.
If you don’t know how to run a cow before calving in winter, and you’ve never been raising livestock before, then immediately tune in to the fact that you will have to make a lot of effort. This is especially true for care and feeding. The thing is that the closer to childbirth, the worse the animal begins to eat. Therefore, you need to ensure that the feed is always fresh and looks attractive.
Cessation of milking
So, how many months before calving to run a cow? Specialists and experienced farmers say that giving birth takes away a lot of energy from a female, so she needs to be given a little rest in front of them. Milking is stopped after about a month and a half. If this is not done, then the animal may develop various health problems, and the offspring will be born weak. In order for the stock of vitamins, minerals and nutrients to accumulate in the body of the heifer, she needs to be given a little rest.
If you had no farm before and you do not know how many days to run a cow before calving, then it is better to consult with qualified specialists in the field of cattle breeding. Different breeds have certain characteristics, so care may have some differences. For example, highly dairy animals need a longer rest before giving birth than representatives of meat breeds. This is due to the fact that the restructuring of their body takes longer.
Launch options
Let's dwell on this aspect in more detail. You can prepare a heifer for the upcoming birth in different ways. If you have absolutely no idea how to properly launch a dairy cow before calving, then you can simply use ready-made technologies. To date, there are two main:
The first technique is the most common and is best suited for beginner farmers, as it is very simple. A gradual launch begins with changes to the daily diet of the animal. Juicy and concentrated feeds are excluded from the menu, and they begin to produce more hay. So that the burenka does not consume fresh meadow grass, its walking is stopped, and the duration of daylight hours is reduced to several hours. To improve health, salt and chalk are added to the food, while the amount of liquid is reduced.
How to run a cow before calving? In addition to the diet, the milking order is also undergoing changes. Milk is taken only once a day, taking into account the day of pregnancy according to the following scheme:
- on 1, 2, 5 and 8 in the morning;
- on 3, 4 and 6 - in the evening;
- at 7 do not milk.
Such a schedule will accelerate the process of restructuring the animal’s body for the upcoming birth. In this case, the size of the udder will decrease markedly, as well as the amount of milk. If you notice these signs, then you have done everything correctly, and calving will be successful. When do I need to run a cow before calving according to this scheme? As a rule, preparation begins in 1-2 months, but, as mentioned earlier, everything here depends on the particular breed.
As for the forced launch, it is used in the case of young cows that have not yet calved. Also, the technique has shown its effectiveness in breeding highly productive breeds. It is based on the use of medications. The most common are the following:
- Mastometrine.
- "Nafpenzal DC".
- "Orbenin EDC".
- "Brovamast".
If you plan to give any of the above funds, then the animal is transferred to solid dry food. This is very important, because without them, the launch may not work correctly.
Placentation in cows
What you need to know about this? If the fertilization of the female was successful, then approximately 18-27 days later they have a placenta. She acts as a link between the mother and the fetus. It is through it that oxygen and nutrients enter the embryo. In addition, the placenta also performs protective functions. If you know how to run a cow before calving, the preparation will not take much time and effort, and the placentation process will be faster. In most cases, it lasts 50 days, but if the animal receives malnutrition, it may take longer to form the placenta, which will adversely affect the development of the fetus.
To find out when to run a cow before calving, the breeder must keep a special diary throughout pregnancy. It records the start date of the deadwood, which is the starting point from which the start of the preparatory period is calculated. It will also allow you to determine when approximately the long-awaited day should come when the calf will be born.
As the fetus develops in the female’s womb, her appearance will change. The first months of any changes will not be noticeable, but in the later stages you can guess about the upcoming birth even with the naked eye. The animal will increase in size, as it will gain at least 50 kilograms in body weight. Because of this, the female will move less and lie more and get tired faster. In addition, her pelvic bones expand, making the heifer look like a barrel.
Signs of Upcoming Birth
This aspect should be given special significance. It was described above how to run a cow before calving. The first signs of future birth will allow preparing an animal for this difficult process, due to which childbirth will pass quickly and simply. The owner must constantly monitor the ward, who will soon become a mother.
The following symptoms deserve special attention:
- The female behavioral factors change, she tries to stay apart from the rest of the livestock and does not allow anyone to come to her.
- Milk secret emerges from the udder.
- The chick picks up straw for itself, so that it is softer and more comfortable to lie.
- Swollen and becomes a reddish vulva.
- From the genitals, mucus of a thick and viscous consistency is secreted.
- Ligaments of the anus relax.
- The back bends a little, and the cow constantly steps over from one hind leg to another and lingers long.
If you began to notice all the signs listed above, this means that childbirth should begin soon. If you properly prepare the animal, everything will go fine. Like humans, as well as other animals, the physiological process begins with labor. Then the cervix opens and tense muscle contractions occur. With this, the cow's body is trying to push out a fully matured and formed calf.
The female will not be able to calve herself, she needs the help of a farmer. The whole process can last from 20 minutes to an hour. The calf steps forward, for which the owner should pull it slightly. As soon as the calving is completed, the cow can independently rise to its feet and lick its baby. A few hours after this comes the last.
Cesarean section
It was described above how to run a cow before calving. If you stick to the described technology, the process will go well. However, in some cases, calving may not go as it should, so surgery may be required - cesarean section. For example, a similar need arises if the heifer has problems with the anatomical structure of the pelvis, due to which the fetus cannot go outside. Another common situation is the very large size of the fetus. Regardless of the reason, it is impossible to independently perform this surgery, so it is best to call a veterinarian in advance, who will be present throughout the calving.
The specialist will fix the animal. If the cow cannot give birth on its own, they are given anesthetic, after which an incision of the right size is made on its side and the fetus is removed. When the delivery is completed, the wound is disinfected and stitches are applied. Caesarean section does not pose any danger to the health and life of a cow, however, only a qualified specialist with extensive experience should carry out the operation.
Caring for a female after childbirth
You already know how to start a cow before calving and when to start the preparation process. But you also need to understand that childbirth is a very serious process that takes away a lot of energy from the animal and leads to stretching and rupture of the soft tissues, so after it the animal needs to be restored, rested and thoroughly cared for. For one month after calving, the cow is provided with a balanced and high-quality diet rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Dry feed should prevail in it, the amount of which gradually decreases, and the burenka is transferred to the usual nutrition program. This is necessary in order to maintain high milk yield. After about 7-10 days, the colostrum disappears, the cow begins to give normal quality milk.
As mentioned earlier, calving is a complex process that requires a serious approach. How it goes depends not only on the condition and age of the animal, but also on the farmer himself. Pregnant cows need constant care and good nutrition, as the developing fetus takes away almost all vitamins and nutrients from the mother. Therefore, so that everything goes well, and the calf is born strong and healthy, the female must be prepared in advance for calving. How to start a burenka, you already know. Just stick to the general tips and tricks presented in this article, and you will certainly succeed.