Hygiene of hearing. Hearing hygiene

Hearing hygiene is the observance of certain rules, due to which the negative impact of external factors on the human body is significantly reduced. Thanks to these principles, the development of ear diseases can be prevented. Today we learn about the elementary rules for caring for the organ of perception of sound vibrations in children and adults.

hearing hygiene

Children's hearing hygiene: simple requirements

Parents should teach their baby from an early age to monitor their ears, and how this is done, read below:

  1. The child is required to rinse the auricle daily.
  2. It is necessary to monitor the purity of the organ of perception of sound vibrations.
  3. Mom or dad are required to remove the discharge, if any.

These are the basic and key requirements that must be strictly observed.

hearing hygiene

Earwax: how to clean it?

Hearing hygiene should begin with daily washing of the ears. On the external acoustic passage, which goes from the auricular shell to the eardrum, sulfur is often released. Its accumulation can lead to obstruction of the external opening and hearing impairment. It is necessary to clean the ears in time with water and ordinary toilet soap. The main thing when doing this event is not to overdo it. Many people believe that the more often and more thoroughly clean your ears, the better. However, this is not at all true. The fact is that sulfur, as some people believe, is not dirt at all. It is designed to clean the air entering the ear (for example, on a dusty road), to combat microbes, therefore, it is not necessary to scrap it too carefully. As a result of such a rigorous procedure called “hearing hygiene”, the sulfur mass can be pushed closer to the eardrum, its further compression and, as a result, the formation of traffic jams. And this is already a serious phenomenon, since if such a cluster is not eliminated, then this may lead to a decrease in the severity of the organ of perception of sound vibrations.

In addition to ordinary water and soap, you can wash your ears with a 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide. But picking them with matches, pins, pencils or other objects is strictly prohibited, since you can damage the eardrum.

The effect of nasal breathing

Of particular importance for hearing protection is healthy respiration through the sense of smell. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat can cause the tube in the ear to fill with mucus. In this case, a person may experience a feeling of stuffiness in the organ of perception of sound vibrations. It is forbidden to blow your nose at the same time with both nostrils, you need to do this alternately: first close one wing of the nose and release mucus from the other, and then do the same with the other half. Also, it is impossible to purify the organ of olfaction too much of mucus when a person has a runny nose. Otherwise, inflammation from the nose can go to the ears.

Noise exposure

Despite the fact that hearing hygiene is a complex of important measures, other care is also necessary, on which the ability to perceive sounds also directly depends.

hearing hygiene pictures

Great harm to human health is caused by strong noises that negatively affect the body. They can lead not only to weakening of the hearing or its complete loss, but also to a decrease in the working capacity of the whole organism. To combat industrial noise, it is important to always use protective equipment - ear plugs, sound-absorbing materials and others.

Also on the streets of the city you can meet a lot of people with headphones, in these devices music is heard even by citizens passing by. But such practice leads to the appearance of neuritis, and this, unfortunately, happens very often. Therefore, it is advisable not to use headphones or listen to music quietly in them.

hearing hygiene in children

In winter, put on a hat, and pierce your ears with a specialist!

Hygiene of the organs of hearing is also in the correct conduct of the piercing procedure. Such an event as piercing seems to be no danger. However, mothers who want to put earrings on their little princess need to know that there are a large number of points connected to different internal organs on the auricle. Therefore, even this simple procedure should be carried out by a specialist who knows where to specifically puncture, so as not to harm a person.

Hygiene of the child’s hearing has another important side - you need to protect the baby’s head from winter frosts. Since walking in a cold season without a headgear or wearing a light cap can lead to hypothermia of this part of the body in which the brain is located, and, as a result, an inflammatory process in the ears can develop.

The effect of water on the organ of perception of sound signals

Hearing hygiene is preventive measures not only to protect the ears from infections and harmful effects, but also to protect them from water. Fluid in the organ of sound perception is a fairly common problem. If water gets into the ears of a person, they may experience a feeling of congestion, their hearing may deteriorate, and even painful sensations may appear. In general, the liquid itself is safe, because due to the eardrum, it is not able to get inside. However, cooled water can freeze the hearing organ and even cause inflammation.

vision and hearing hygiene

This problem can be prevented if, before going to the pool or the beach, grease the ear canal with Vaseline.

If, nevertheless, the water got into your ears, then you can use an easy and effective way to extract it from there: you need to take a strong breath, then pinch your nose with your fingers and, without opening your mouth, exhale. The pressure obtained inside will push out excess fluid. The second way: a person should lie on his back, and then smoothly turn his head towards the sick ear. After that, water should pour out of it.

Principles for maintaining excellent hearing

In order for a person at 20 and at 50 to hear the same, it is necessary to remember elementary principles:

1. You can’t listen to music loudly. Severe irritation overwhelms the auditory receptor. The eardrum loses its elasticity over time, and the organ of perception of sound signals performs its functions not at the same level as before.

2. It is necessary to treat a runny nose in time, since the infection at the time of withdrawal of mucus from the nose can penetrate through the auditory tube into the tympanic cavity.

3. It is necessary to properly and timely clean the ears of excess sulfur, as its accumulation leads to a weakening of the perception of sound signals.

4. Avoid places with high noise concentration.

5. At the first signs of ear inflammation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Hearing hygiene, pictures on the topic of which are posted in this article, is aimed at preventing a decrease in its severity, as well as the development of dangerous diseases.

baby hearing hygiene

A set of measures to prevent the development of eye diseases

A person receives most of the information flow through the ears and eyes. That is why, in order to maintain the excellent health of these organs, it is important to observe the set of necessary preventive measures. Hygiene of vision and hearing - measures with which you can forget about diseases of the eyes and ears. The following recommendations must be strictly observed in order to maintain a clear view for yourself and your child:

  1. It is forbidden to watch TV for a long time.
  2. During work at the computer, you need to perform special exercises for the eyes, take breaks.
  3. It is necessary to protect the organ of vision from excessively bright light.
  4. It is forbidden to read in a dark room, lighting should be normal.
  5. Watching TV is best in a sitting position rather than lying down.
  6. For excellent visual acuity, proper nutrition plays an important role. The daily diet should definitely include fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, juices.
  7. If your eyes are tired, you need to make compresses or lotions from decoctions of herbs.

Now you know what hearing hygiene is in a person. This is constant care for the organ of perception of sound vibrations (washing, timely and proper cleaning), protecting your ears from the cold, excessive noise. A timely visit to the doctor in case of any infectious disease will lead to the fact that a person even at 50 will hear perfectly.

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