Is it possible to lose weight and tighten muscles with the help of yoga?

Yoga is one of the oldest teachings in the world. Researchers have repeatedly found images of people in typical yoga poses when excavating cultures that existed millennia ago. Yoga is not just a way of physical activity, it is a method of cognition of the world, which allows you to develop the mental, ethical and physical spheres of human life. This is done in the name of health, which, as you know, cannot be considered only from a physical point of view.

Is it possible to lose weight with the help of yoga

Many people wonder whether it is possible to lose weight through yoga. We’ll talk about this today.

Is it possible to lose weight with the help of yoga?

Definitely yes! But choosing yoga for weight loss, you should not approach it as a simple loss of extra pounds. Overweight will only go away if you heal the body, clean it of toxins, organize the work of all internal organs and, finally, achieve harmony between the body and spirit. Losing weight in yoga is not achieved through physical training, but through an integrated approach to a healthy lifestyle. A slender, toned body is not the goal of yoga, but only one of the indicators of a healthy person.

How to lose weight with yoga?

With the question of whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of yoga, we have already figured out, now we will find out how to do it. Permanent yoga classes help to reduce the stress hormone in the body and increase the secretion of insulin. This leads to the fact that the body does not postpone food in the form of fat deposits, but spends it as fuel. Adherents of yoga carefully compose their diet, exclude fatty and unnatural food from it, and, if necessary, do cleansing procedures.

is it possible to lose weight with yoga reviews

If you decide to go in such a way to improve your body and life in general, like yoga, then remember that such exercises require consistency, patience and full awareness of their actions. Ideally, for the first lessons you need to find an experienced coach. He will tell you how to lose weight with the help of yoga as beneficial for your body as possible.

Anyone who has bought a diploma, but in practice there are only a few professionals, can call themselves a coach and mentor. Do not worry about this. You can find out the real level of a trainer literally at the first training session by evaluating his methodology and realizing that losing weight is not only physical activity, but also consciousness training and proper nutrition. To see your first successes, you need to follow the clear rules and principles of yoga for several months. And these results will be lasting, as well as your attitude and well-being. No diet gives such an effect.


Before you start classes, the trainer will tell you about contraindications without fail. The opinion that yoga is suitable for people of any age and level of health that exists in society is completely wrong. Therefore, before starting classes, if you are not confident in your health, it is better to consult not only with a trainer, but also with a doctor.

is it possible to lose weight through yoga

In general, yoga is contraindicated in people with:

  • sciatica
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • blood problems
  • oncology;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis
  • cardiopathy.

Features of yoga loads

In yoga, a complex load is provided for all muscle groups, in contrast to classical strength or aerobic exercises. It is based on the principle of isometric loading - the muscles of the body are tensed, but there is no significant change in their shape and movements in the joints. Exercises are combined with a specific breathing technique that speeds up the metabolic processes in the body.

Varieties of yoga

There are quite a few types of yoga. The classic versions are Hatha Yoga and Kundalini Yoga. When these complexes were combined and partially diluted with modern methods for losing weight, such directions as Ashtanga Yoga, Bikram Yoga and power yoga appeared.

Is it possible to lose weight and tighten muscles with the help of yoga

It is these three types that are most effective for losing weight. Those who decide to lose weight with the help of yoga can choose for themselves the most liked and suitable complex. Let's talk about each of them separately.

Ashtanga Yoga

This is the most dynamic variation of yoga. It is suitable for those who have good physical fitness and endurance, but are looking for the answer to the question of whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of yoga. Asanas (static position of the body) here change quite quickly, in a clear sequence. Between them are vinyasas - ligaments. The first complex of Ashtanga Yoga is 90 asanas, in each of which you need to stay from 0.5 to 2 minutes. 70% of the complex is a static exercise. The rest are dynamic.

Power yoga

This kind of yoga is suitable for those who are interested in whether it is possible to lose weight and tighten muscles with the help of yoga. Here, the asanas used in Ashtanga Yoga are combined with aerobics. Instead of pauses, stretching is done, which is necessary to remove lactic acid from the muscles, and breathing exercises. Power yoga can not only lose weight, but also build muscle. However, it is suitable even for those who have not previously encountered such a teaching.

Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga is perhaps the most exotic variety. The fact is that it requires the creation of Indian climatic conditions. The classroom should have at least 40 degrees of heat and 40% humidity. The essence of training is profuse sweating, which relieves the body of toxins and excess moisture.

how to lose weight with yoga

Bikram Yoga complex includes 26 classical asanas and breathing exercises. This type of exercise helps burn body fat better than others. Therefore, it is suitable for those who want to intensively lose weight through yoga. People suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system or lungs, before starting to engage in Bikram yoga, must consult with a doctor.

How to do it?

Yoga exercises are performed several times a week. Those who can not or do not want to engage with a mentor can do everything on their own at home. All the necessary information is easy to find.

In home training, there are both advantages and disadvantages. The pluses include a free schedule and the absence of the need for special clothes and equipment. Light cotton clothing and a simple rug are enough for home workouts.

The main disadvantage of self-study is that they are usually less effective. The thing is that it will be quite difficult for an inexperienced person to choose the optimal program and load level for himself, as well as master some exercises. Therefore, experts recommend at least at first to engage with a trainer. Having mastered the necessary techniques and learning how to feel your body, you can safely proceed to homework without worrying about your health.

how to lose weight with yoga

Class Rules:

  • Before proceeding to the training complex, it is imperative to ventilate the room.
  • Exercise must be done on the mat.
  • It is best to practice either in the early morning or in the evening before going to bed.
  • You only need to breathe through your nose.
  • You must not eat at least three hours before training.
  • During training, you can not unduly strain the muscles, allowing pain.
  • The principle of mastering techniques is β€œfrom simple to complex”.

Is it possible to lose weight with the help of yoga: reviews

Reviews show that yoga is the most favorable way to lose weight for the body. Many people include it in more active sets of exercises: swimming, running, step aerobics, dancing and others. Such a synthesis will bring nothing but a positive effect. But people who do yoga, think first of all not about weight loss, but about gaining physical and spiritual health in general.

lose weight with yoga

If you will be engaged in just for this purpose, you will receive as a reward not only a toned body, but also excellent well-being, as well as a positive worldview.


Today we learned whether it is possible to lose weight with the help of yoga. If a person does not change his diet to a lower-calorie and healthy one, then it is impossible. Is it possible to lose weight through yoga if you do not want to redirect your thoughts and spirit? Also no! Therefore, before embarking on yoga, think about whether you are ready to deal with yourself comprehensively. And if you take this path consciously, then a positive result will not be long in coming.

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