In the modern world , punctuation marks sometimes recede into the background. Corresponding to relatives and friends on the phone or computer, people not only ignore the punctuation marks inside the phrase, but also do without them at the end of the sentence. Perhaps the lack of time affects, or you want to save (if the funds are withdrawn for each character). But sooner or later there is a need to return to the world of literate Russian language. Pauses, emotions, the meaning of the sentence cannot be expressed without punctuation. For their correct formulation requires certain knowledge.
What are punkograms? The first part of this word is translated from Latin as “dot”, “sign”, and from Greek “gram” - “letter”, “inscription”. So, literally, the term can be translated by the phrase "inscribed sign." In punctuation, a grammar section, this term refers to the rules for setting or missing punctuation marks. To understand what punctograms are, it is necessary to distinguish between the areas of use of characters used in punctuation.
Punctuation marks
The first paragraph of the Russian language is the punctuation mark, placed at the end of the sentence. Here you can put an end to, question and exclamation marks, ellipsis. Which symbol appears at the end depends on the purpose of the statement. According to the chosen punctuation mark, sentences are divided into three groups (narrative, incentive, exclamation).
With the help of interrogative sentences you can get the necessary information: “Is it cold outside?”, “Is it raining?”, “To take an umbrella?”, “Wear boots?”.
They are pronounced with increasing tone at the end of the sentence and most often end with a question mark.
At the end of narrative sentences that transmit information that is not associated with strong emotions, a dot or ellipsis (in case of understatement) is put: “The sun is shining on the street”. Phrases designed to convey emotions and feelings end with an exclamation mark: "How good is around!"
In incentive sentences they express a request, demand, force one to do something: "Get up," "Go straight," "Turn left," "Look up." It is also possible to put an exclamation mark here.
In order to emphasize the speaker’s emotions, at the end two signs can be put at the same time: “You have not left yet !?”.
Signs of separation
Separation signs (comma, dash, colon, semicolon) will help to better understand what pointograms are:
Special techniques for filling out proposals containing the enumeration: “It's nice to swim at sea, sunbathe and play outdoor games.”
Differentiation of simple sentences, united in a single whole: “On the first day the weather was good, then the wind blew, a blizzard broke out.”
- Dash between predicate members (subject and predicate): "Wind is a natural phenomenon."
Highlights (commas, brackets, dashes, colons, quotation marks) show other examples of punctograms and perform the following functions:
Separation of definitions, circumstances, additions, applications, clarifying units and structures: “Tomorrow, at 9.00, we will go to enjoy the beauty of the river, gently blowing our waves into the boundless sea.”
Highlighting of introductory words, phrases, sentences, plug-in and clarifying constructions: "Probably tomorrow will be bad weather."
Punctuation in sentences with the address: "Nikita, wash the dishes, take out the trash and wait for me at the store."
- Punctuation on the proposal letter with someone else's speech: "He said that tomorrow it would be cold."
It is impossible to ignore the punctuation marks, because not a single emoticon can convey the emotions of oral speech in a letter so that they are understandable to all people who speak Russian. What is a pointogram you need to know along with spelling in order to learn how to properly draw up your thoughts in writing.