09g2s 12: decoding of the steel grade, parameters

In order to understand what any steel is, you need to understand its marking. Decoding 09G2S 12 brands is quite simple, it can be easily dealt with. The alloy itself is excellent for use in the construction industry, as well as in the industrial. Since these two areas are developed quite strongly, the alloy is used very often.

steel grade 09g2s 12 decoding

General information

Decoding 092 12 of steel marking is presented below:

  1. The first two digits, in this case 09, indicate the quantitative carbon content in the composition. In this case, it will be 0.09% percent.
  2. As for the next part of the labeling - G2, this is an indication of the content of a substance such as manganese, as well as its amount equal to about two percent. To be precise, this value ranges from 1.3 to 2%.
  3. The final labeling element, C, indicates that the composition contains silicon. The absence of numbers immediately after the letter indicates that this substance contains less than 1%.

It is worth adding that this procedure is the same for all types of alloys, including 092 12. Deciphering the designation helps to understand which substances form the basis of the structure. One can only add that the elements listed here are not a complete list. The composition includes several more alloying substances, such as nickel, sulfur, phosphorus, chromium, for example, and others. However, their content is small. All these additional components will total about 1-2%.

Other material parameters

For steel 09G2S 12, the decoding of the marking contains a description of only the alloying components and their quantity. However, there are other important factors besides alloying that are worth considering.

  • steel constructivity or its purpose in other words;
  • eutectoid material;
  • manufacturing methods;
  • chemical composition is also quite important.

This is an incomplete list of other characteristics that are as important for steel as the level of alloying. If the decoding 092 12 of the designation is correctly carried out, then according to the data obtained, and more precisely by the amount of chromium, it can be understood that the product belongs to the low-alloy class. Another important fact that relates to labeling is the designation of the material in different industries. For example, in the construction business, alloy 09G2S is designated as C345. Quite often, in such cases, many questions arise among unknowing people. The thing is that for builders, marking from the point of view of alloying is not important. They mark such alloys by their yield strength, which in this case is 345.

Large diameter steel pipes

Alloy Critical Points

Today, the decoding of the 09G2S 12 steel grade carries not too much information. This is argued by the fact that in addition to the composition and alloying elements included in it, there are other factors. For example, the chemical composition is very important. There are other specific parameters that are important to keep in mind.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that this alloy has several critical points.

  1. The first point is denoted by Ac1 and is equal to 732. This is the mark at which austenite will turn into perlite during cooling.
  2. The second point is designated as Ac3, or Acm. In this case, it is equal to 870. This is the end point of the end of the dissolution of cementite. The letter c in this case is a designation of heating.
  3. Ar3 (Arcm) = 854. In this case, this cooling point, which is indicated by the letter r, means the moment of the onset of release of a substance such as Fe3C.
  4. Ar1 = 680. At this point, the steel goes into the category of hypereutectoid and the ferrite is released.

It is worth adding that the numbers 1 and 3 in this case are marks on the graphs. And marks like cm are a designation of hypereutectoid steel.

steel products 09g2s

Mechanical characteristics

In addition to alloying and chemical composition, there are other important parameters characterizing the alloy. For example, it may be easy weldability of the metal. Typically, manual or automatic submerged arc welding using gas shielding is used for this operation. It is worth noting that this alloy is not amenable to welding only if it has undergone chemical-thermal treatment.

As for the mechanical parameters for 092 12 according to GOST, then in this document all values ​​are presented while the steel was at room temperature. There are a lot of them, but several basic ones need to be highlighted.

  • such a parameter as the yield strength during permanent deformation, measured in MPa, is very important;
  • there are also parameters called elongation values, which are formed during rupture or narrowing;
  • during loading, one of the main parameters for steel is impact strength;
  • Brinell hardness, measured in HB.
steel production

Strength classes according to GOST

As for the strength class of steel 09G2S 12, it is described in GOST with the number 19281-2014. A distinctive feature is that steels with different characteristics can be included in one strength class. It is understood that even alloys made by a different method and having different characteristics can still belong to the same strength class. This is clearly seen in the example with alloys 09G2S 12 and C345, for example. You can also add that this GOST describes the types of metal. It can be high-quality, round or shaped for 092. You can also make a profile of a broadband type from them, which have a certain thickness of the product.

Sheet steel

Description of characteristics

There are a few more characteristics that you should pay attention to. One of them is density. For this alloy grade, the numerical value is in the range of 7800 kg / m 3 . It is worth noting here that with the help of alloying elements it is possible to both increase and decrease this indicator. If it is necessary to increase, then it is worth adding tungsten, if it is necessary to reduce, then cobalt, nickel or copper can be added to the composition.

Another parameter is hardness. This characteristic can be determined by several types at once. This may be the scale of Brinell, Rockwell, Vickers, etc. The choice of a suitable calculation system is usually selected based on what type of material needs to be characterized. In addition, it is very important when you need to choose the right type of welding, since the hardness of the steel at the seam should be very high.

Additional stiffness pipe

Alloy application

This steel grade has its main purpose - it is rolled sheet and shaped type. It is important to note here that hot-rolled strips are made according to state document number 103-2006, but steel circles, for example, are produced according to GOST 2590-2006.

As mentioned earlier, this material lends itself to welding, and other characteristics, which were also presented, became the basis in order to achieve high wear resistance. Due to this, 09G2S steel can be used for the manufacture of such parts as beams, channels and angles. The combination of characteristics of this material allows its use in the construction of vehicles. It is widely used in the chemical industry, as well as in the oil industry. Another useful feature is the ability to not lose their properties at high temperatures, which greatly expands the range of application of the alloy.

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