Determinant tomatoes - what does it mean?

In large supermarkets, tomatoes are beautifully packaged and must have a brief description containing information about determinant and indeterminate tomatoes. This information is misleading to many buyers because they do not know what it is. This article will help you figure this out.

Determinant tomato variety: what is it?

This concept means that the growth of tomato bushes is limited. If one speaks of an indeterminate plant, they mean that it is not limited in growth. Determinant tomatoes are characterized by the formation of an ovary at the very end of the shoot, after which its growth stops. But the development of the fruit continues on the strong stepsons that grow from the axils of the leaves. The indeterminate species has no limitation. The top of the central shoot continues to grow. A flower brush cannot limit it to this.

Determinant Tomatoes

What is the difference between two types of tomatoes?

What does it mean, determinant tomatoes, we have already figured out. But how to distinguish them from indeterminate ones? This can be done before the formation of flowers and fruits in plants. After the appearance of the first shoots, you need to wait until the cotyledonary knees will straighten. By their length you can find out which tomatoes are determinant. This will happen in about four days. In varieties of tomatoes of this species, the knee length will be one to three cm, in the other - three to five. But under the condition of insufficient lighting, the seedlings will be strongly extended upwards, then it is difficult to determine the type of future plant.

This can be done when the first flower brushes begin to be tied. In determinant tomatoes, the formation of the first ovaries occurs at the level of six to seven true leaves and below, in another type, after eight to nine. If the plants were planted a long time ago, they managed to grow up and several brushes with fruits formed on them, it is almost impossible to determine the type of plant, since it is not known how many leaves there were before the formation of the first ovaries, since when planting seedlings, its stems very often go too deep.

Which tomatoes are determinant

Types of Determinant Tomatoes

Depending on what type tomatoes are, they are recommended to be grown in open soil or in a greenhouse. The belonging of a culture to one or another species affects the yield. Determinant tomatoes are:

  • superdeterminant;
  • determinant;
  • semi-determinant;
  • standardized.

Superdeterminant Tomatoes

In such plants, the first inflorescences on the main shoot are located above the seventh or eighth leaf. As soon as two or three inflorescences form, the bush stops growing. In this regard, tomatoes have low yields. But they ripen very early, for this tomato needs only 50-60 days. The advantage is resistance to diseases of the species and simultaneous fruiting.

Determinant Type Tomatoes

The culture is characterized by a small height of the bush, about 70 cm. The formation of the first inflorescences occurs on the main shoot above the eighth or ninth leaf. In the future, the bookmark of the brushes occurs through two sheets. Plants complete their growth after they form about five brushes, so the yield is higher than that of the previous species.

Determinant tomatoes are considered the most common among vegetable growers, any conditions are suitable for growth. In regions with a temperate climate, it is recommended to grow them in open soil, in cold areas - in greenhouses. Low-growing bushes of some varieties of this species also need to be planted and tied. This is primarily necessary so that the garden economy looks neat.

Semi-determinant tomatoes

The formation of the first inflorescences occurs above 10-12 leaves, but they are formed on the main shoot and several lateral. Ripening of tomatoes occurs late, fruiting is extended in time. Tomatoes can be harvested throughout the growing season.

Determinant tomato variety what is it

This species is distinguished by stunted bushes, the height of which barely reaches 30 cm. It is grown mainly as a potted culture on the windowsills of apartments. Such tomatoes are adapted to home conditions, show good fruiting, yield high yields of both small and large tomatoes with excellent taste.

The main feature of this type of tomato is that the main crop has time to ripen before most diseases enter the stage of the active phase of development. The greatest danger to tomatoes is late blight. He is able to destroy the plant completely.

Standard varieties

This crop is a variety of determinant tomatoes and is suitable for busy summer residents, as it does not need special care. Tomatoes have a developed bush and a powerful stem. This is a feature of standard tomatoes. They are grown on an industrial scale for the purpose of processing and marketing to the public. To do this, use large areas and attract many vegetable growers. Plants do not need to be tied up, as their thick stem is able to withstand many fruits. Harvest can be harvested after 75 days, by this time the tomatoes are fully ripe.

Indeterminate Tomatoes

Their growth should be limited, since the plants have a large height. If not done, they can grow up to four meters. Given that the Siberian region is characterized by a short summer, plants above two meters in height simply do not have time to stretch, so at this level their tops should be removed. For this type of tomato, the southern regions of the country are more suitable.

Tomatoes indeterminate and determinant

Advantages of tomatoes

The positive characteristics of the determinant varieties include:

  • Early ripening of fruits, which occurs before various diseases begin to spread massively. Tomatoes do not have time to marvel at them.
  • Early harvest.
  • Friendly ripening of fruits due to the simultaneous tying of several brushes.

Disadvantages of the species

Determinant tomatoes are popular among gardeners, but they also have negative characteristics:

  • Low yields due to limited bush growth, as the formation of new ovaries ceases.
  • Frequent brush formation requires more nutrients, which constantly feed the plants.
  • Due to the limitation of plant growth by peduncles, many stepsons are formed on which ovaries form. The plant, due to its small growth, does not withstand such a load; shoots can break. To prevent this, stepchildren should be removed periodically.
  • Determinant-type tomatoes are loaded with a large number of ovaries, the bushes are thickened, and this can lead to the spread of fungal infection.

Determinant tomato varieties for greenhouses

Tomatoes of this species do not differ in high productivity, therefore, most often they are used for growing low greenhouses or high greenhouses, where the roof level is significantly reduced. But in this case, they should be placed around the perimeter, since indeterminate tomatoes are planted in the center, the crop of which has been harvested for several months. Examples of determinant tomatoes in a greenhouse are presented below.

Determinant tomatoes in the greenhouse

Bourgeois F 1

This hybrid is the result of the work of breeders from Odessa. For cultivation, the south of the country and the middle lane are suitable. It grows well in a greenhouse and open soil. For full ripening, 105 days are enough. The bushes are tall, from 80 to 120 cm. In the south, their height can reach one and a half meters.

The fruits of the first harvest are the largest, their weight is 400 g, although the average weight is 200 g. They have a good ratio of sugar to acid, due to which the variety is used to make tasty juice and canning. The average yield: 7-12 kg of fruit per square meter of land area. The hybrid is recommended for personal farming, for industrial cultivation is not suitable, since there is no guarantee of a high yield. These tomatoes have many advantages:

  • Fruits have a high keeping quality.
  • The culture is resistant to temperature extremes.
  • Plants tolerate drought well.
  • Tomatoes are resistant to diseases such as vertex rot, black leg, verticillosis.
  • Culture has universal application.

Openwork F 1

A hybrid matures, like the previous one, at the same time. This is a standard-shaped plant of a determinant species, its height is 90 cm. It is grown in garden beds and in greenhouses. Bunched ovaries are formed on the shoots, in which five fruits are formed, the average weight of which is 280 g. Each branch can have four bundles. In order for the fruits to grow large, three ovaries are left in each bunch, and two bundles on each branch. Throughout the season, you can collect 12 kg of fruit per square meter of land area. Tomatoes are consumed fresh, used to make juice and tomato paste.

Determinant tomato varieties for greenhouses

Olya F 1

This crop is one of the best varieties of determinant tomatoes intended for commercial cultivation using greenhouse conditions. Fruits ripen early, plants are resistant to cold, practically do not get sick. Each node forms up to three hands with nine ovaries located on the shoot often, in one or two leaves. Fruits weighing 135 g have a sweet and sour taste. Tomatoes are the same size, their diameter is 65 mm. Productivity is very high: 25 kg per square meter of area. Tomatoes are very tasty, they are consumed fresh and in processed form.


Stepsons are called shoots that are formed from buds located between the stem and leaves at their very base. These shoots grow endlessly. Foliage appears on them, ovaries and new stepsons are formed. This will continue until the bush is completely thickened. The only way to stop the process is to remove the stepsons. This is best done when their length reaches five to seven centimeters. How to pinch determinant tomatoes? This procedure is simple, it consists in the following:

  • When removing stepchildren, stalks three millimeters in length should be left so that new ones do not form.
  • This procedure is carried out on sunny days, in the first half, so that the wounds have time to heal.
  • Stepsons should always be cut off: as soon as they appear before the harvest. If they managed to grow large, they should still be removed so that they do not take food from the fruits.
  • Thanks to pinching, the fruits are sung faster, fruiting increases in time, and tomatoes - in quality.
Determinant tomatoes what does it mean


Tomatoes, like all other cultivated plants, need care, which is as follows:

  • Bushes should be spudded, at the same time, the soil loosens around the bushes, which creates free access of oxygen to the roots.
  • Staging, which reduces the likelihood of spread of fungal infection.
  • Fertilize with fertilizers of different composition depending on the periods of growth.
  • Water the plants when required. If the weather is hot - more often.
  • Protect tomatoes from diseases and pests.

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