Not all girls can proudly say: “We quickly grow our hair!”, Because only rare lucky women add 3-4 centimeters per month. The standard indicator is 1-1.5 cm. But what if there is a dream of long hair, but the expectation is painful? Well, there are a lot of stimulants that significantly increase their growth rate. This, as well as many other things related to hair regrowth, will be discussed now.
Reasons for slow growth
Girls who can say about themselves: “We quickly grow hair!”, In fact, very lucky. So they have a good genetic predisposition, or, in other words, heredity. Also, they have no trichological problems, and they were able to choose the right hair care products.
The reasons for their slow growth on the head can be combined in the following list:
- Dermatological diseases.
- Male type hair.
- Circulatory disorders and poor nutrition of the scalp.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system.
- An excess or lack of vitamins in the body.
- Bad ecology.
- Stress, depression, lack of sleep.
- Aggressive effect on hair. This may include the use of low-quality hair dyes, abuse of curling irons and thermal irons, hair dryers.
As you can see, there are many factors. But everything is fixable, to improve hair growth at home is real. And this is worth telling in detail.
Hot peppers: what are the benefits?
A budget tool that will suit every person, puzzled by the question of how to quickly grow hair. For a week, of course, it will not be possible to add a few centimeters (this is possible only through the extension technology), but the benefits will be tangible.
To begin with, a little help: millions of micro arteries are dispersed along the cover, through which nutrients enter the hair follicles. Here are just often clogged capillaries. As a result of this, "sleeping" bulbs are formed.
What does red pepper have to do with it? It contains capsaicin - an alkaloid that causes the severity of the vegetable. Its burning property helps to open the pores of the scalp, after which the substance penetrates deeper, has a stimulating effect on the hair follicles and improves blood circulation.
As a result, the hair becomes more beautiful, thicker and stronger, grows better. But how to use red pepper? And this is worth telling separately.
Pepper oil
It can be bought at the pharmacy, but it is better to do it yourself. It’s easy, the algorithm of actions is as follows:
- Find a bottle of any volume (ideal - 150-200 ml).
- Fill 4/5 with oil. Vegetable is even suitable, but it is better to take burdock or burdock - their use helps to heal the scalp, get rid of dandruff and itching.
- Fill the rest with red pepper. You can dry, but then you need to pre-fill it with 1 tbsp. l boiling water and crush thoroughly. However, it is better to buy fresh, leguminous, and chop it as finely as possible, and then crush it.
- Give a week to insist. Shake several times a day.
What then? After time, we quickly grow hair! Before each washing of the head, it is necessary to apply the product with massage movements on its skin. Hold for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse. A slight burning sensation during the procedure is the norm.
In no case should you use concentrated pepper tincture or, even worse, fresh juice squeezed from chili. This will lead to burning and drying out of the scalp, and for hair, such an aggressive remedy will become a shock, which will lead to their fragility, loss and exhaustion.
Honey mustard mask
If you want to know how to quickly grow long hair at home, then you should pay attention to this remedy.
Mustard is also known for its “hotness”, which helps to activate this process. The action is almost the same as that of red pepper. Only mustard still has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help fight the pathogenic bacteria that cause seborrhea and dandruff.
However, this tool is a powerful allergen. And it can not be used by people with dry or sensitive scalp.
Therefore, it is recommended to use it with honey, which softens the effect and has a nourishing effect on the cover.
To prepare the mask you will need:
- one egg yolk;
- mustard powder - 1 tbsp. l .;
- liquid honey - 1 tsp;
- any natural oil - 1 tbsp. l
All of the above should be thoroughly mixed, heated in a water bath and rubbed into the hair roots intensively. Then cover your head with a plastic cap, wrap with a towel and stand for 45 minutes. Then wash off the mask and wash your hair with shampoo.
It is recommended to make such a mask once a week.
Every person who wants to know how to grow hair quickly at home needs to learn: slow growth is a dermatological problem, and its solution must be approached thoroughly.
The product based on burnt sugar has a scrubbing effect. It “collects” infected and dead scales, making room for the growth of new, healthy hair.
Cooking a scrub does not take much time. The actions are as follows:
- Sugar (2 tbsp. L.) Needs to be heated in a pan and bring it to brown.
- In a separate container, mix it with mustard (1 tbsp. L.).
- Add a little water and any oil (1 tsp each).
- Stir the mixture thoroughly until a more or less homogeneous mixture is obtained.
The resulting composition must be applied along the length of the hair and on the scalp. This tool provides both a purity effect and accelerated growth of strands.
A nicotinic acid
This tool is available to everyone. We just buy it at the pharmacy for ~ 35 rubles and quickly grow our hair!
Niacin dilates and strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and also heals, nourishes, and fortifies curls. This substance has a complex effect, saturating the follicles with oxygen, strengthening and moisturizing the hair. As a result, dandruff disappears, and prolapse ceases.
How to grow hair fast at home with nicotinic acid? You can simply rub this substance into the scalp. The acid is perfectly applied, it has no sticky effect and no smell.
After two weeks of regular use, the result will be noticeable. The appearance of the hair improves, they become more pleasant to the touch, and problems with the scalp, if any, disappear.
The course usually lasts 30 days. Accordingly, 30 ampoules are needed. Rub the substance after washing and drying the hair (by the way, using a hairdryer is not recommended, let it dry by itself). It is better to apply in the direction from the temples to the crown. Rinse off the substance is not necessary.
The procedure must be done daily. It is best to wash your hair in the evening and before bedtime, when it dries, apply the product.
Strong heat, slight tingling, barely perceptible burning and redness - this is a normal reaction to nicotinic acid. The main thing is that there is no itching, headache, urticaria and rash. Since such manifestations indicate the presence of individual intolerance.
What about the result? The course has a really good effect - the growth is about three centimeters per month, and some even more. And the effect is cumulative! At the end of the 30-day course, you need to take a break for a couple of months, but at the same time the growth will remain equally impressive.
Here, however, is the answer to the question of how to grow hair quickly. For 20 cm, for example, they will grow in just six months if nicotinic acid is used.
Henna mask
This is the next popular tool that people come to use, puzzled by the question of how to quickly grow hair. Reviews allow you to make sure that it is truly effective. However, this is not surprising. The composition of henna obtained from blunt cassia includes:
- Crizofanol. Natural antibacterial and antifungal substance.
- Emodin. A compound that adds gloss and normalizes the lipid profile.
- Aloe emodin. Stimulates hair follicles.
- Carotene. Prevents split ends and brittleness.
- Betaine. Nourishes and moisturizes hair and scalp.
- Zeaxanthin and rutin. Strengthens hair and roots.
- Fisalen. It has an antifungal effect.
In general, if a person is interested in how to grow hair very quickly and in addition to improve it, then you can make a mask of colorless henna. You will need:
- hot water - Z00 grams;
- colorless henna - 100 grams;
- live yeast - 0 grams;
- nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule;
- verbena oil - 5 drops;
- some warm water.
Boiling water you need to brew henna. Soak yeast separately in warm water. Five minutes later, combine both formulations, add nicotinic acid and oil. Stir until a homogeneous mass and apply it on the scalp. Distribute the remains along the length, slightly moistening the hair with water. Then you need to cover your head with foil and after 40 minutes rinse with water.
How to quickly grow a man’s hair?
All of the above methods are universal. They are suitable for both girls and men. But not all representatives of the strong half of humanity want to prepare the notorious means. What to do? Enrich your diet with vitamins and minerals, because it is precisely their lack that leads to tarnishing, loss, stopping or slowing down hair growth. The body needs the following substances:
- Vitamin E. Improves blood circulation, nourishes and moisturizes the scalp. Hair becomes stronger and thicker, and growth accelerates. The substance is contained in beef liver, nuts, eggs, cereals and dairy products, soy and vegetable oil.
- Vitamin PP Makes hair thicker and stronger. Contained in dates, raspberries, pearl barley, Jerusalem artichoke, mushrooms and nuts.
- Vitamin D. Improves hair structure and affects the follicle maturation rate. It is found in butter, seafood, caviar and fish oil, as well as in parsley.
- Vitamin A. Promotes the production of keratin, protects hair from external mechanical stress. It is part of vegetables, fruits and berries of green, yellow and red.
- Vitamin B1. Contained in egg yolks, liver, yeast, beef, lamb, pumpkin, beans, potatoes and buckwheat.
- Vitamin B12. It is part of the kidneys, fish, cheeses, hops, lean beef, herring, seaweed, oysters and chicken eggs.
- Vitamin B6. It is found in chicken hearts, green leafy vegetables, millet, bananas, milk, cod liver, corn, carrots and rice.
All B vitamins stimulate the growth of follicles, actively nourishing them. And if you not only diversify your diet, but also do any of the following (the simplest - rubbing nicotinic acid, it will take 1 minute), then you can achieve an impressive effect in a short time period.
Growing after a failed haircut
What can spoil a girl's mood for a long time stronger if not an inept hairdresser? Probably every second woman in the history has a sad story about how she came to the salon to shorten the length slightly to remove split ends, and as a result got a square, a strange bang, or even worse.
How to quickly grow hair after an unsuccessful haircut? In principle, any of the above methods will do. The active use of vitamins and minerals, the alternation of pepper, mustard and nicotine masks, the use of a finger massage-antistress “Goosebump” ... Girls begin to try everything at once. The most important thing is not to overdo it! Otherwise, you can do harm.
If you endure no strength, then you can try mesotherapy. This is not cheap and not very pleasant - amino acids, vitamins and extracts are injected under the scalp to help “wake up” the sleeping bulbs. Usually enough 7-10 sessions. Mesotherapy accelerates growth by about one and a half times.
How to grow long hair quickly differently? You can do physiotherapy. The impact is the Darsonval apparatus, which enhances lymph and blood flow in the scalp, and also improves the activity of hair follicles. The procedure does not take more than 12 minutes, and sessions can be done daily. After 15-20 visits, the result is already visible.
Other recommendations
Much has been said above about how to quickly grow hair on the head. In addition to the above, you should also take into account the following tips:
- It is important to choose the right shampoo, conditioner and balm. Wash your hair no more than 3 times a week. If you do this every day, then the curls will weaken, and the natural fat layer will be destroyed. All this negatively affects hair growth.
- You need to use a safe comb. The ideal option is a brush made of natural material or a wooden scallop. Comb carefully, using a spray to facilitate the process.
- It is better to abandon staining, the use of a hairdryer, irons and pads, metal hairpins and tight elastic bands. If you don’t want to return to the natural color, it is better to switch to the use of tinted expensive balms.
By the way, there is another remedy that has not been mentioned. This is coconut oil. It is not cheap, but massage of the scalp with its use gives an amazing result. It is sold in solid form and must be melted in a water bath before use. It can also be distributed along the length - the oil as if seals split ends. Hair becomes smooth, shiny and docile.