Chamomile oil: composition, purpose, release form, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

Chamomile is a unique plant that is known for its sunny flowers. An extract from inflorescences is an elixir of youth and good mood. Chamomile oil has a therapeutic and cosmetic effect. The nuances of its use are described in the article.

Plant description

This culture is considered an annual herbaceous plant, which is part of the Astrov family, in height which can reach 40 cm. The leaves of the chamomile are excised, the stems branch. Flowering continues from late spring to late summer. Single flowers are present on the tops of the stems.

chamomile oil application

The plant has a light pronounced aroma. In addition to the usual pharmacy look, there are other varieties that are not used in the medical field. The medicinal variety differs from others in its bright aroma. The plant has a lot of active substances, so it is used in perfumery, cosmetology.

Shampoos, lotions, creams, balms are made from chamomile. It is actively used in the creation of children's cosmetic products. Another plant is used to dye hair to give it a golden tint. Not only flowers are used, but also chamomile oil, which also has high value.


What are the beneficial properties of chamomile oil? The value of the product is as follows:

  1. It has a calming effect: eliminates the feeling of fear, anxiety, emotional stress. Also, the oil has a relaxing effect, eliminates insomnia.
  2. It has a positive effect on the skin. The ether accelerates the healing of ulcers, abscesses, purulent wounds, burns. They treat dermatitis, herpes, rosacea, psoriasis, acne, allergies. The product cleanses, nourishes the skin, prone to peeling, eliminates swelling.
  3. It has a healing effect. Oil relieves muscle, lumbar pain associated with nervous tension. Even with it, you can eliminate menstrual, neurological, headaches and toothaches. Another remedy restores the menstrual cycle, removes the negative effects of menopause and PMS.
  4. Chamomile oil normalizes the activity of the digestive tract. The substance has a therapeutic effect with exacerbations of gastritis, ulcers, diarrhea, as well as with nausea, flatulence, and vomiting.
  5. The product has a positive effect on the treatment of the genitourinary system and liver diseases.
  6. Protects from pathogens.

The use of chamomile oil is diverse. To have a good sleep, aromatherapy with an oil solution is required. To do this, a special lamp is heated, after which a solution with water in an amount of 1: 1 is added. During heating, particles of the solution evaporate, filling the room with a wonderful aroma.


Ether is created by industrial evaporation of dried inflorescences. To get 1 liter of extract, you will need to process 200 kg of dried flowers. The resulting preparation has a bluish tint, but the color changes from the conditions of conservation - it can be from marsh to chestnut. The structure of the product is dense, has a tart herbaceous aroma.

how to make chamomile oil

The composition of chamomile oil depends on the time of collection of raw materials, the phase of plant formation. It has bisabolol and chamazulen. The components have anti-inflammatory, relaxing effects. Therefore, the product is used for the production of children's cosmetics with hypoallergenic properties. An extract is an antiseptic, has a tonic effect, and heals wounds.

Types of oil

Chamomile essential oil is different because it is created from different cultures. Valuable is a product made from Roman chamomile flowers. In appearance, the plant is similar to wild chrysanthemum, it grows in France, Hungary, Belgium, Germany, Great Britain. Often the plant has the name of English chamomile. The reason for this is that before England was a major producer of products.

Valuable is the extract of Moroccan chamomile. Her homeland is northwestern Africa. This species is bred in Israel, Spain. This plant began to be used for the manufacture of ether not so long ago, therefore it is considered not widespread enough.

The extract from medicinal chamomile is in demand. Often it is called "German" or "blue." This species is common in Western Asia, Russia, Europe. This plant is present in domestic pharmacies and stores.

Household use

The use of chamomile oil is diverse. It is used for various ailments. The product treats bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, tracheitis, SARS, insomnia, stress, melancholy, dermatological rashes. It is also effective for PMS, intestinal colic, toxicosis during pregnancy.

chamomile face oil

Due to the rapid anti-inflammatory effect, the drug is used for diseases of the oral cavity. It is also added to intimate hygiene products. In everyday life, the hood can be used in the following ways:

  1. Hot inhalation. In a heat-resistant container, pour 2 liters of liquid (85 degrees), into which 3 drops of oil are added. The head must be bowed over the container, covered with a towel, and you can inhale the vapors. The event lasts 10-15 minutes.
  2. Cold inhalation. To carry out the procedures, a little ether is applied to the napkin, after which it is necessary to inhale the vapors. The session lasts 5 minutes. You can inhale the vapors from the container with the concentrate. For this, the bottle must be placed at a distance of 5 cm from the nose.
  3. Aroma Chucks. For this we need an aroma lamp. A flat candle is placed in the opening of the device, and water is poured into the recess. To provide a therapeutic effect, ether is added to the water: 10 drops per 15 square meters. m room. During heating of the lamp housing, the mixture evaporates, filling the space with healing compounds.
  4. Aromaculones. Jewelry is considered a form of cold inhalation. In clay or ceramic medallions there is a recess that must be filled with a hood. Regular wear socks serve as protection against viruses and bacteria. To improve the therapeutic effect, tea tree oil (a small amount) is added to the aromaculon.
  5. Therapeutic baths. Before taking a bath, a glass of sea salt must be flavored with concentrate (10 drops), dissolved in water.
  6. Creation of means for lightening pigmentation. You will need a mixture: Extra salt (5 g), chamomile oil (5 drops), lime juice (3 drops), wheat germ oil (8 drops). The finished product must be applied to the pigmentation areas using a cotton swab. This should be done pointwise, it is important not to process light areas of the skin.
  7. An extract is added to cosmetic products: shampoos, shower gels, conditioners, balms, creams, lotions, tonics, and products for intimate hygiene. Enough 5 drops per 5 ml of the product.
  8. Panaritium is treated - acute suppuration of the nail bed. To prepare a remedy, mixing 5 drops of hypericum oil with the same amount of chamomile ether is required. The composition must be soaked with a cotton swab, applied to a painful nail. Applications must be kept for several hours.

According to reviews, many people like chamomile oil for its healing properties and pleasant aroma. It is used not only in everyday life, but also in other areas, which will be discussed later.

In cosmetology

Effectively camomile oil for the face and the whole body. Cosmetologists believe that the procedures have a calming, cleansing, whitening, healing, renewing effect. The tool smoothes the skin. Useful products with ether for thin, tired, dry skin.

The extract helps to restore the problematic, prone to rashes of the skin. Due to the anti-inflammatory effect, these drugs treat inflammations and do not allow the multiplication of pathogenic microbes. The hood narrows the pores, clears the black spots, and relieves redness.

For facial skin

The extract soothes sensitive skin, which is prone to inflammation. It is used to care for dry, mature skin. Another product eliminates inflammation, scabies, allergies. Ether is used in the following ways:

  1. Compresses for the skin near the eyes. It is necessary to mix ether and jojoba oil in the same amount, and then heat it. The mixture is suitable for treating the area around the eyes. Compresses moisturize, tighten the eyelid.
  2. Acne Elimination For the treatment of acne and herpes, the hood is used in concentrated form. She needs to cover the area of โ€‹โ€‹inflammation.
  3. Scrub for sensitive skin. To make it, you need candied honey, wheat germ oil, lavender extract, chamomile ether (1 tbsp each). The product is applied to clean skin, and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
chamomile oil reviews

To facilitate the work, you can buy ready-made care products with chamomile extract. But many manufacturers use a synthetic analogue to save, replacing them with natural oil. These funds do not have the expected effect.

For hair

Apply chamomile oil for hair. The range hood gives them a healthy shine. Dry, damaged tips will be repaired. Regular use of the extract will make the clarification procedure easy and effective. For hair, ether is used as follows:

  1. Nourishing mask. Ether (2 drops) must be mixed with burdock oil (1 tbsp. L.) The mixture is applied to the hair, avoiding copious application to the roots. The product must be left for an hour, then rinse with warm water, rinse hair with shampoo.
  2. To grow and strengthen curls. Beat the yolk by adding warmed olive oil (1 tbsp.), Extract (2 drops). The resulting composition is applied to wet strands, left for 30 minutes, washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  3. Mask for oily hair. Sage oil should be mixed with lavender and chamomile extract (10 drops each). Apple cider vinegar (50 g) and water (250 ml) are added. The product is treated with hair. With regular use, the problem of oiliness and loss is eliminated.

If there is no time to cook and apply masks, you can add a little oil to a portion of shampoo before washing. The hood in this form also provides an excellent effect.

For legs

Essential oil is used to massage the legs to remove pain, heaviness, fatigue. Another hood is effective in the treatment and prevention of certain ailments, eliminates dryness, cracks. The extract is mixed with neutral oil, which does not have a pronounced aroma. The following recipes are in demand:

  1. A hot bath eliminates leg fatigue. Essential oils are chamomile, peppermint, lavender (1 tbsp.) And sea salt (50 g). The product is poured with hot water (2 liters). This bathtub relieves stress, a feeling of heaviness and fatigue.
  2. A mixture of cracks and rough skin. The tool is prepared from 1 tbsp. l base oil (olive, almond, jojoba) and chamomile ether. The mixture is used to massage the legs, and then put on cotton socks for 2 hours.

In a nourishing cream, you can add a little chamomile oil, lavender. The use of such a therapeutic agent eliminates cracks in the heels forever.


Chamomile oil is used in gynecology. It eliminates inflammation, protects against the development of pathogenic flora of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. The extract is effective in menopause, with menstrual irregularities. Ether is used for douching, bathing and massage. But before using it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Infections and inflammations

Oil helps with infections and inflammations. For this, douching is done. It is necessary to make a solution: 5 drops of extract, soda (1/2 tsp), which are diluted in a glass of water. The procedure must be performed at night, three times a week.

chamomile oil in gynecology

In the treatment of erosion, wounds, scars, therapeutic tampons are used. Sea buckthorn extract is mixed with ether (1 tsp each). The finished product is impregnated with a hygienic tampon, inserted into the vagina, and left overnight.

With a cold

ARI and ARVI are the most common ailments. The causes include bacteria and viruses. Initially, a cold is a harmless disease, but it can lead to serious complications. Therefore, it is required to eliminate the ailment at an early stage of occurrence, as well as carry out preventive measures.

For the treatment of colds, it is better to use aromatherapy. The use of oils reduces the risk of disease by 80%. In the treatment and prevention, a single or multi-component composition of hoods can be used. It is important that the additional components have a restorative, antiviral, anti-inflammatory effect.


If there is a malfunction of the digestive tract, then the hood is used inside. The product must be combined with jam, lemon juice, honey. For 1 tsp. an additional product is added a drop of ether. It is necessary to eat before meals, washed down with compote, tea or fruit juice. Procedures are repeated 2 times a day.

chamomile oil composition


It is undesirable to combine the intake of ether with homeopathic remedies, since the extract suppresses the properties of most components. The tool should not be used in the early stages of pregnancy (1 trimester), as this can lead to a reduction in the muscles of the uterus.

Before using the hood, you must conduct an allergy test, since the drug can cause intolerance. You can buy chamomile oil in a pharmacy. Its cost is determined depending on the place of manufacture, quality of raw materials, region. A tool diluted with base oil costs about 50 rubles per 50 ml. A pure concentrate for 10 ml costs 400-700 rubles.

Do it yourself

You can make chamomile oil at home. For this you need flowers, vegetable or olive oil. So that the product has excellent quality, you should choose fresh flowers. There are 2 ways to prepare the product - cold and hot. For any, 1 part of chamomile and 2 parts of oil are required.

How to make chamomile oil? If the cold method is selected, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Flowers must be filled with oil and tightly closed.
  2. Infuse the mixture for 15 days in a cool and dark place. In this case, the container must be shaken several times.
  3. Readiness is evidenced by flowers, which are evenly lowered to the bottom of the container.
  4. After 2 weeks, open the lid and strain the oil.
  5. The liquid must be poured into a bottle and put in a place protected from light. Products are stored for a year.
chamomile oil

With the hot method, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Chamomile is filled with oil in the required ratio. The container is closed with a lid or gauze.
  2. The dishes are placed in a water bath. It is important that the fire is weak, as the liquid should not boil.
  3. The oil is heated for 20 minutes and then cools.
  4. Then you need to tightly close the container, and let the products infuse for 15 days in a dark place. Then the liquid is filtered and poured into the bottle.

Thus, chamomile oil is a valuable product. It can not only be bought, but also made independently. In any case, it will be a useful tool.

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