Professional retraining of doctors: courses, distance education, retraining programs, specialization of work and terms

Professional retraining of doctors is an event that allows physicians to gain additional knowledge, skills and the opportunity to work in another specialty. More on this later in the article.

Contract with employer

The essence of training

The professional retraining of doctors is a complex of training measures for obtaining a new specialization by an employee with a higher medical education. During this course, the doctor learns about all the main features of the new branch of medical knowledge for him.

Currently, many specialists are trying to undergo such training. Professional retraining of doctors allows them not only to get the opportunity to work in a completely new medical industry, but also to deepen their knowledge in their main specialization.

Possible options

There are several ways to get to the professional retraining of doctors. Among them:

  1. Getting directions from the employer.
  2. Professional retraining at your own expense.
Communication with colleagues

The direction from the employer is most often drawn up on additional conditions. The most common of these is the conclusion of a contract for a certain period of time (most often at least 3 to 5 years). The disadvantage of this option will be the fact that the employer needs a doctor with a specific specialization. That is, he can offer only a few professional retraining programs for doctors. The great advantage of this option is the fact that during the entire period of education, the employee receives wages.

Today, more and more doctors are studying at their own expense. In this case, you do not have to enter into fixed-term contracts and you can choose the professional retraining of doctors on the basis of higher education that a person likes. In the case of self-obtaining a new specialty in the future, certain difficulties with employment may arise. For example, if a therapist who worked in a small district or district hospital underwent professional retraining in the specialty "allergology", then he is unlikely to find a suitable vacancy in his own city. To work in this specialty, he will most likely have to go to a larger healthcare institution or find a place in a specialized center.

Universal specialist

Forms of Education

The development of technology allows you to gradually move away from the classic options for re-specialization. The following training options are currently available:

  • Full-time;
  • part-time form;
  • distance learning.

Previously, full-time was almost the only option of training. Professional retraining of doctors in this way was for everyone who wanted to get a new medical specialty. Today, full-time is becoming less and less popular every year. This is due to its following disadvantages:

  1. A specialist for a long time completely drops out of the workflow.
  2. The employer has to pay the doctor wages for the entire period of his training.
  3. Many specialists have to move to one of the major cities, live away from the family, bear the additional costs of living and meals outside the home.

As for the full-time part-time study, it has certain advantages compared to the previous option. First of all, we are talking about less labor loss, as well as the lack of the need to stay away from home for a long time.

Distance learning

Every year, distance learning courses for doctors are becoming more and more popular. The undoubted advantages of this option is that the doctor receives a new specialty, not looking up from everyday medical practice, and the cost of living in another city can be easily deducted from the cost of such an education option. The disadvantage of this approach to training is the possible overwork of the doctor himself, since he usually has to get new knowledge in his spare time from his main job. Another serious drawback of this approach in training is the inability to obtain high-quality practical skills from experienced specialists of the corresponding profile. This is especially felt when undergoing retraining under the programs of endoscopic, ultrasound examinations, narrow surgical directions. In such specialties, after passing the training, it is better to take additional courses at the workplace in specialized clinics.

Where is the training provided?

Currently, professional retraining programs for doctors are available for development in almost all regions of the Russian Federation. You can get a new specialization on the basis of postgraduate education institutions in Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Rostov, Chelyabinsk, Surgut, Yekaterinburg and many other large cities.

Full-time education

What determines the popularity of retraining courses?

State educational institutions, including those in the medical field, are focused on satisfying the country's hunger strike, and most of all it needs specialists of a wide profile. For this reason, most doctors who have just graduated from an institute or university have a specialization in "therapy", "general practice", "general surgery", "gynecology", "radiology", "laboratory diagnosis" or "anesthesiology and intensive care" . It is these doctors who are most lacking in the countless number of district and central district hospitals, which are the first and most popular link in domestic health care.

Naturally, many specialists want to tackle any particular branch of medical knowledge. The professional retraining of doctors helps them in this. Distance learning allows you to get the desired specialization, almost without leaving home, without breaking away from work. This makes such courses even more popular and affordable for everyone.

Which programs are the most popular?

The demand for retraining courses for different specializations changes annually depending on the conditions dictated by the labor market. At a fairly high level, the popularity of the following training programs remains:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • cosmetology;
  • allergology;
  • dietetics;
  • cardiology;
  • urology.

Courses in all these specialties will allow the doctor to work only in the branch of medicine that is most interesting to him. In addition, professional retraining of a general practitioner has recently gained popularity. This is due to higher salaries for specialists in this field.

Why are ultrasound courses so popular?

The popularity of ultrasound diagnostics among doctors is determined by both domestic and global medical conditions for doctors. In the territory of the Russian Federation and in the CIS countries, an ultrasound doctor is a diagnostic specialist. He independently does not establish diagnoses and does not carry out treatment of the patient. Its task is to identify pathology. Such a doctor has significantly fewer legal risks than others. A good specialist in this field will be happy to be hired by almost any private medical center, where he can receive decent wages. Immediately after a professional retraining, an ultrasound doctor should work in large clinics, where he can ask his more experienced colleagues for advice.

Retraining will help earn

The popularity of retraining programs in ultrasound diagnostics is also due to the fact that in most developed countries of the world, where domestic doctors often go, the skills for conducting ultrasound are basic and any doctor should have knowledge of these techniques. Taking additional courses abroad in this specialization will be much more expensive than in your own country. As a result, retraining programs in ultrasound diagnostics are also interesting for those who in the near future plan to move to a permanent place of residence in another state.

The popularity of cosmetology

The high demand for this training option is due to the rather dynamic development of the beauty industry as a whole. Currently, there is a serious shortage of competent specialists in this field. At the same time, every year, the requirements for the quality of the procedures on the part of consumers of such services only increase.

Previously, almost everyone could provide these services. Now there are a large number of cosmetic procedures that can only be performed by specialists with a completed medical education. Most often, such training attracts therapists and dermatologists. For the second, these courses are a way to deepen existing knowledge. Given the continuous development of the beauty industry, it can be expected that cosmetology specialization will not lose its popularity in the coming years.

How are face-to-face courses?

Remotely conducted professional retraining of doctors does not allow a person to again get those unforgettable feelings when he was a student. As for full-time courses, they are quite seriously close to university everyday life. A doctor, undergoing retraining, must timely come to classes, improve the level of theoretical and practical skills, periodically pass the control of acquired knowledge.

The first lesson is usually an orientation. Retraining doctors are told about the new specialty that remains to be mastered, they provide information on the content of the course and the basic rules for its passage.

In the future, almost all training programs involve obtaining a sufficient amount of theoretical knowledge. Gradually, an increasing number of practical classes are being introduced that will allow in the future to fully master a new specialty. Many courses for professional retraining of doctors involve conducting test sessions before the main exam. Currently, most often it passes in the form of a computer test.

Cost of education

Currently, in most centers of postgraduate medical education, regardless of specialty, professional retraining of doctors costs almost the same. In this case, in the case of a shortage of certain courses, the cost of the program may slightly decrease. To date, such retraining costs an average of 10,000 rubles.

At the same time, some centers provide accommodation in a hostel. In this case, the cost of the courses may vary significantly depending on the city and the living conditions provided.

The second specialty as an addition to the main

Not always the professional retraining of doctors in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation is a way to change the field of medicine in which the specialist works. In some cases, a person tries to deepen existing knowledge by studying close discipline. For example, quite often, doctors take additional courses to be able to work with children (pediatric gastroenterologist, cardiologist, and others). As a result, a specialist can move to a new position or combine work in both specialties.

Course duration

In order for a doctor to be able to fully work in a new specialty, he must undergo a certain training program. In most cases, its duration is approximately 4 months. This time is necessary for acquaintance with basic theoretical and practical skills.

What does the doctor get after completing the course?

In addition to gaining new knowledge, the doctor will be provided with an official document - a certificate with the ability to work in a new specialty for him. It is valid throughout the Russian Federation. In addition, according to this document it will be possible to find a job in the territory of other states.

Learning at your own expense

When retraining is required

In some cases, postgraduate studies may not be the desire of the specialist, but an insistent recommendation of the supervisory authorities. This is most often found in situations where doctors are unexpectedly appointed to a managerial position (chief doctor or his deputy) in a small district hospital. Raising it is a necessity for a healthcare institution, because it needs managers, but this goes against the established rules.

Sooner or later, the supervisory authorities, after the next monitoring, will prescribe to send such a doctor to retraining in the organization of health care. Typically, managers take appropriate courses on the job. That is, you can choose distance learning. Professional retraining of doctors will allow the doctor in the future to rely on a managerial position in a larger healthcare institution.

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