Help 026у for kindergarten: which doctors, sample

Certificate 026 for kindergarten is issued without fail by all parents who give their kids to preschool and school institutions. This document indicates the general health status of the child. Therefore, attention should be paid to this. Not all parents know exactly how this form looks, as well as how to design it. And where to go to implement ideas, too. What should parents know about this document? What features are important to pay attention so that there are no problems? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if you worry in advance about the procedure for receiving the document.


Help 026 for kindergarten (a sample of it is presented) - this, as already mentioned, is a document indicating the state of health of the baby. It looks like an A4 card, which contains information about vaccinations, diseases and the results of examinations of a minor.

Help 026 for kindergarten

Such paper is required for both school and kindergarten. It is actively required even upon admission to a particular educational institution. It is often not easy for parents to get this form. For example, difficulties arise for those who have not given all vaccinations. Nevertheless, if you worry in advance, then you can get the specified form without any problems.

Is it mandatory

It has already been said that certificate 026 for kindergarten and for school is a mandatory document. Nevertheless, some parents refuse this kind of paperwork. Is it legal to require such a certificate from all minors?

In principle, no. An educational institution does not have the right to refuse to accept a child for itself only because the form 026 (for kindergarten or school - it does not matter) was not provided. Parents may not provide detailed information about their child’s health status to organizations. These are their legal rights. Therefore, it is far from always that a minor is sent to the medical commission before starting training.

Despite all this, certificate 026 for kindergarten is still obtained by parents. It will be stored in a preschool, and then in a school institution, all information about the baby’s health will be entered here. The process of obtaining is not so difficult if you think about the procedure for contacting one organization or another in advance.

documents for kindergarten

Where to go

Collecting documents for kindergarten is not as difficult as it seems. The biggest problem, as parents say, is the passage of a medical commission. Some have no idea where exactly this can be done.

At the moment, citizens are able to independently choose where to turn to them. Among the proposals can be identified:

  • private clinics;
  • state clinics.

In organizations of the second type, form 026 for kindergarten takes several days. But, as practice shows, in Russia you can spend a month filling it out. It all depends on the flow of patients and the work schedule of certain doctors. But this method does not require payment.

In private clinics, you can undergo a medical examination for a garden or school in 1-2 days. But it should be noted that on average about 5,000 rubles will have to be paid for this procedure. In some regions, more, somewhere less. The main thing is that certificate 026 for kindergarten is issued extremely quickly.

Form 026 for kindergarten

Where exactly to apply? Each parent must decide for himself. It all depends on financial well-being, as well as personal preferences of the legal representatives of the child.


It is worth noting that it is best to start not with the passage of doctors, but with the delivery of tests. As practice shows, it is precisely this scenario that accelerates the process. A medical card in the kindergarten and a certificate of the health status of the baby must necessarily contain the following data (test results):

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • coprogram (for the presence of worms);
  • scraping for enterobiosis;
  • ECG;
  • Ultrasound of the brain (optional).

Accordingly, as soon as all the indicated analyzes are passed and the results are obtained, you can deal with the commission further. How is 026u certificate issued for kindergarten? What doctors will be required for this? Their list is not too long. But, as already mentioned, sometimes it is very problematic to get an appointment with one or another specialist.

Help 026 for kindergarten sample

About doctors

The list of doctors is not very long. Specialists are recommended to undergo, as already mentioned, after receiving the results of the analyzes. With the data obtained, it will be possible to accurately assess the health status of the baby.

Specialists require the following:

  • ENT;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • neurologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • surgeon;
  • dentist;
  • speech therapist;
  • pediatrician.

No more doctors needed. It is best to come to the pediatrician after examination by other specialists. Complete the medical commission with this doctor. The pediatrician makes his conclusion about the state of the child’s health, then the certificate 026 for kindergarten is finalized. This document is given to the nurse's educational institution.

About TB

In addition, the conclusion of a TB specialist is required from parents. As practice shows, he will have to pay a visit either after the pediatrician, or shortly before the appearance to the specified specialist. You will need to bring a vaccination card with you. And, if there is, the result of the examination of the baby for tuberculosis. It is recommended to pass the appropriate analysis in advance. It will turn out without any problems to draw up documents for kindergarten.

medical record in kindergarten

If, due to the lack of vaccinations, the TB specialist refuses to give his opinion, it is necessary to call the Ministry of Health hotline. Then the question will be quickly resolved. It is because of such problems that most parents prefer private clinics. There reference 026 for kindergarten will be made on the basis of the received examinations of the child without any delays or nuances. The main thing is that the baby does not have contagious diseases.

List of documents

All the previously mentioned tests and doctors are far from a complete list of specialists who can put their notes on the child’s health status. As practice shows, any of the listed specialists has the right to prescribe additional diagnostics. All this is recorded in the form.

In fact, getting help on 026 is much easier than it sounds. The main thing is to prepare in advance. And without it, they are obliged to take to a garden or school. Therefore, do not be afraid if the specified form is not ready by the beginning of the school year. A child can start learning without any problems. If a pre-school or school educational institution refuses this service, you can contact the law enforcement authorities.

What documents for kindergarten may require? It:

  • form 026;
  • the conclusion of the phthisiatrician;
  • statement of established form;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • identity card of the applicant (one of the parents);
  • marriage certificate (optional, but desirable).

certificate 026 for kindergarten which doctors

If parents refuse to provide certificate 026, then legal representatives must write a refusal. You will also have to fill out permission documents for the processing of personal data in any case. Or, again, write a denial.

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