Actress Olga Egorova: biography, personal life. Films and TV shows

“To love in Russian”, “On the corner, near the Patriarchs”, “Uchilka”, “Petrovich”, “Citizen Katerina” - films and series in which the charming actress Olga Egorova played her best roles. What is known about this talented lady?

Actress Olga Egorova: the beginning of the path

The star of the drama “To Love in Russian” was born in Germany, it happened in September 1967. Actress Olga Egorova was born in the family of a military man and artist, among her relatives there were no movie stars. Her childhood was remembered by the endless journeys that were necessary in connection with the professional activities of her father. The longest Olga’s family lived in Leipzig, where the first years of the child’s life passed.

actress Olga Egorova

Egorova grew up an artistic girl, she liked to speak in front of the audience, play in school performances. It is not surprising that she had early dreams of an actress career.

Study, theater

The future actress Olga Egorova, after graduating from school, decided to continue her education at a theater university. After some hesitation, she opted for the Shchepkinsky school, where she managed to do the first attempt. In her student years, Olga took part in a number of performances of the Maly Theater.

Olga Egorova actress biography

After finishing Sliver, Yegorova joined the close-knit collective of the Mossovet Theater. The girl embodied the image of Nina Zarechnaya in the play "The Seagull", played Elena in the "White Guard". She did not work at the Mossovet Theater for long. For some time, the actress moved to the theater of the Soviet Army, and then completely focused on the film career. Nonetheless, the audience remembered her roles in the productions of "Boyclub" and "Paul the First." It is impossible not to note the play "Masquerade", in which she played Baroness Strahl.

Films and TV shows

Actress Olga Egorova gained fame thanks to the cinema. The future star first hit the set in 1987, playing an episodic role in the detective "Free Fall". Further, her filmography was replenished with films and series, the list of which is given below.

  • "The noble robber Vladimir Dubrovsky."
  • "Balagan".
  • "Enter every house."
  • "Free zone".
  • "Halo".

Thanks to which film Olga Egorova gained fame? The biography of the actress indicates that her first fans appeared after the release of the drama “To Love in Russian”. In this picture, she embodied the image of Polina - a girl ready to fight for her dream. Then Olga starred in the mini-series “On the corner near the Patriarchs”, again tried on the role of Polina in the drama “To Love in Russian 2”. The dramatic film “Passion in the studio“ Shah ”with her participation also pleased the audience.

Personal life

Olga Egorova is an actress whose personal life is of great interest to the public. The first husband of the star was the screenwriter Igor Petrov. The family idyll did not last long, scandals soon began. The birth of Alena’s daughter did not help save the marriage, Igor and Olga decided to break up.

Olga Egorova actress personal life

Egorova found her happiness when she met a man named Andrei. Beloved actress is not related to the world of cinema, he is a successful entrepreneur. Olga and Andrey did not stamp their passport with a stamp in their passport, as they do not see any need for this. The family is growing up daughter Taisiya.

New century

In the new century, actress Olga Egorova was not left without work. She does not often appear on the set, as she combines a career with caring for home and children. However, films and series with the participation of the actress still come out from time to time, the list can be seen below.

  • "Heir".
  • “Beginning” (short film).
  • "Petrovich" (TV series).
  • "Call" (short film).
  • "Slow dance" (short film).
  • "Teacher".
  • "Citizen Katerina" (TV series).
  • "Delta. Continuation "(TV series).

In parallel, Olga is trying her hand at the world of fashion design, has already managed to become the author of several fashion collections.

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