Every spring, many thousands of summer residents move from cities to their suburban houses to try to grow and harvest a rich harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries over the summer. Something will be used immediately, something will be salted for the winter, and the excess can be realized with benefit for yourself. Therefore, experienced summer residents approach each new variety with a certain degree of doubt: can it provide a rich harvest with proper care? It is not surprising that the tomato variety "Favorite" is of particular interest to many lovers of work on the ground. Therefore, we will tell you more about it.
Grade description
First of all, we will talk about the main characteristics of the Favorite tomato. It can be called universal, that is, suitable for growing in greenhouses, open ground and film shelters. Of course, without using a greenhouse or a greenhouse, you will first have to grow seedlings, and only then plant it in open ground: due to the short summer in most regions, seeds planted in the ground may not have time to bear fruit.
The bushes are quite high - up to 1.6 meters. For greenhouses, this is not the best option, so you have to produce the formation, cutting off the top.
The variety is usually classified as mid-season. That is, from the appearance of the first seedlings to the receipt of the first ripe fruit, approximately 110-120 days pass, depending on the light and care.
Many summer residents highly appreciate this variety for the ability to effectively resist some dangerous viral and infectious diseases. First of all, it is cladosporiosis, tobacco mosaic and fusarium.
Briefly about the fruits
Of course, telling about the Tomato Favorite, whose photo is attached to the article, one cannot but mention the fruits for which summer residents cultivate the culture.
The fruits are quite large: individual specimens can reach 350 grams. True, basically they are much smaller - an average of about 200 grams. The color of ripe fruits is very appetizing, red, saturated. They have a smooth skin, quite thin, which is highly appreciated by many experts. One adult bush brings about 5-7 kilograms of tomatoes with good care. When planting up to 4 bushes per square meter, the yield from this area reaches 28 kilograms.
The fruits are located in the hands - in each of them there can be up to six pieces.
This variety is not suitable for long transportation - a thin, delicate peel can cause cracking. Because of this, the fruits are not the best choice for whole salting. But the dense pulp makes them an excellent choice for lovers of homemade tomato juice and ketchup. Also, tomatoes will delight lovers of fresh vegetables, thanks to their excellent taste.
We plant seedlings
Only residents of the southernmost regions of our country can plant seeds immediately in open ground or greenhouses. Therefore, as mentioned above, usually you have to use seedlings. Everything is pretty standard here. First of all, the seeds are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate - weak, barely pinkish. This allows you to destroy infections and viruses that may appear on their surface. Seeds need only be soaked for half an hour or an hour in a warm solution.
After that, they are planted in the ground. For better development, you need to either buy a special one or make it yourself. An excellent result allows you to achieve a light, nutritious substrate. To obtain it, you can mix chernozem with a small amount of sand and peat. Chernozem provides plants with all the necessary nutrients, peat serves as additional fertilizer, and sand facilitates the substrate, allowing the root system to grow faster.
It remains only to pour warm water, cover with glass and put in a dark, warm place - the optimum temperature is from +25 to +28 degrees Celsius. After the first shoots, the glass can be removed and put the container (or containers) in a well-lit place. However, it is advisable to protect sprouts from direct sunlight.
Planted in the ground
In open ground, seedlings are planted, usually at the age of 2 months. If you use hotbeds, you can disembark earlier - in about 6 weeks. Of course, the earth should warm up well, and the threat of frost should completely pass.
Landing in the soil must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system. You can reduce the risk of this if you use separate containers - for example, peat pots. Seedlings are planted on beds directly with them. Peat decomposes quite quickly in moist soil, allowing the roots to pass through the walls of the pot, and at the same time serves as additional fertilizer.
The optimal distance between the bushes is about 40 centimeters. It is advisable to place the beds at a distance of 50 cm from each other, so that it is convenient to care for the bushes.
Plant care
In general, in the care, the Favorit variety is not too different from other tomatoes.
He does not like excessive humidity, fruits with a thin skin can even crack because of this. Therefore, you need to water the beds only if there has been no rain for a long time.
The variety resists many diseases very well, which is important for summer residents who spend most of their time in the city - in such a situation it is not always possible to quickly respond to the threat.
But the garter of the bushes is mandatory. Fruits, as already mentioned, are formed in the hands of up to six pieces. Moreover, the weight of each is approximately 200 grams. So, the mass of the brush reaches 1-1.2 kilograms, and in some cases more. Of course, under such a weight the branches may well break. Therefore, for the season, it is advisable to tie the bushes once, and sometimes two. And this applies to both outdoor cultivation and in greenhouses.
The formation of bushes is not superfluous. The lateral shoots of this variety are weak, so it is advisable to immediately remove them so that they do not draw out useful substances. The plant will stretch upward, due to which all leaves and fruits will receive maximum sunlight and heat, which will positively affect the yield and taste of tomatoes.
Due to its many advantages, the Favorite tomato receives mostly positive reviews. Many experienced summer residents appreciate the good yield, as well as the convenience of harvesting. Fruits can be removed directly with brushes - 4-6 pieces each. This ensures better storage, as well as external aesthetics.
Excellent taste, tenderness of flesh and meatiness do not stand aside - true connoisseurs note this in the first place.
Finally, most people like the opportunity to get a rich harvest both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground.
Now you know more about the Favorite tomato variety. The reviews and photos attached to the article will make it possible to make the most objective opinion about it and decide whether this variety is the best solution or whether it makes sense to look for another option.