Perspective-thematic lesson planning is a prerequisite, according to the new federal state standards. He has certain characteristics. We will analyze them in more detail.
Plan components
Any graduate of a teacher training college knows that there are certain rules in preparing a class. The prospectively-thematic lesson plan in academic disciplines is an indispensable link in preparing for the lesson of any modern teacher.
It includes the division of educational material for the academic year into separate sections and topics. If we consider in general terms a perspective-thematic plan, it should be noted that in addition to the names of topics, it indicates calendar time, homework, as well as those skills that students will have to acquire.
Planning purpose
The long-term calendar, comprehensive thematic plan determines the required number of training sessions on each topic. Since the system of lessons is reflected in it, one can trace the logical sequence of students acquiring new skills and knowledge, consolidating and summarizing the material studied earlier. The main links of the educational and educational process are necessarily included in the educational process:
- study of new material;
- the process of systematizing the knowledge gained;
- improvement and consolidation of the studied material;
- practical application of ZUN;
- education of schoolchildren skills;
- control over the educational achievements of students.
The teacher divides the material of the whole topic into separate parts that correspond to the content of the lesson, placing them as they are studied (with an increase in the degree of complexity).
Rules for the separation of topics in the curriculum
A long-term thematic plan is drawn up according to certain rules:
- new material in each lesson should have 3-4 questions that students must learn;
- the material selected for the lesson should be completed in its content, have a specific didactic goal;
- the sequence of arrangement of educational material for individual lessons involves adhering to a logical chain, ensuring internal interconnection, and gradually increasing the complexity of educational tasks.
When determining the amount of training material that will be considered during the lesson, one must take into account the likelihood of its consideration, deepening for the period of time allotted for the training lesson.
Perspective calendar, complex thematic planning has a certain base. It consists of lessons designed to study new educational material, this also includes classes of a combined type. Also, a perspective-thematic plan involves listing all excursions, laboratory, practical work, and control classes. The table shows the serial number of the lesson, the name of the lesson (topic), the main elements, homework.
Features of some thematic plans
According to the new federal educational standards, the long-term thematic plan for economics (or any other academic discipline) contains those basic concepts, as well as UAN, which schoolchildren should master. Interdisciplinary connections that make it possible to achieve deep assimilation of educational material are also noted.
The long-term thematic plan of correctional work differs in that before each new lesson, the goal is adjusted taking into account the psychological mood of the children in the lesson, their physical condition.
Logistics Equipment
The teacher records in the table those important objects of material and technical equipment that he needs to achieve his goals. So, if the long-term thematic plan for technology involves the use of ICTs and visual aids, the teacher makes a note that their purchase, repair, manufacturing is required.
Duration of the plan
The long-term thematic plan of production training is a long-term document that can be used as long as the curriculum for which it was originally designed is functioning. In this case, the teacher has the right to make adjustments to the planning, change the name of topics, supplement the basic tools necessary for him to achieve the goal.
If the teacher fails to fulfill all the goals and tasks specified in the preliminary planning at one training session, he makes changes to the table. Depending on the specifics of the academic discipline, teachers choose the form of a table, indicate the content of the academic discipline, and note the means used in the educational process.
Long-term planning, regardless of the chosen form, involves the mandatory consideration of several methodological techniques:
- Training material is selected for a specific target audience, distributed by topic, section. They correspond to specific occupations, are described in the explanatory note to the program.
- Knowing the number of hours on the subject taught per week, the plan indicates the division of lessons by half year, month. There must be a logical connection between the individual lessons in planning. When you familiarize yourself with planning, you should get the impression of a holistic, unified system.
- Depending on the specifics of the subject, the field of theoretical issues that need practical fixing is determined.
An experienced teacher in drawing up long-term planning also determines the technical means with which he is going to solve the issues of training and education of the younger generation.
Essential Details
In the long-term planning, it is important to pay attention to the practical actions of schoolchildren, independent and laboratory work. The main point is to determine the approximate result of the student’s academic work, correlating it with the purpose of the lesson, identifying the educational product. The teacher should carefully consider the means of control, form, as well as methods of its implementation. Thanks to the finished perspective-thematic planning, the activities of a young specialist are greatly simplified. Practice shows that the final result of education and training depends on the completeness and reasonableness of thematic plans. Experienced educators are aware of this, they try to bring the necessary elements to the maximum in the planning, so that in the process they do not spend time on a significant adjustment of the preliminary plan.
Goal-setting is a conscious process aimed at identifying and setting goals and objectives of all pedagogical activity. The teacher feels the need for preliminary planning of his work, he is ready to model the main tasks, taking into account specific pedagogical situations. An experienced teacher is able to transform the goals set by modern society in front of educational institutions into joint activities with schoolchildren.
The difficulty experienced by young teachers is the correct transfer of learning outcomes to practice, taking into account the physiological and psychological characteristics of modern students.
The well-thought-out plan of a particular training session reflects the preparatory work carried out by the teacher. Of course, this cannot be considered a full guarantee of achieving all the goals and objectives set by the teacher, but planning is recognized in the pedagogical community as a prerequisite for a quality lesson.
In the wording of the tasks for the lesson should be the words: identify, justify, show . A teacher cannot achieve high results from a lesson if he has not previously drawn up a good written plan. This process is a creative event, it will require a significant amount of time from the teacher. The lesson plan indicates the amount and content of homework. The planning structure is influenced by the specifics of the teacher’s personality, as well as the characteristics of the student population.
If desired, educational and thematic planning can be issued in the form of abstracts or abstracts. Its content should strictly correspond to the taught discipline, the age characteristics of students, the requirements established for the subject by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
Particular emphasis in planning should be placed on the presentation of new theoretical material. The plan does not imply a description of all the demonstrations, calculations, and illustrations that the teacher will use; it is enough to indicate a link to the source used.
Allocation of time to separate sections of the educational topic contributes to the rational use of each training lesson, helps the teacher to get the maximum result from his work. Professionals leave one column in the thematic planning blank, so as to work to make amendments, clarifications, certain additions to it. When devoting due attention to the preliminary planning of the school year, the teacher takes off a lot of problems.