Cucumber is one of the main vegetables grown by amateur gardeners. This not only tasty, but also healthy vegetable is successfully grown in greenhouses. But not all gardeners know how to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse correctly, especially beginners.
Careful care is required for the cucumber, which consists in maintaining a comfortable temperature and lighting. Fertilizing and watering cucumbers in a greenhouse also affects plant growth and affect yield. But the formation of cucumbers in the greenhouse is the most important condition for obtaining a high yield of this crop. The formation of bushes should begin immediately, as soon as the plants take root, that is, approximately three to four days after the transplantation of seedlings.
If the shoots are not shortened in time, the plantings will thicken so that it will be difficult to enter the greenhouse. But this is not the worst thing - in cramped conditions diseases begin to develop, which under such conditions spread rapidly and can affect all plants.
The formation of cucumbers in the greenhouse must begin before fruiting. Typically, cucumbers are planted in two parallel rows, horizontal trellises are stretched over them from one wall to the other, for which steel wire with a cross section of 4-5 millimeters, or cord cord, is used. The uppermost trellis is tied at a height of two meters, and the distance between the trellises is 40 centimeters. Cucumbers are tied to trellis with twine three to four centimeters thick.
The formation of cucumbers in the greenhouse and their garter to the trellis are active techniques that affect the growth and development of plants. These techniques help form strong plants with a well-developed root system.
The cord on the trellis should be well stretched so that there is no support of the plants - otherwise weakly-held roots of cucumbers can simply be pulled out of the ground. The stalk of the cucumber as it grows regularly needs to be twisted around the twine so that the lash holds well and does not fall under its own weight.
The top must be left free. When the lash reaches the trellis wire, it needs to be wrapped twice around the trellis, but care must be taken so that the stalk does not break and crack.
Why is it necessary to form cucumbers in a greenhouse? If this is not done, then the yield may decrease significantly due to the fact that the plants will simply be oppressed due to thickening and lack of light. Thickened and unformed plants will interfere with harvesting - this also needs to be borne in mind. Since in most hybrid varieties the crop is formed mainly on the main lash, therefore, it is necessary to form the stem, removing the side shoots.
You need to pay attention to the type of hybrid selected. So a branching type plant requires a large number of repeatable forming operations, and a hybrid type with limited branching almost does not need such operations, so that they can be minimized.
It is necessary to form modern greenhouse hybrids, which form mainly female flowers. The process of formation is as follows. In the first month, plants grow intensively and reach a height of more than half a meter. During this period, shoots and buds formed in them in the axils of the leaves should be removed. This is done in order to form a powerful and well-leafy plant.
After that, when the cucumbers grow to half their height, the lateral lashes that are formed again about the same length of the stem are preserved, but the tops above the first leaf and the female flower remain. Here usually form four or five shoots. Further, with the growth of the lashes, they are left longer and pinched already above the second sheet, leaving two ovaries, and the frustrated lashes are cut out and thrown away.
So the formation of cucumbers in the greenhouse is made in order to significantly increase productivity. This is a painstaking thing, but there is nothing particularly complicated about it.