Federal Law 273-ะคะ— "On Education in the Russian Federation"

A quality education system is a necessary element in any state. In the Russian Federation, the phenomenon presented is regulated by Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education". Especially important provisions of this normative act will be examined in detail in the article.

What is the law about?

What is regulated by Federal Law 273-FZ "On Education"? According to article 1, this is social relations in the field of education. This includes the realization of the right to educational processes, the quality assurance of freedoms, interests and human and civil rights, the creation of conditions for the realization of the right to education, etc. The presented normative act regulates the foundations of an organizational, legal and economic nature, some principles of the implementation of state policy in Russia, general rules for the functioning of the educational system and much more. Thanks to the law, the legal status of participants in the educational sphere can be clearly defined.

What, according to the normative act, is education? The law speaks of a focused and unified process of an educational character, which is a socially significant good carried out in the interests of Russian citizens. Parenting is part of education. According to the law, education refers to the activity on the formation and development of personality. Training is a focused process to endow a person with knowledge, skills and abilities.

The basic principles of the law

Article 3 No. 273- "On Education" enshrines the basic principles on which the educational sphere in the Russian Federation is based. In addition to the classical principles of legality, humanity and focus on protecting the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, it is worth mentioning here:

  • priority educational processes;
  • ensuring the right of every citizen to education;
  • unity and integrity of the educational process in Russia;
  • secularism;
  • autonomy of educational organizations, but at the same time, their information openness and publicity;
  • inadmissibility of elimination or restriction of competition in the presented field, etc.
    273 fz about education

The right of each person to the implementation of educational processes in Russia is worth a little more detailed discussion below.

Right to education

Article 5 No. 273-FZ "On Education" provides the basic guarantees for the realization of the right to education of every Russian citizen. So, such a right is granted to everyone without exception - regardless of language, gender, origin, social beliefs, attitude to religion, etc. In Russia, free and accessible education should be guaranteed - both pre-school and primary general, secondary, professional, higher, etc.

273 Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation

Russian state bodies are called upon to ensure the quality realization of the right to education. Such support is possible only through socio-economic support, timely satisfaction of relevant human needs, the implementation of quality reforms, etc. Both state bodies of a federal or regional type, and local authorities are obliged in every way to assist citizens in the represented area.

On the role of the state

The powers of state bodies in the educational field are worth a little more detail. According to Article 6 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the federal authorities of the executive branch are required to:

  • engage in the development and high-quality implementation of state policy in the field of education;
  • organize additional education of a professional type;
  • create, reorganize and liquidate federal state institutions of an educational nature;
  • engage in licensing of educational activities;
  • to carry out quality control and supervision functions in the presented field;
  • exercise other powers established in 273- "On education".
    Education Act 273 FZ

According to article 72 of the Russian Constitution, educational activities are the responsibility of both regional and federal authorities, that is, they are joint in nature. That is why, in Law No. 273- "On Education", the functions of state bodies are also divided. So, if the federation is in charge of compiling the entire state educational program, granting licenses to especially large institutions, financing educational organizations, etc., then the functions of the regions are not so large-scale - for example, creating conditions for childcare, creating or liquidating regional educational institutions, the organization of additional training and much more.

About the structure of an educational institution

Article 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ "On Education" provides a detailed description of the entire educational structure of Russia. Here is what this structure includes:

  • federal standards and requirements that should never be derogated from;
  • organizations whose main functions include educational activities;
  • federal and regional government bodies;
  • organizations evaluating the quality of educational services;
  • various associations of legal entities engaged in educational activities.
    Federal Law on Education 273 FZ

In Russia today the following system of general education has been established:

  • preschool level;
  • First level;
  • basic general level;
  • average overall level.

Higher education is divided into undergraduate, specialty and master's degrees.

Educational activities

Chapter 3 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" refers to the implementation of educational activities in Russia. This kind of activity should be carried out by special organizations licensed to carry out educational functions. Any organizations providing training should be responsible both for their employees and for students.

the law of the Russian Federation on education 273 fz

Any educational organization must be non-profit. In this area, the rules on freedom of conscience, religion, worldview, etc. must be strictly observed. Depending on who created the organization, it may be of a private, regional or state nature.

About the subjects of the educational system

Who, according to chapters 4 and 5 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", is included in the total number of subjects of the educational system? Here it is worth mentioning the students themselves - schoolchildren, preschoolers, students or graduate students, as well as their legal representatives (parents or guardians).

Federal Law 273 on education in the Russian Federation
Teachers, namely teachers and teachers, are also subjects of the presented system. All employees of educational organizations must be certified and licensed to carry out their professional activities.

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