How long do eyelash extensions last? Reviews

Eyelash extensions - a procedure that attracts many women. It is convenient before going out: without mascara, eyes will look expressive for a long time. This technique combines a wonderful natural effect. But many are interested in how long extensions are held. This will be discussed in the article.


How long do eyelash extensions last? The duration of the effect of the procedure with a good specialist who uses high-quality materials is 20-30 days. Judging by the reviews, during this time the cilia look flawless. But there are several factors that affect the quality and duration of the result:

  1. Qualification of the master. Due to the inexperience of the employee, the service life is noticeably reduced.
  2. The quality of the resin, glue. If the hairs began to be removed after visiting the salon, then the master used a not quite high-quality composition. And bad glue causes allergies.
  3. The method of conducting the procedure. It is advisable to choose the ciliary method, rather than the bundle method, in which the hairs fall off due to their weight. The procedure with each hair is considered painstaking, takes a lot of time, but the result remains for a long time. Considering the reviews, many women choose the ciliary method.
  4. Contact lenses reduce the period of operation of hair extensions.
  5. With a risk of allergies or blepharitis, the result does not last long. Artificial hairs are rejected by the body, irritation and redness of the eyelids occur.
  6. The effect lasts much longer if the rules of care are followed.
extension eyelashes how much hold

Owners of oily skin deserve special attention. In this situation, the beautician can not give an exact answer, how many extended eyelashes hold. The secret formed by the epidermis can reduce the time of service, but this will not be the fault of the master. According to reviews, before performing the procedure, you should consult with a specialist.

Sock without harm

The danger of prolonged wear is damage to your hair. No matter how environmentally friendly the material, it is harmful. This is usually due to the large weight of the hairs. It leads to weighting and bending of natural ones, which provokes their breaking off.

how long do eyelash extensions last

After removing the silicone cilia, the eyes will look unnatural. Hair will be lowered and almost invisible. With the help of overgrowing, cilia are always perfect.


On average, how long do eyelash extensions last? A new image is usually stored for 20-25 days without correction. Improper care may reduce this time. It is always necessary to remember the grown hairs, protect them and take care.

Care is as follows:

  1. In 1 day you should not wash and bathe. The liquid that gets on the eyelids destroys the structure of the glue, spoils the appearance, reduces the service life.
  2. You should not use oily creams for the eyes: the composition loses its properties, and the cilia fall off.
  3. About cilia should not be forgotten at night: you can not sleep face in the pillow, scratch your eyes. Rub them.
  4. It is not necessary to apply mascara to the grown hairs, as it will make heavier and interact with glue. In this case, it will not be possible to properly care for the eyelids: with the removal of makeup, hairs are lost. But now there are tools created to cleanse the extended cilia. You can not use waterproof compounds, and you must carefully remove mascara.
  5. How long do extended eyelashes hold when going to the bath or sauna? Even with careful care, the period is reduced. Sudden changes in temperature and high humidity destroy the adhesive.
  6. Some girls do the procedure before relaxing at the resort, because, according to their reviews, painting on the beach is uncomfortable. With this method, you will not be able to dive, because the cilia will not last long. Building should not be done before visiting the pool, as the result of aggressive water will deteriorate after a week.
  7. Eyelid care involves washing with ordinary water. Foams or lotions should be applied so as not to affect the skin around the eyes.
how long do classic extensions hold

How long do 2D extension eyelashes hold? The result is saved for the same time as in other cases. It is necessary to maintain the effect in the usual ways. According to reviews, care is an important element in maintaining hair. It is necessary to adhere to the recommendations of the specialist who performed the procedure.

Sock duration

Fans of this procedure are interested in how long eyelashes are kept. According to reviews, the effect is noticeable for about a month. To extend the term, you must follow some rules. If the work is done correctly, you can’t do the adjustment for 3-4 weeks. If you wear such eyelashes longer and properly looked after, there will be no harm.

how long do extensions hold

After regrowth and after a while, they still need to be removed. This must be done not by yourself, but by the master. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing not only the extensions, but also your cilia. How long do Classic extensions hold? The duration of the effect is the same time as in other cases.

How many procedures can you perform in a row? According to reviews of experts, if there are no contraindications, then there are no restrictions. The extension protects the natural hairs from mechanical damage, therefore it is a useful procedure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other procedure, building has the following advantages:

  • expressive look;
  • convenience, time saving;
  • no need for mascara;
  • Eye protection against dust and foreign particles.

But there are also disadvantages. Among them, redness, swelling of the eyelids, irritation of the mucosa. The procedure has a high price - about 3 thousand rubles per 1 session. After this, there is a need for correction of overgrown cilia. And if an unqualified master is caught, then you can hurt yourself.

When can not be carried out? Reviews of specialists

The procedure can not be performed in the first half of the menstrual cycle. With hormonal and metabolic disorders, there is a risk of poor material fastening, strong bonding. Extension is undesirable for oily skin, as it will be necessary to perform correction more often.

how long do extended eyelashes 2d hold

According to experts, the sessions are contraindicated in chemotherapy, infectious diseases of the eyes, eyelids, antibacterial therapy, allergies, pregnancy and lactation. Before carrying out eyelash extensions, it is best to consult with the master about all questions of interest.

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