Why does a psychiatrist always ask very strange questions to people

Our psyche is a very subtle area, which sometimes even the most highly qualified specialists, psychologists and psychiatrists cannot understand. Therefore, when visiting doctors of a similar profile, many completely normal clients have the idea that they are perceived as mentally ill people. Otherwise, how, in their opinion, to explain why the psychiatrist always asks very strange questions.

why does a psychiatrist always ask very strange questions
Most mentally healthy citizens encounter visits to this doctor solely as part of medical examinations at school, university, when hiring or studying at a driving school. Therefore, practically no one has the skills to communicate with such specialists. Moreover, unlike the West, where the psychologist is almost the family doctor of the whole family, in our country, not many will be able to correctly define the differences between the two professions - psychologist and psychiatrist. After this, it is not surprising that for many, communication with doctors in these areas of medicine brings real stress. In particular, the psychiatrist’s questions at the physical examination confound.

questions of a psychiatrist at a physical examination
In fact, of course, both of these specialists study the soul of a person, his psyche. But if the psychologist deals with the clinical manifestations of nervous system dysfunctions and intrapersonal problems, then the sphere of interests of psychiatry lies in identifying pathologies of the nervous system, psyche, significant deviations from the norm and diseases that are hereditary and can be a threat to society.

psychiatrist questions on commission
At the same time, when a normal person hears the questions of a psychiatrist at the commission, he perfectly understands their absurdity and is rather perplexed, giving his answer. And the secret is simple - it is non-standard questions that help a specialist to identify people with obvious mental disorders. At first glance, such people can easily get lost among completely healthy compatriots, since they do not behave at the peak of exacerbation quite adequately. This is why a psychiatrist always asks very strange questions - he identifies markers of mental disorders in a person.

For example, if a healthy person is asked what is the difference between a raven and a desk, he will most likely shrug his shoulders and explain. Especially educated people will remember Lewis Carroll, from where this comparison is taken. But a mentally ill person will not be able to build logical associations with the book where the quotation came from, nor will he be able to justifiably explain the difference between these objects in terms of logic. So the most important reason why a psychiatrist always asks very strange questions is the identification of illogical and absurd answers that will indicate that a person should be examined in more detail.

Now that you know about the little secret of psychiatry, you will not be so uncomfortable in the office of doctors of this specialty. After all, the answer to the question of why the psychiatrist always asks very strange questions is simple and understandable. The main thing is that they remain so for you, and you can give them a simple and logical answer. Otherwise, you will have to undergo additional examinations in order to prove your own normality and the absence of mental illness.

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