The sternum handle: structure, signs of pathology and treatment

A protrusion of the sternum handle occurs with a congenital or acquired pathology of the chest. After a severe injury, the anterior bone is displaced and bulges outward. With congenital diseases, the defect is formed gradually. The improper structure of the musculoskeletal system leads to a violation of the functions of internal organs and is a difficult psychological aspect.

The sternum grip is

The structure of the sternum handle

The sternum is a flat, spongy bone of an elongated shape located in the frontal area of ​​the human chest . It consists of three separate fragments: the handle of the sternum, body, and appendix. In childhood, the parts of the sternum are connected by a cartilaginous tissue, which eventually hardens and acquires a bone-like structure.

Sternum grip structure

The sternum handle is the upper part of the sternum. It has an irregular quadrangular shape and is the widest part of the bone. On its sides there are special clippings for fastening with the clavicle. Symmetrical recesses are located a little lower for connection with the cartilages of the first ribs. The upper recess of the sternum handle is called the yoke. In people of asthenic type of addition, the handle is easily felt through the muscle layer.

The front bone is one of the important components of the chest corset. It protects the internal organs from mechanical stress and damage from bruises. One of the main areas of the chest contains bone marrow and is an organ of hematopoiesis. With injuries and congenital anomalies of the sternum, the following systems suffer:

  • respiratory
  • musculoskeletal;
  • cardiovascular.

Consider the common reasons why the sternum handle sticks out and hurts.

The sternum handle sticks out and hurts

Keeled chest

With an incorrect structure of the bone corset, the sternum handle sticks out. The causes of the disease are associated with a birth defect called a "keeled chest." This malformation is more common in patients with structural features of the body: high growth, elongated limbs, lack of subcutaneous fat. Keeled chest deformity (CDHC) has a well-known name in the people - "chest goose pigeon." The clinical picture of the disease:

  • protruding bone in the middle front of the chest;
  • retraction of the connective cartilaginous tissue;
  • hollow weakly expressed ribs.

Pathology is detected at the birth of a child, and with age, the symptoms only intensify. Patients experience shortness of breath and palpitations when walking, complain of rapid fatigue. If the defect is not treated, then over time, the capacity of the lungs decreases and the oxygen supply to the body decreases.

Orthopedic device

CDHC treatment

To improve the general condition of the patient, the following activities are carried out:

  • regular exercise;
  • keel pressure (in adolescents);
  • breathing exercises;
  • wearing orthopedic devices;
  • physiotherapy exercises.

To completely eliminate a cosmetic defect, surgical intervention is required.

Barrel chest

Barrel chest

With a barrel-shaped chest, intercostal spaces increase, the chest frame shifts forward and the sternum handle sticks out. Why does this deformation appear? There can be several answers:

  1. The most common cause of pathology is emphysema. There is an increase in the lungs and displacement of the rib arches. The disease occurs against a background of chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis and smoking, accompanied by coughing fits and shortness of breath.
  2. Osteoarthritis is a joint disease in which the cartilage tissue wears out. If arthritis affects the front ribs, then the sternum moves forward.
  3. Bronchial asthma. As a result of chronic pneumonia, the upper part of the inert skeleton expands and loses the correct anatomical proportions.
  4. Cystic fibrosis. A genetic disease causes the accumulation of mucus in organs, including in the lungs. Often pathology leads to the appearance of a barrel-shaped chest.

To reduce the deformation of the sternum, the underlying disease is primarily treated.

Sternum fracture

Sternum fracture

In a car accident, impact with a blunt object or a fall, a fracture often occurs between the handle and the sternum body. In severe cases, with an injury, the sternum handle protrudes, the structure of the bones is disturbed. The victim experiences unbearable pain, intensifying with a deep breath.

In the area of ​​the fracture, a hematoma with edema is formed. With a significant displacement of the sternum in some patients with palpation, bone fragments are felt. Damage to internal organs: lungs, heart, pleura is also possible. With untimely medical care, complications occur - accumulation of air and blood in the chest cavity. To diagnose a fracture, complex measures are carried out: computed tomography and radiography.


Patients are prescribed orally or intramuscularly a course of painkillers. A novocaine blockade is placed in the injured area. For accelerated fusion of the sternum, a reposition is done in which bone fragments are correctly aligned. In case of a fracture with an offset, the sternum handle is fixed in the desired position with special screws.

Posture Exercises

After a month, the sternum is completely fused. In the future, it is recommended to carry out rehabilitation measures:

  • massage;
  • water aerobics;
  • breathing exercises;
  • swimming;
  • exercises for posture.

After an injury, the chest is pulled by a medical elastic tape or bandage. To prevent the risk of cracking at the site of injury, excessive physical exertion should be avoided.

Bruise of the sternum grip

Bruise of the sternum grip

If the handle of the sternum hurts with a bruise, perform the following actions:

  1. Provide the victim with bed rest.
  2. To reduce the pain of injury, a tight bandage is applied to the chest and secured to the healthy side.
  3. Ice is applied to the handle of the sternum, this procedure will reduce hemorrhage and swelling.
  4. For severe pain, pain medications are taken (Nise, Spazgan, Baralgin).
  5. On the third day after a bruise, they go on to hematoma treatment - they make warm compresses.

If the pain in the sternum handle does not go away within a week, you need to contact a specialist. The doctor will conduct a medical examination and prescribe treatment procedures, such as electrophoresis, based on the results. A medical measure is the effect of direct electric current on an injured place. Positive effects in the treatment of:

  • swelling decreases;
  • muscle tone relaxes;
  • tissue regeneration accelerates;
  • the body's defenses increase;
  • microcirculation improves;
  • pain is eliminated.

With severe damage to the vessels, treatment is carried out surgically. If after a week the tumor has not resolved, then stagnation of blood in the sternum is suspected. The doctor makes a puncture in an injured place, and excess fluid comes out.

Folk remedies for bruises

With a slight bruise of the sternum handle, you can use alternative methods of treatment:

  1. The horseradish root is rubbed on a fine grater and a compress is applied to the injured place. This method of treatment relieves pain well, but it can not be used during the first two days after a bruise.
  2. To resolve the hematoma, vinegar (9%) is mixed with honey and applied in the form of a dressing on the sternum.
  3. A good analgesic effect has a remedy from cilantro. 50 g of fruit are taken per 1 liter of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes. Filter and take in a warm form for 2-3 cups per day.
  4. Chopped parsley is used for dressings. The crushed leaves are applied to the sternum and secured with a bandage.

If a person slipped on ice, then ribs, sternum, and grip may be injured during a fall. The body with such bruises aches and hurts for a very long time. To reduce the suffering, it is recommended to apply a circular elastic bandage. When you pull the sternum, mobility is limited, and it’s easier for a person to tolerate pain.

Diseases of the internal organs

Diseases of the internal organs

When pressing on the handle of the sternum, pain may appear, radiating to other parts of the chest. The causes of the pathology are degenerative changes in the joints, disorders in the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems.

  1. If, when you press the handle, there are unpleasant sensations in the process of the sternum, then this may indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. With pulling pains in the handle of the sternum lasting more than a week, an aortic aneurysm is suggested.
  3. If burning pressure is felt when pressing on the bone corset, and the pain passes to the left shoulder or shoulder blade, then this is a clear sign of latent angina pectoris.
  4. Often pain in the sternum is caused by pathological processes in the respiratory system: sarcoidosis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia. Concomitant symptoms - weakness, severe cough, sweating.

Pathologies in which the sternum handle sticks out and hurts can be quite serious. Therefore, if you feel discomfort with pressure and notice external changes in the sternum, then consult a specialist.

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