Certification tests: procedure, protocol, results

Drawing up a test report is an important part of the verification of equipment, machinery, materials and products. Thanks to this document, it is possible to record all the actions that were performed throughout the entire testing process, as well as all the results obtained. Testing may be a mandatory verification procedure or carried out on a voluntary basis. They can also be one-time or periodic. How to get a certificate?

What it is?

Certification tests are a series of activities that help confirm the quality and safety of the manufactured goods. All stages, and there are many of them, are carried out to declare compliance with mandatory certification or on a voluntary basis.

All tests must be carried out in accredited laboratories that know how to properly select the test samples of certified products. The whole procedure for checking compliance on average takes about 10 days from the moment a full package of documents was received and all samples were selected. Tests can be carried out in accordance with GOST, technical documentation of the manufacturer, the requirements of the nomenclature and others that were proposed by the applicant. After conducting all studies, an act is drawn up and a protocol is issued.


The certification test report is an official document that describes all the stages of the tests, the results. It confirms all the stated requirements for the products that the manufacturer offers. It also serves as an essential basis for obtaining a declaration of conformity.

Why do I need and how to get certification documentation?

To confirm the quality of their products, each company leader wants to know how to get a certificate confirming that all goods meet all the specified parameters.

Based on the received protocol, you can subsequently receive all types of existing certificates:

  • certificate of conformity;
  • declaration of conformity.

To receive the protocol, it is necessary to provide products for further testing in the laboratory. Then wait, which verdict will be rendered after research, whether the sample meets the specified parameters. Today, there are many laboratories that offer help in obtaining a protocol using only modern certification test methods. They even promise to issue all the necessary documentation without collecting samples, but such institutions are closed in speed, but the certificates received from them are valid until their term expires.

Features of the tests

All tests must be carried out in certain laboratories that have been assigned such powers. If there are any, but there is an indication to carry out only the technical part, then it is possible for the representative of the organization that receives certification to be present at all stages of the research.

Testing Laboratories

Each product group has its own regulatory documents and test rules, guidelines for conducting and preparing samples. So, for example, certification tests for products manufactured in the Customs Union are determined by several basic requirements:

  • according to the state of the environment;
  • on equipment on which tests are carried out;
  • for certain types of protocols.

In order to receive the protocol, it is necessary to submit an application, and both the manufacturer and the third party can do this. Samples, operating instructions, and other documents must be attached to the application. The list of all necessary documentation is specified in each individual case.

All certification bodies specialize in the verification of one or several types of products at once, which is displayed in the field of accreditation. All tests are carried out on special equipment and by experienced specialists.

All checks are carried out on the equipment and on the territory of the company of the manufacturer or customer that organized the certification, but only on the condition that a preliminary certification of the tested equipment was carried out. There must be an expert authorized to conduct certification to ensure the objectivity of the results.

During the research, a special certification test program is used, which is compiled on the basis of generally accepted methods, depending on what type of product it is planned to check and prove its quality. The program can be developed personally by the manufacturer or laboratory with the approval of certification bodies.

During the audit, an analysis of all technical documentation is mandatory: operational, design and other.

Features of sampling

All samples taken for research should correspond to serial production and meet all the most important parameters. Sampling should be entrusted to a representative of the laboratory or a representative of a certified body. Additionally, a control sample is taken, which in parallel with the main one will go through all stages of verification. The order of sampling is determined by the standards that are prescribed in the vehicle. Particularly highlighted are the following basic rules for sampling:

  • they should be of uniform consistency;
  • selection of products is carried out by composition;
  • selection by quantity;
  • the presence of the characteristics of the sample in the products.
Sampling for research

Only an authorized person knows how to select samples for research, guided by the relevant documentation. But the representative of the company that has entered into an agreement with the laboratory for certification tests can also control the selection process.

Types of Research

All tests are divided according to several criteria:

  • appointment;
  • level of conduct;
  • research of finished products;
  • conditions and venue;
  • test duration;
  • end result;
  • defined characteristics of the sample.

In addition, each of the signs can be divided into several types, for example, depending on the purpose of the tests, it can be divided into control, comparative, definitive, or research.

Research is carried out in order to determine the characteristics of the properties of the sample and the main purpose of such checks:

  • assessment of quality indicators of the functioning of an object under certain conditions of its use;
Assessment of the functioning of the facility
  • selection of optimal operating modes and characteristics of properties;
  • comparison of a large number of options for the implementation of the test sample during certification and design;
  • construction and evaluation of the parameters of the mathematical model;
  • selection of all factors that may affect the quality indicators of the investigated object;
  • selection of the correct type of mathematical model, from a large number of specified parameters.

Definitive studies are carried out in order to determine the characteristics of the studied object and compare with the given data.

Comparative, it is advisable to carry out in order to compare the properties of similar samples, for this they are taken under the same conditions.

Control studies are aimed at assessing the quality of products.

Tasks and objectives of the tests

All tasks and goals are constantly changing as the products go through the stages of the "life" cycle. In this regard, there are two main stages in the considered product groups:

  1. At the design stage, preliminary, final and acceptance studies are carried out.
  2. And among the main types of finished products distinguish: standard, certification, preliminary, qualified and others.

Conducting certification tests depending on the time of the study can be divided into normal, accelerated and shortened.

Depending on the level of significance of the tests, it can be divided into state, departmental and interdepartmental.

Depending on the factors of external influence, all types of tests are divided into climatic, mechanical, electromagnetic, radiation, chemical and biological.

There are also destructive types of certification tests in which destructive testing methods are used.

The purpose of obtaining certification

In companies that manufacture products, testing for certification is a routine. With their help, you can install:

  • quality of manufactured goods;
  • product safety;
  • to determine the degree of suitability for its further use in various conditions;
  • confirm the properties that were declared in the documentation.
Certification purpose

Verification stages are necessarily included in the protocol of the studies, and after each the result is summarized. The final part describes a summary summary.

It is important to note the fact that in some cases, companies involve other laboratories in the testing, which have all the necessary equipment and testing experience. But they must have special licenses.

How are the studies conducted?

All tests are carried out mainly by the commission, which is appointed by a special order signed by the head. The commission consists of several specialists from specialized departments of the organization, which has all the necessary qualifications and knowledge about the object.

During the tests, the appropriate conditions must be simulated, which the equipment, devices and other test objects must withstand. All stages of the procedure must be recorded in the protocol. After the completion of the research, the protocol is signed by all members of the commission or one officer responsible for the trial.

Research Commission

It is important to note that the results after research can be positive and negative, but they all necessarily fit into the protocol.

If the studied object has not passed verification, then it is sent for revision, and after that all repeated tests are carried out.

How long is the protocol valid?

After all the tests, the certification authorities issue a protocol that is unlimited. The period of its action is determined by the time the studies were conducted.

If such a document was received for the first time, then the term of its legitimacy is equal to one year.

If the tests are carried out for the second and subsequent times, then the period increases to 6 years.

If the tests were conducted on the products of private companies or on the personal initiative of the head of the organization, then the validity period of the certification documents is determined individually in each case.

How the protocol should be drawn up: sample

Today, the test report does not have a standard sample. Laboratories that conduct certification tests of products, compose them in any form, based on their needs, using for themselves their own personal template, developed and approved within the company.

But nevertheless, there are a number of requirements, which in any case must be made necessarily:

  • name of the organization that conducted the tests;
  • date of the procedure;
  • number of official document;
  • name of the investigated object: equipment, machinery, material, device and other;
  • all technical characteristics: weight, volume, power;
  • what were the conditions of the tests: temperature, voltage.
Certification test report

Only reliable information must be entered into the GOST certification test protocol, if false information is recorded, this can lead to the punishment of the controlling structures.

A sample test report contains:

  1. Initially, the document indicates the name of the company that conducted all the tests.
  2. After that, a reference is given to the license number and certificate that allow this laboratory to conduct studies of this particular product category.
  3. Further in the form it is necessary to enter the address at which the company is registered and the date of preparation of this document.
  4. The name of the protocol is written below in the middle, where its essence is necessarily indicated.
  5. After the main section is described, which is mainly made out in the form of a table or individual items. This must be included: the name of the object undergoing tests, all its technical characteristics, the date it was manufactured, the date of the tests, how many samples were tested, the conditions for the tests.
  6. Then all the data of the conducted tests are descriptively entered, where the strength of the object, its moisture resistance and other data are indicated.
  7. What are the consequences of the research.
  8. The protocol must be signed by all members of the commission, indicating the name and initials.

To get a certification document, it is better to contact specialized laboratories that know exactly what tests should be performed. After receiving the necessary document, all the data entered is carefully checked so that there are no further problems with the inspection bodies. To prevent problems, it is better to contact a trusted authority to pass certification and obtain the necessary documentation.

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