How to pump up the lower press. Exercises on the lower part of the press

Getting fit is a natural desire on the eve of the opening of the beach season. An important area of ​​the body that is always in sight and which, by the way, is difficult to hide even under clothes is the stomach. According to the standards of beauty for girls, it should be flat and pumped up, for a guy - pumped up to beautiful cubes. And now everyone is starting home bodybuilding in the summer to look like Miss and Mr. Peace on any beach.

When to start doing exercises? Naturally, the sooner the better, but it is advisable not to stop them at all. If the situation is running, and your abs is hidden behind a thick layer of fat, then it will be quite difficult for you to correct the situation even in a month. But if you just recovered slightly during the winter, this will be corrected in two weeks, provided that you continue to exercise even when the effect will completely suit you.

So, the upper part of the press is shaken as standard. But not everyone knows the exercises for the lower part of the press. Moreover, many do not see the need to swing the lower press. And in vain: this press supports the upper part, creates the effect of tightness. And for girls, the inflated lower part of the press is very useful: it will be easier for them to give birth in the future.

By the way, if you perform the exercise on the lower press as well as on the upper press, then you are unlikely to achieve the result. Here the main thing is not the number of times, but the quality of execution. Better do little, but good.

So, the first exercise is performed on the floor. We lie down, slightly raise our heads. Hands should rest calmly along the body. Do not help yourself. Raise your legs as high as possible, hold as much as we can, then lower. Try to do this at least 10 times.

How else can I pump the lower press? The exercises are as follows: again, the position is lying. Only hands this time are folded under the gluteal muscles. Legs bent at the knees need to be pulled 10 times to the shoulders as much as possible.

Classes should last at least 15 minutes a day to pump up the lower press. Exercises are performed with the soul. Of course, this is difficult, you need to force yourself to get rid of excess lazy fat. However, if you do not change your lifestyle, then nothing will improve in appearance either. Slenderness is achieved through hard and hard work, and the lower press is not the most difficult.

So, we can give you some more recommendations on how to pump up the lower press. Exercises are quite difficult to perform, but incredibly effective. You can hang on the bar, make sure that the feet do not touch the ground. After that, begin to bend and unbend your knees. Suitable for this type of pumping and exercise such as scissors. Starting position - lying down. Raise your legs and cross them, and then spread them apart, simulating the work of scissors. Repeat this exercise for about 10 minutes.

What else will help to pump up the lower press? An exercise that everyone knows: it's called the Bike. Only you need to do it not as usual, but keeping your feet near the floor. You will feel how much harder it is than a standard "bike."

Inflating the lower press, however, as well as the upper one, is not an easy process. He clearly confirms the saying: "Beauty requires sacrifice." But believe me, it's worth it. By the way, girls who were engaged in their press in their youth can easily restore their figure after pregnancy and childbirth. What can not be said about those whose abdominal muscles have always been flabby. By the way, and some exercises on the lower press not only make your stomach flat, but also improve posture. In any case, overcoming difficulties, you will notice that the result is impressive! By the way, in order to make it easier for you to download the lower press at first , perform the exercises with a positive attitude and try to imagine your slim figure more often.

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