Profession "massage therapist": education, salary, requirements

The profession of "massage therapist" is an opportunity to work both in state medical institutions and in private clinics. A great idea for those who are not too well versed in the structure of the human body and are afraid of the sight of blood, but with all their heart wants to work in a hospital. In this case, it is not necessary to get a nurse or a cleaner. You can become a masseur. This is far from the worst job, it is in demand in almost every city. We will talk about the features of the profession in the article.

What you need for work

Massage has been known since ancient times. Many did it after special training, someone dispensed with independent ideas. What did this profession prepare for the population? A masseur is a person who works with soft tissues. Everything else is not his profile. Masseurs make different types of massage. What is required to work in this area?

profession massage therapist

Many claim that it is enough to have talent in the field of body massage. To some extent this is true. But this is far from the most basic requirement. Now you need to get a massage therapist certificate in order to carry out this activity. Without it, the profession is considered undeveloped in full. The certificate plays the role of confirmation of qualifications.

It turns out that education is necessary for work. Candidates for a massage therapist may have some difficulties. Which ones? How can I get a job as a massage therapist?

Education choice

If properly prepared, the process will not cause a person any trouble. The main problem can be only one thing - in training. The education of a massage therapist is diverse. Why?

The thing is that in nature there are several types of massage. Accordingly, the teaching technique in one case or another is different. A potential massage therapist should master the option that suits him. This means that there may be problems with the choice of education. At the moment, we can distinguish massage:

  • medical;
  • children’s;
  • cosmetic;
  • sports.

A massage therapist certificate can be obtained after passing a certain course of study. This is not a higher education. The profession is obtained either in a technical school, in the corresponding direction, or in specialized additional courses. They are conducted by a variety of training organizations in each city. It is recommended to pay attention to the direction of massage, which will be taught. This is extremely important.

massage therapist

Medical education

It turns out that it is not at all necessary to receive a medical education in order to master this profession. This is the opinion held by many citizens. But is it really so?

In fact, the statement cannot be considered true. Work as a masseur is a responsible occupation. If you consider that there is a therapeutic massage, then a person has the right to work in a hospital. It is easy to guess that a medical education is required for employment. But which one? Higher (medical university) or secondary special (medical school). There are exceptions, but they are rare.

So what kind of education does this profession require in one case or another? A masseur is a person who basically either heals with his actions, or relaxes the muscles of the patient’s body. If we are talking about children's or therapeutic massage, you will have to finish any (preferably therapeutic) medical direction. Otherwise, an area called "physical education" is suitable. After university or college, a massage therapist receives a certificate for activities only after passing the appropriate training courses outside of them.

massage certificate

Where to work

Many are interested in where you can work after the license for a massage therapist is obtained. This topic also requires special attention. It is impossible to answer the question unequivocally. After all, a massage therapist is a profession that offers people trained to her a variety of opportunities. Can:

  • work in a hospital;
  • find a job in a clinic (for example, a nursery);
  • open your own business (become a private masseur);
  • go to work in cosmetology centers;
  • work for private paid medical facilities.

In general, a lot of opportunities offers a job as a masseur. The main thing is to get a suitable education. Employers have some requirements for such employees. What qualities should a good massage therapist have?

massage therapist salary


Of course, each vacancy has some distinctive features of its own. In order to work as a masseur, it is not enough to have a medical / physical education and take appropriate courses. A good employee should have many qualities. Among them are:

  • friendliness;
  • stress resistance;
  • ability to find an approach to people;
  • accuracy;
  • physical strength (especially in the arms);
  • good looks (desirable);
  • ability to perform monotonous work;
  • knowledge in the field of human anatomy and physiology.

This can end the basic requirements for candidates. The masseur in the clinic must necessarily have the last item from the above list of qualities and skills. People who do baby massage should either love the kids or be neutral with them. But you still have to learn to find an approach to children.

massage therapist in the clinic


Many people care about such a question as the salary of a massage therapist. It is difficult to answer unequivocally how much such an employee receives. Much depends on where the person works. The massage direction chosen by the citizen plays a role, as well as the level of qualification and professionalism. You can find the following patterns of earnings for massage therapists:

  • salary (mainly in public institutions);
  • salary and interest on the proceeds (used in private medical centers);
  • net interest on money earned (relevant for salons);
  • piecework earnings (when working for yourself).

How much does an average massage therapist earn? For example, in state clinics the salary is not too high - about 20-25 thousand rubles. It is not higher than that of the bulk of doctors. Therefore, a medical massage therapist is far from being the most popular vacancy, especially among young people. But if we talk about employment in private clinics or in salons, then the salary will increase. On average, a good massage therapist receives about 45,000 rubles a month. This figure is more attractive to young professionals. What are the pros and cons of the profession?


The vacancy has many advantages. The first positive point is the almost complete freedom to choose a job. A masseur can either work for himself or perform duties in state institutions, as well as in private clinics and salons. Despite the fact that this specialty is narrow, it offers employment in various organizations.

The next plus is the massage therapist’s salary. Yes, in government institutions, earnings are not too high. But in private companies and when working for yourself, you can get very good income. Much will depend on professionalism and skills, as well as on the client base. A responsible and experienced employee will not end up with patients. This means that earnings will be high.

medical massage therapist

Very often, employment does not require work experience. A masseur can be hired immediately after completing training in the chosen direction. The presence of practice is encouraged, but not a required item.


Each job has certain disadvantages. And the profession of massage therapist is no exception. What can be distinguished from the minuses of this work?

First of all, one will have to work hard. After all, a bad massage therapist, especially when it comes to a private clinic or salon, no one will go. Relax at the workplace will not work.

Secondly, earnings may be low. Especially if a person works in state medical institutions. Often, it is wages that become a decisive factor in employment.

Thirdly, constant contact with new clients and patients. This is both a plus and a minus at the same time. Customers are not always friendly and considerate, some can be annoying. You can’t show your discontent.

Fourth, this profession is considered very monotonous. A masseur is a person who carries out rubbing of the bodies of people every day. Often the same massage techniques are applied daily, but they alternate.


The last point that you need to pay attention to is career growth. Massage therapists as such is absent. Compete in professionalism can those who find employment either in private medical institutions or in beauty salons.

massage therapist

Personnel employed in state polyclinics and hospitals do not have career opportunities, unless they gain experience and leave to work for themselves. Or go to private centers.

The only thing that can be understood by the career growth of massage therapists is the development of a positive rating among competitors, as well as gaining fame in the city.

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