Films with Freundlich: a list of famous films

No one could ever have guessed independently that the famous and legendary Alisa Freindlich, the owner of all conceivable and inconceivable awards of domestic cinema and theater art, considers herself primarily a theater actress, not a movie, and therefore does not revise paintings with her participation.

But it is with pleasure that millions of grateful spectators and fans of her work do it. And in this article we will try to make a list of films with Alice Freindlich that are required to be watched ...

Brief creative biography

Our heroine is a worthy successor to the glorious acting dynasty, which gave the future celebrity such an unusual surname. Her father, Bruno Freindlich, a German by nationality, was an actor in the troupe of the Leningrad Theater of Working Youth, where he met Ksenia Fedorova, who became his wife and mother of their daughter Alice, who was born on December 8, 1934.

Alice Freindlich in childhood

The childhood of Alice Brunovna was a terrible war and blockade:

I well remember how I stared at my watch: when did the hand finally reach the desired division, and it would be possible to eat a tiny slice of soldering bread? Such a tough regime was arranged for us by our grandmother - and therefore we survived. Yes, the blockades were very focused on themselves, and this contemplation of their internal state gave us the opportunity, firstly, to survive, and secondly, to remember everything ...

Perhaps it was these terrible childhood shocks that caused unclear sadness in the eyes and constant immersion in one’s inner world, which are invisibly present in almost all, even comedic characters of the actress ...

The creative inclinations of young Alice were already noticed at school, so after graduating in 1953, Freindlich became a student at the Leningrad Theater Institute. In 1957, the beginning talented actress was invited to the V. Komissarzhevskaya Drama Theater, in which she worked for four years. In 1961, Freindlich became an actress of the Lensovet Theater, and in 1983 she went to the BDT Theater, which she still serves.

"The city lights up the lights"

While still a student at the Leningrad Theater Institute, Alisa Brunovna first tried her hand at cinema, appearing in several episodes of the films "The Unfinished Story", "Talents and Fans" and "The City Lights the Lights." Over the next ten years, films featuring Freindlich's Immortal Song, Striped Flight, 12 Chairs, and Dentist's Adventures were released, in which the actress continued to play subtle and small roles. Then came the more serious picture. In the filmography of the young actress appeared such tapes as "Family Happiness", "Anna and the Commander", "Straw Hat" and "Agony".

"Straw hat"

The beginning of the rapid take-off of the acting career Freundlich began in 1976, when the famous director Eldar Ryazanov invited her to the main role in his comedy melodrama "Office Romance", which made the actress a real star.

It was from this period that the countdown of the most famous works of Alice Freindlich began. Films with her participation, reviews of which will be presented below, in different years have become real hits of Soviet and Russian cinema.

1. "Office Romance"

After its release on the screen in the fall of 1977, the lyrical comedy melodrama "Office Romance" instantly became the undisputed rental leader. In the first year alone, almost sixty million Soviet viewers watched it. The number of people who saw this wonderful picture during all forty-two years of its existence does not lend itself to calculation.

"Love affair at work"

About the "Office Romance" is very difficult to talk about. You need to watch, listen and feel it. In the list of films with Freundlich he occupies a very special and outstanding place. According to the recollections of the actress herself, she agreed to play Lyudmila Prokofievna because she was very interested in the amazing metamorphoses that happened to her and allowed the strict and ugly "myrrh" to turn into a lovely and happy woman.

This role made Alice Freindlich a star of truly all-Union scale, and the magazine "Soviet Screen" recognized her as the best actress of the year.

2. "D`Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"

In 1979, the actress took part in the famous musical multi-part television movie "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers", playing the role of Queen Anne in it. For the actress, who had never seen a real living queen in her life, the image of Anna became an amazing experience. She wanted to endow the monarchal person with features characteristic of any representative of the beautiful half of humanity. Make the queen an ordinary earthly woman, endowed with weaknesses and whims.

"D`Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"

“D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” is also one of the most striking films from Freindlich. Her heroine has a lover - the Duke of Buckingham, who is a favorite of the king of England. She gives him her diamond pendants, which, unfortunately of Queen Anne, Cardinal Richelieu learns. Disaster is inevitable. However, soon the musketeers Athos, Porthos, Aramis and the new upstart D`Artagnan came to the aid of their queen ...

3. "Cruel romance"

The next in the list of famous films with Freundlich was the drama of Eldar Ryazanov's "Cruel Romance". Released in 1984, this picture, although it did not repeat the success of the “Office Romance” by views, was nevertheless recognized as the best film of the year.

"Cruel romance"

In The Cruel Romance, the actress played the role of the impoverished widow of Harita Ignatyevna Ogudalova, whose husband died. She gives all her strength to profitably marrying her three daughters. Her youngest daughter Larisa gives her a lot of trouble, because she is looked after by three grooms at once, and she still can not make a choice.

Alice Freindlich managed to show the whole inner drama of her unhappy heroine, forced to live on handouts for her own children’s happiness, to sacrifice her own dignity and even go for deceit and self-interest.

4. "Weekdays and holidays of Seraphim Glyukina"

Among the films with Freundlich, the dramatic story "The Weekdays and Holidays of Seraphim Glyukina" of 1988 occupies a very special place. It seems that the audience is trying to bypass this infinitely deep, wise and very sad picture, as if afraid of being infected by the autumn blues, hopelessness and dullness of existence. Or maybe they are simply afraid to look into their past, on weekdays of the 90s, filled with cotton wool of hungry and poor days. And the feeling that there will be no more summers and holidays ...

"Weekdays and holidays of Serafima Glukina"

In this absolutely stunning film that effortlessly forces the viewer to stop his endless running, to sit on the edge of the sofa and join in his meditative narrative, Alisa Freindlich absolutely brilliantly played the kind, intelligent and very proud Serafima Glukin. Simu. Simochka ... Huddling in a miserable little room of a communal apartment and, no matter what, giving all herself to music, thereby saving the world from its final moral death ...

5. "Women's logic"

It is impossible not to mention this role of the actress. Alice Freindlich's serial film "Women's Logic", the first season of which started in 2002, is another noteworthy work of the actress.

"Women's logic"

In this picture, she played the role of Olga Petrovna Tumanova, a passionate lover of guessing the riddles of modern criminal reality. Being neither an interrogator nor an investigator, she perfectly owns her main weapon - exceptional female logic, thanks to which the heroine of Alice Freindlich has her own opinion about each of the crimes she knows.

Watching the conclusions of the main character of this series, which she shares with her on-screen partner Andrei Streltsov, played by the famous actor and director Stanislav Sergeyevich Govorukhin, is not only very interesting, but also often quite fun, because this wonderful acting duet just exudes wit, intelligent humor .

6. "Big"

In 2016, the premiere of the film "The Big One" took place, in which Alisa Freindlich played the role of Galina Mikhailovna Beletskaya, a tough and wayward teacher of a ballet school. For the heroine, Freundlich ballet is, first of all, incredible self-denial for the sake of fulfilling his own dream. For example, about the Bolshoi Theater, which the young student of Galina Mikhailovna so desires to get into.

In the picture "Big"

The heroine Freindlich is a professional with a capital letter, despite the fact that at first it seems like an insanely rude and demanding old aunt. When the actress read the script for the Bolshoi, Beletskaya’s explosive and imperious character first of all caught her. A woman who can not only cry out, but literally shake a student, while remaining kind, sensitive and compassionate in her soul.

7. "Carp frostbitten"

The current actress’s latest work, the ironic drama of 2017, Carp Frostbite, ended in today's list of films with Freundlich.

"Carp frostbitten"

Between the three main characters, whose roles were played by Marina Neyolova, Alisa Freindlikh and Evgeny Mironov, a story that is amazing in its meaning is played out, consisting in the exceptional frailty of the existence of each person. One way or another, but sooner or later everyone dies. And you need to find the courage to relate to such an important event as the transition to another world, not only with all responsibility, but also with a considerable share of humor and self-irony.

In this surprisingly bright, sincere and completely unlike other film, which became a real event in the national cinema, Alisa Freindlich played the girlfriend of the main character, sincerely and honestly helping her, as you probably guessed, prepare for death ...

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