Currently, the standardization of the educational system is one of the key aspects of its development. What regulatory documents regulate the content of education? The Federal Law "On Education" No. 273-FZ acts as the main one. An equally important regulatory document that regulates the content of education is the federal standard. It is a set of mandatory requirements for training students, as well as the corresponding means, forms, methods of control and training. In addition, the main regulatory documents regulating the content of education are curricula and programs. Let's consider them in more detail.
GEF structure
In any regulatory document that regulates the content of education, there are elements on which it is based. In GEF, they are the federal, national-regional and local components. The latter reflects the features of the functioning of a particular institution. The national-regional component includes the norms and requirements for the study of history, mother tongue, geography, art and other disciplines that reflect the specifics of an individual subject of the Russian Federation and the people living in it.
At the federal and national-regional levels, the GEF as a normative document regulating the content of education includes:
- Description of the content of the educational process and the amount of knowledge at each level of training.
- Maximum allowable load for all years of study.
- Requirements for minimum student training.
The substantive aspect of GEF
It provides:
- Learning basic concepts.
- Knowledge and understanding of concepts, theories, laws, laws of scientific foundations, history, problems, methodology of science.
- The ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice to solve theoretical (cognitive) and practical problems in both standard and non-standard situations.
- The ability to formulate their conclusions and have their own judgments in the field of theory and practice of the corresponding educational field.
- Possession of the methodology and technology of self-education by type of activity, branches of knowledge.
Academic plan
Currently, almost all regulatory documents governing the content of education are being prepared in electronic form. The curriculum is no exception. It is a document that defines the composition of the disciplines, the sequence of their study, the number of hours per week and year, the duration and structure of the school year.
Currently, several types of curricula are used: basic, model regional and federal, educational institution plan. All of them have their own characteristics. Let's look at them.
Basic and regional curriculum
In short, the normative document regulating the content of education is the foundation on which the work of the teacher is built.
The baseline is an element of the GEF. The plan for the main school is approved by the State Duma, for the full secondary - the Ministry of Education and Science.
It defines:
- The total duration of training in years and for each individual step.
- The maximum allowable load, the composition of educational subjects and educational areas.
- Time allocated for mastering the content of education in disciplines, classes and educational fields.
- Weekly load for the main training courses at each level of secondary education, for compulsory classes for the choice of students, as well as for elective classes.
On the basis of this plan, other regulatory documents are formed that regulate the content of school education, and the amount of funding for the educational organization is also determined.
The regional plan is formed by the authorized executive bodies of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation. It establishes a typical regulatory burden, taking into account the specifics of a particular region.
School curriculum
For an educational institution, this is the main regulatory document regulating the content of general secondary education by levels.
There are 2 types of school curricula - general and work. The first is formed for the entire educational institution as a whole. Its structure is compiled taking into account the specifics of the institution. The work plan is formed in accordance with current conditions. Every year it is approved by the pedagogical council.
In the structure of the plan we can distinguish:
- The invariant part. It ensures the familiarization of students with nationally significant and general cultural values, the formation of qualities that correspond to generally accepted ideals.
- Variable block. It provides the opportunity for individual development of students, taking into account their characteristics, inclinations, interests.
These blocks are represented by three types of classes: compulsory (they form the core of secondary education), optional and compulsory student choice.
Learning programs
They are not only normative documents regulating the content of general education, but also a means of implementing the GEF.
The concept of "educational program" is enshrined in the Federal Law No. 273. It defines the content of education at a particular level and orientation. In Russia, programs are used not only in schools, but also in vocational training institutions.
General education programs are focused on solving various problems. They are associated with the formation of a common personal culture, adaptation to life in society, the creation of the basis for the choice and subsequent development of the profession.
General educational programs - regulatory documents governing the content of primary education, as well as basic and complete levels of education. Professional programs are aimed at solving several other problems. They provide a consistent increase in the level of knowledge, training of specialists of various qualifications. Professional programs are normative documents regulating the content of higher education, secondary vocational and postgraduate education.
The required minimum in the educational program is determined by the corresponding GEF. It also establishes the terms for mastering the content by students.
The implementation of general education programs is carried out not only in schools, but also in preschool educational institutions. Normative documents regulating the content of preschool education are the basis for compiling programs of the next level - primary. The system is built on the principle of continuity. This means that each subsequent program is based on the previous one. In addition, the regulatory documents governing the content of preschool education are the basis of programs for special, including correctional institutions that take into account the psychophysical characteristics of children.
Classification of curricula
Currently used standard, work and copyright programs. The first are compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard on a specific academic subject. They determine the list of basic skills, knowledge, and skills that a student needs to learn in each discipline. Such programs are advisory in nature. Based on them, work programs are compiled. They are approved by the teaching staff of the educational institution. They reflect the requirements of the standard and the ability of the institution to implement them.
Copyright programs are also compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard. Their difference is that they may have a different logic for the presentation of educational material, a different view of phenomena and processes. Copyright programs are subject to protection at the school teachers' council or at meetings of methodological associations. If the defense is successful, they are approved for use in the educational process.
Program structure
Each program has 3 key elements. The first is an explanatory note. It establishes the directions for studying a particular discipline in the system of educational subjects, its main tasks, problems, educational opportunities, scientific ideas on which it is based.
The second element is, in fact, the content. It consists of:
- a plan;
- a list of topics and sections on the course;
- basic concepts;
- Descriptions of skills and occupations.
Features of the presentation of information
In practice, there are two options for the presentation of the material: linear and concentric. Recently, however, the spiral method has become increasingly popular. Also, some educators use a mixed form.
The linear method consists in the fact that at each subsequent stage the material is supplied as a logical continuation of the information studied earlier. When using the concentric method, the previously studied material is presented at the following levels in a more complicated form. This method is caused by the need to take into account the age characteristics of children.
The spiral method involves the constant expansion and deepening of the circle of knowledge on a given problem. Unlike the previous version of the presentation of the material, in this case there are no interruptions in the study of the topic.
The combination of the above methods is a mixed method.
Means of fixing the content of the material
The main ones include: textbooks and various teaching aids. Among the latter are textbooks, problem books, reference books, test collections, atlases, workbook maps, etc. In addition, the material is recorded on electronic media.
The textbook is the main means of displaying educational material. It sets out the basics of knowledge in a particular discipline.
The textbook performs 2 key functions. Firstly, it acts as a source of information. In it, in a form accessible to the student, the content of the material provided for by the GEF is revealed. Secondly, a textbook is a learning tool through which the educational process is organized. It is of no small importance in organizing independent work.
Textbook structure
The key component is text. It may take the form of description, narration, reasoning. Texts can be basic, explanatory, additional. The first consists of cognitive and instrumental-practical components. The cognitive element includes:
- key concepts, their definitions;
- basic terms;
- basic processes, facts, phenomena;
- descriptions of laws, scientific ideas, theories;
- experiences;
- conclusions, etc.
The instrumental and practical element is the characteristics of the key methods and methods of cognition and assimilation of the material, the rules for applying the acquired knowledge, independent search for information, task descriptions, sections, reviews, systematizing the material.
The structure of the additional text includes:
- documentation;
- anthologies;
- appeals to readers;
- statistical, ethnographic, bibliographic information;
- reference materials, etc.
The explanatory text includes introductions to the textbook, chapters, sections, notes, explanations, dictionaries, explanations for diagrams, maps, diagrams, determinants, pointers.
In addition to the educational text itself, the textbook also contains non-textual elements. These include illustrative materials, components of the organization of the assimilation of information and orientation. The first includes technical maps, diagrams, diagrams, pictures, plot materials, graphs, reference books, and instructional techniques. The elements of the organization of assimilation of information include memos, tasks, questions, font selections, tables, picture captions, exercises. Orientation components are notes, a table of contents, a preface, a pointer, a signal-symbol, etc.
In the regulatory documents governing the content of the educational process, the requirements for educational literature are fixed. The rigor of these requirements is due to the need to convey a large amount of information to students in an accessible way. Of course, the information must be reliable.
The educational literature should reflect not only the logic of science itself, but also the curriculum, as well as the corresponding discipline. Despite the fact that it contains scientific information, it is necessary to present it in such a way that it becomes clear to the student. At the same time, the content of the educational literature should be formed taking into account the interests, personal characteristics, specifics of thinking and perception of children.