Is the fern blooming? Magic fern flower - a beautiful legend or the truth?

Many peoples have a belief about a plant that will bring happiness and wealth to its owner. To find this wonderful flower is not an easy task, but possession of it guarantees undeniable success in all endeavors. Whether the fern really blooms or not, however, the legend still lives on, and the happiness that it promises is a worthy reward for the quest.

does fern bloom

Beautiful legend

Once upon a time, the god of the Moon and Fire, Semargl, and the mistress of the night, Swimsuit, the goddess of incredible beauty, fell in love with each other. They could not meet. Semargle stood guard over the world in heaven with a fiery sword, guarding the Earth from evil forces. Only once Firebog could not give up his love and on the day of the autumnal equinox came down to his beloved. From that night the night gradually increases, gradually recapturing moments from the Sun. After the set time, the Bathing Lady gave her lover. Kupala and Kostroma were born. It happened on the summer solstice. The uncle of the newborns, one of the brothers-gods of the Svarozhichi, Perun, gave the twins an amazing gift - an extraordinary strength and beauty of a flower, putting a particle of his divine gift into it. Around this time, the Sun, Summer and Fire are still being honored, so it is on the night of Ivan Kupala that they check whether the fern is blooming.

Does the fern really bloom

The origin of belief

If you argue from the point of view of science, you can find affordable explanations for the legend of the mythical flower. In the summer, in the forest, and especially on the banks of streams, where fern mainly grows, various insects, including fireflies, live and reproduce in abundance. Perhaps their luminescence people mistook for a fire-flower. And if we add to this the well-known information that some plants in the forest and marshy lowlands can produce and accumulate poisonous fumes that stupefy the human brain, then a reasonable version of the belief that fern blooms is found. Visual hallucinations may be a reasonable explanation, but the beauty of ancient tradition is bewitching. And in our time, luck hunters are not averse to checking on a mysterious night on Ivan Kupala whether the fern really blooms.


Fern belongs to a very ancient plants, prefers to live where there is high humidity. It is distinguished by a wide variety of species - more than 10 thousand, among them there are grassy and tree-like classes of ferns.

fern classes
An important feature is a large number of elongated leaves collected in a rosette, resembling feathers of a bird. Scales covering the leaves protect the plant from the cold. Some specimens eject an inflorescence-like arrow with spores, partially resembling a plain flower. Maybe this raises doubts about the veracity of the legend and questions about whether the fern blooms?


Asexual reproduction of ferns is carried out by spores, which can be found in the form of brown dots on the back of leaves in sporangia. Ripening, they are thrown into the environment. This unusual plant is a representative of the flora, which as a result of vital processes does not produce seeds.

asexual reproduction of ferns

Search for the miracle flower

So does fern bloom? Even if we assume that the legend is believable, then how to look for it? It turns out that not everything is so simple. Anyone can go in search, but only a daredevil with endurance can find it, and only a pure-hearted person can save it. According to an ancient belief, a blooming fern is deep in the forest, in unpolished distances, under the protection of evil spirits. If everything is clear with what a brave man with clear intentions should look for, then the timing raises many questions. It seems everything is certain: Ivan Kupala is honored from July 6 to July 7, but the fern blooms at night for the holiday, which means that the necessary time is the night of July 8? According to the old calendar, the summer solstice falls on this day (another important argument in favor of the legend). But the Day of John the Baptist, the Christian holiday, replacing the pagan, is celebrated on July 22. So, the search period is very blurry, and the belief says that the flower lives one night. If, nevertheless, the search process turned out to be successful, you should expect an unknown hassle. The evil spirits guarding the miraculous color will try to prevent it from being torn in any way. Even if, having overcome all obstacles, it is possible to get a wonderful plant, it is not known what to do next. It is clearly stated that its owner will be lucky, all wishes will be fulfilled, while Perunov color is in the hands of the lucky one.

does fern bloom

A similar beautiful belief exists among many peoples on all continents. It has long been known that all ancient legends are not without a share of truth. Perhaps, in our case, there is a species that reproduces not only by spores. Or is it a false flower without seeds. Or it blooms once every hundred years. You can talk about flowering theory for a long time. It is known for sure - humanity dreams of happiness at all times, and fairy tales and traditions give hope for the fulfillment of their cherished desire.

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