The print edition is what it is

Each inhabitant of a more or less developed country today only occasionally writes by hand. Therefore, print media are the norm, while handwritten ones are rare. But it was not always so. And just a few centuries ago, the situation was exactly the opposite. Let's find out about the history of the emergence of printing, as well as about print publications and their types.

A brief history of the development of printing

Since the emergence of the most primitive society, its members have realized the importance of preserving and transmitting information. The most acceptable way was to sketch or record it.

In different cultures, various methods and materials were used for this: boards, stones, clay tablets, fabric, leather, papyrus, etc.

The first real breakthrough was the invention of the Chinese in the second century. AD paper that was lightweight, convenient, cheap, durable and affordable.

By the seventh century, the first printing technology arose in the same region. Initially, engraved wooden boards were used for this. By the 9th century They came up with the idea to make hieroglyphs-words from ceramics and stone, from which the necessary sentences were collected. In fact, it was the first type-set for printing. After 3 centuries in Korea, these signs began to be made of metal.

It is noteworthy that the Asiatic papermaking technology was not the first to be adopted by Europeans, but by Arabs. And only through their mediation she appeared in Spain and spread further. As for printing on it, the first attempts to master this technology date back to the XIV century. - beginning XV century Like the Chinese with the Koreans, initially wooden plates were used for the prints, and later copper ones.

print this

However, the Europeans managed to go further than the inventors of paper and plank technology. They established the printing industry not of individual leaflets, but of entire books. What for the fifteenth century was the same as universal electrification for the twentieth.

publication of the first printed book

The publication of the first printed book is a merit of the German jeweler Johann Guttenberg. In honor of him, she is called the "Gutenberg Bible", consisting of 42 pages. It is noteworthy that Johann not only developed a full cycle of printing production, which the whole world uses to this day, but also came up with a machine tool, paint, as well as typographic reference for the letters "Garth", the technology of casting from it typesetters and the methodology for marketing finished products. In addition, he opened a printing school, where he trained specialists. Subsequently, it was they who carried this technology around the world. So Guttenberg is not just the father of the first print publication, but of the printing industry as a whole.

Thanks to the students of Guttenberg, the technology of printing over the course of a century has spread throughout the civilized world. And then it evolved through engraving, etchings, aquatint, lithography and photocopying to the modern state.

(PI) The print is what it is.

The concept of "publication" existed long before the invention of typography. It meant the reproduction of one copy of a work (text, map, drawing, etc.) in different ways.

Initially, this was done by rewriting and redrawing. But with the advent of printing, such a variety as the "print edition" arose. This phrase then meant and still means that a certain work (most often a text) containing information propagated by printing. A prerequisite for him was the passage of his contents of the editorial and publishing audit and processing.

first print

The evolution of printing does not stand still and with the advent of computer technology PI evolved to electronic. The main difference is the need for computer technology to read the publication.

How PI is classified

The versatility and convenience of Gutenberg technology made it possible to simplify the production of not only books, but paintings and any other products of this kind. Therefore, today there are a huge number of ways to classify a print publication. It all depends on its specific property, on the basis of which various types of prints are distinguished.

print newspaper

Below are the most common ones.

By frequency of publication

This property determines how often this publication comes out.

A printed newspaper or magazine, for example, is published once a week, month, quarter or year. Therefore, they belong to the type of periodicals.

If the PI is published once and does not provide for continuation, it refers to non-periodic.

There are also serial and ongoing editions.

By output repetition

As you know, the same book, postcard or magazine can be published several times. Depending on this, these types of PI are distinguished.

  • The first one.
  • The first one.
  • Reprinted.
  • New.
  • Augmented.
  • Fixed.
  • Recycled.
  • Revised.
  • Extended.
  • Stereotypic.
  • Re.
  • Reprinted by another publisher.

Composition of the text

Depending on the content of the publication in the print media, such varieties are distinguished.

print this
  • Collection (consists of a number of works).
  • Digest. This is a collection in which materials are taken from other PIs.
  • Mono-edition (consists of one work).

By material construction

Depending on how this PI is fastened, such groups are distinguished.

  • Book (stitched).
  • Magazine (bonded or glued block).
  • Sheet edition (without binding).
  • Newspaper.
  • Booklet (folded and folded one sheet).
  • Postcard (one thick sheet printed on both sides).
    types of prints
  • Poster.
  • Map.
  • Bookmark.
  • Combined PI.

By the iconic nature of information

There are a great many varieties of print publications on this property. The most famous are:

  • textual;
  • cartographic;
  • musical;
  • atlas;
  • card;
  • poster;
  • engraving (including line and xylogravure);
  • etching;
  • print;
  • oleograph;
  • ex-libris;
  • album (including technical, art and photo album).

By nature of information

Depending on the meaning contained in the PI, such types are distinguished.

  • Scientific and popular science (dissertation abstract, monograph, preprint, collections of scientific papers, etc.).
  • Regulatory production and official (instructions, price lists, standards and authorized publications).
  • Production and practical (memos, manuals, manuals).
  • Educational (programs, reading books, textbooks, notebooks, visual aids).
  • Advertising and reference (catalogs, dictionaries, reference books, brochures, guides, posters).
  • Literary and artistic (almanacs, songbooks, anthologies).

Original content

Depending on the language in which the original PI was published, its types are as follows:

  • original;
  • multilingual
  • transferable;
  • with parallel text;
  • parallel.

By volume

This classification distinguishes PI depending on the number of pages.

  • 1-4 - leaflet.
  • 4-48 is a brochure.
  • More than 48 is a book.

By format

In conclusion, we consider the types of prints by page size:

  • Little book - no more than 50 x 60 mm.
  • Miniature edition - no more than 100 x 100 mm.
  • Small-format - more than 100 x 100 mm, but does not exceed 107 x 140 mm.
  • Tome (page size equal to half of the printing sheet).

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