RMP (blood test) - what is it? Microprecipitation reaction, analysis for syphilis

A blood test for RMP allows you to diagnose a disease such as syphilis. It is known that this disease was sick in the Middle Ages. This disease affected many sectors of society, not only the poor, but also aristocrats.

It should be said that various methods can be used to diagnose syphilis. One of them is RMP ( blood test). What it is?

Description of analysis

In the modern world, there are many dangerous diseases that affect the human body and are a threat to life. Despite the fact that syphilis was discovered many years ago, it is still considered a serious disease. Therefore, requires early diagnosis. If syphilis is suspected, the patient is prescribed an RMP (blood test). What it is? We will talk about this now.

rmp blood test what is it

Through this analysis, the doctor can see what micro-precipitation reaction is present in the body. The essence of this study is to identify antibodies that form at the stage of primary syphilis. These elements appear in the body on the 7-10th day after the formation of chancre. This is a microprecipitation reaction. In order to do this examination, it is necessary to take an aspirate of the lymph nodes or blood plasma from the patient, and the liquid that is released from the formed ulcers is also suitable as a material for the study.

RMP: blood test. What is it and in what cases is it prescribed?

microprecipitation reaction

Assign analysis:

  1. If a person has surgery or hospitalization.
  2. Donors need to undergo this test before donating blood.
  3. Pregnant women are prescribed this test.
  4. In order to get a job where you need a sanitary book, you will need to donate blood to the RMP.
  5. If a person has signs of syphilis infection, such as enlarged lymph nodes, chancre and a rash, then the doctor will prescribe him to undergo this study.
  6. After a course of treatment for syphilis, a second analysis is prescribed for RMP.
  7. A child who was born from an infected woman is given an RMP (blood test). What it is has been described above.

The advantage of this method of examination is that it allows you to detect infection of the body with syphilis at the initial stage.

Stages of the disease

Let us now consider what stages of the disease in general are. Syphilis has several of them: primary, secondary and tertiary.

The disease begins with the appearance of a small ulcer on the genitals. As a rule, she does not bother a person. A feature of syphilis is that it is difficult to diagnose this disease at an early stage. The ulcer is called chancre. She goes through some time on her own. You should know that a blood test for RMP in addition to syphilis can indicate the presence of other diseases in the human body. In this regard, when making a diagnosis, other signs of the presence of this disease in the body are taken into account.

False result

If the result of a blood test for RMP is positive, then this indicates that treponema is present in the body. You should be aware that analysis for RMP can have a false positive result.

syphilis disease

This happens when a person has other diseases in the body. A false analysis can be made if a person has the following diseases:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Cancer.
  3. Leprosy.
  4. Pneumonia.
  5. Scleroderma.
  6. AIDS.
  7. Measles.
  8. Chickenpox.
  9. Gout.
  10. Tuberculosis.
  11. Autoimmune diseases.
  12. Hepatitis.

After the person has passed RMP (blood test), the transcript may show a negative result in the incubation period. The same can be at a late stage of the disease. During the incubation period, there are no signs of syphilis.

Blood test for RMP. How to take? Recommendations

There are recommendations that must be observed before passing the analysis. This must be done so that the test result is true. Firstly, an analysis should be taken on an empty stomach, but you can drink water, the main thing is that it be still. Alcoholic beverages, fatty and spicy foods can affect the test result.

rmp blood test transcript

Therefore, before passing the analysis, you must follow a diet. If a person is taking any medications, you should inform your doctor about this.

For analysis, a person is taken for blood, cerebrospinal fluid, aspirate from the lymph nodes, scraping from the skin or smear.

Causes of Syphilis

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease. You can become infected sexually. As a rule, they become infected when a person has a lot of promiscuous sexual intercourse. This disease can be completely cured only at an early stage. The difficulty lies in the fact that syphilis has a long incubation period and does not bother a person at the beginning of the disease. The threat of the disease lies in the fact that it can penetrate the human brain, then the appearance of irreversible consequences.

In addition to sexual intercourse, you can become infected with this disease through personal hygiene items. For example, using a towel of an infected person. Syphilis can enter the body through small wounds. A child born from a sick mother is infected with syphilis.

blood test for rmp how to take

The causative agent of the disease is spirochete. This bacterium, multiplying in the body, causes a person to have a rash on the palms, armpits and genitals. She can live present on household items for 3 days. This bacterium is not afraid of the cold, but dies at temperatures above 60 degrees. It can exist without oxygen.

Syphilis treatment

It should be said that you should not self-medicate. First you need to be examined, take a blood test for syphilis, and then start therapy, adhering to the scheme that the doctor prescribed.

The course of treatment for this disease consists of taking antibiotics ("Penicillin"). The latter must be injected into the blood every 3 hours to maintain a constant concentration. In this regard, therapy is carried out stationary. After treatment is completed, the patient is registered with a medical institution in order to constantly diagnose syphilis.

In addition to antibiotics, vitamins and drugs are prescribed that contribute to raising the body's immunity. A personโ€™s full recovery from syphilis occurs 5 years after the course of treatment, provided that he is constantly diagnosed with the presence of this disease in the body.

take a blood test for syphilis

It is possible to completely recover from this disease if you take the necessary measures at the initial stage. It is also necessary to follow all the doctorโ€™s prescriptions and strictly follow the treatment regimen. If you suspect a recurrence of the disease or in contact with a sick person, you should immediately take a blood test for RMP.

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