The sequence of first aid in various conditions

An emergency can happen anywhere: at work, at home, on the road. If an injury occurs, then at such a moment it is important to determine the sequence of first aid in a timely manner and not get confused. The life of the victim often depends on the correctness and speed of action in such a situation.

First aid - what is it?

This is a set of necessary measures that aim to save a person’s life or alleviate his condition after an emergency. The sequence of actions during first aid should be known to everyone, since it is the people around who need to quickly navigate and help the victim. The fate of a person often depends on the quality of assistance.

If you read the legislation, then first aid is not classified as medical, as it should be provided before the doctors arrive. This can be done by anyone who is currently near the victim. Some of the nature of their activities are required to know the sequence of first aid. This category includes: EMERCOM employees, police officers, firefighters, military personnel.

At any production, in every car, in all educational institutions there should be a first-aid kit. It must include:

  • A tourniquet to stop bleeding.
  • Vata and bandage.
  • Tire for fracture relief.
  • Medicines: Validol, ammonia, aseptic agents, Nitroglycerin, activated carbon.

Types of First Aid

Taking into account the qualifications of those who provide medical care, the places of its provision, several types of care can be distinguished:

  1. First aid. It turns out at the place where the accident occurred, people who do not have a medical education. The sequence of first aid for victims depends on the type of injury.
  2. First-aid first aid is provided by a nurse at the scene of the incident, in an ambulance or at a feldsher-midwife station.
  3. Medical assistance is provided by doctors using special tools in the emergency room.
  4. Qualified help. She is already being provided in a hospital.
  5. Specialized medical assistance. Doctors take a range of measures in a medical facility. The sequence of first aid is prescribed in medical protocols.
first aid kit

Assistance Actions

The general principles of assistance are as follows:

  1. Elimination of exposure to dangerous or harmful factors, for example, to exclude the effect of electric current, to extinguish clothing, to pull a person out of the water.
  2. Assessment of the condition of the victim.
  3. Determining the nature of damage or injury.
  4. Next, you need to determine the sequence of actions during first aid in order to carry out measures to save a person in order of importance.
  5. Maintain vital functions until the arrival of emergency doctors.
  6. Transportation of a patient to a hospital or emergency call.

Among the main measures that often need to be taken after an emergency in order to save a person’s life, the following can be distinguished:

  • Mechanical ventilation and indirect heart massage.
  • Restoring airway patency.
  • Stop external bleeding.

Basic rules for assisting

First aid means the following procedure:

  1. Resuscitation measures.
  2. Determining what type of assistance the victim needs.

With signs of poisoning, provoke vomiting and drink activated charcoal. If a person faints, then give ammonia to sniff. In case of severe injuries, to prevent pain shock, give the victim an analgesic.

After the sequence of actions during first aid to the victim is observed, the person must be taken to a medical institution for further treatment.

Next, we consider the basic measures of assistance that must be taken in emergency situations.

Artificial respiration

Mechanical ventilation may be needed in the following situations:

  • Crash.
  • Water accidents.
  • Electric shock.
  • Filling the ground.

How to determine the sequence of first aid? After any incident, it is necessary to examine the victim for the presence of independent breathing. If the victim does not breathe, then the mouth-to-mouth method must be used:

  1. Inspect the oral and nasal cavity for patency, if necessary, then clean them of foreign objects.
  2. The man’s head is thrown back, supporting in the neck. If there is a suspicion of a fracture of the spine, then the head should not be touched.
  3. Cover the victim’s mouth with a napkin or handkerchief.
  4. Pinch your nose with your fingers and inhale into the victim's mouth, maximizing air into the lungs.
Artificial respiration

Performing artificial respiration, it is necessary to monitor the chest. If it rises, then the sequence of first aid is correct. There is one rule when performing artificial respiration: the first breaths are taken quickly, for half a minute it is necessary to exhale into the victim's lungs 5-10 times, and then 15 exhalations per minute are done.

Indirect cardiac massage

If the victim is not only unable to breathe on his own, but his heart stops beating, then an indirect massage will be needed. The technique of its implementation is as follows:

  1. The victim must lie on a hard surface.
  2. Determine the location of the xiphoid process - this is the end of the sternum.
  3. To step back a couple of centimeters.
  4. Place your palm on the sternum, with your thumb pointing to the victim’s chin or stomach.
  5. Place the second palm on top.
  6. Pressure on the sternum is necessary only with the palmar part, fingers should not take part in this process.
  7. Pressure must be done at a frequency of 100-110 per minute. The chest should fall 3-4 cm.
Indirect cardiac massage

Infants should be pressed with two fingers so that the chest does not fall below 1-2 cm. It is necessary to measure the strength so as not to break the baby's ribs.

Often you have to combine lung ventilation with indirect heart massage. What is the sequence of first aid in this situation? It is necessary to make two exhalations into the lungs of the victim, and then press the sternum 30 times.

It is necessary to carry out resuscitation before the arrival of emergency doctors or until the restoration of independent breathing and the appearance of a heartbeat.

Help with obstruction of the trachea

If a foreign body, water or earth enters the respiratory tract, then a partial or complete blockage occurs, a person may suffocate. You can recognize this situation by the following signs:

  • A person develops a strong cough and inferior breathing if the larynx is not completely closed.
  • The victim grabs his throat when it is impossible to take a breath.
  • The skin of the face and neck begin to acquire a bluish tint.
  • The vessels on the neck swell.

Do it yourself or indicate the sequence of actions when providing first aid in such cases by phone to others. And they are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to stand behind a person.
  2. Clasp your hands above your belly button by connecting them to the lock.
  3. Press firmly on the stomach.
  4. If it was not possible the first time to achieve the release of the respiratory tract, then the reception is repeated several times.

During relief, do not squeeze the chest. If a person has lost consciousness, then he must be laid on a flat surface, sit on his feet and strongly press on the costal arches with both hands.

To assist the baby, it is necessary to turn him on his stomach and pat between the shoulder blades.

Fracture relief

During such injuries, there is a violation of the integrity of the bone, with open injuries, the skin still suffers, and bone fragments can be seen in the wound. The sequence of first aid for fractures is as follows:

  1. Assess the condition of the victim and determine the location of the fracture.
  2. Find out if a person can be mixed before an ambulance arrives.
  3. The sequence of first aid for an open fracture implies a start to stop bleeding.
  4. Immobilize bones in the fracture area. To do this, measures must be taken to immobilize the joints above and below the site of injury.
  5. Apply the tire using improvised means: sticks, boards, rulers. It must be firmly fixed with a bandage or scarf.
Fracture relief

If the fracture is closed, then all manipulations can be carried out on top of the clothes.

Help with bleeding

If bleeding begins after an injury, it must be stopped to prevent blood loss. The sequence of first aid to the victim in this situation involves stopping external bleeding. And they are:

  • Capillary. The easiest way to handle them. It is enough to treat with an aseptic solution and apply a bandage.
  • Venous You can stop this bleeding with a pressure bandage. First, put gauze and a layer of cotton wool on the wound, and then bandage it tightly. The veins have soft walls, and after such a dressing, bleeding quickly stops.
  • Arterial. Such bleeding requires clamping of the artery. Help must be provided quickly, because blood from the wound beats a fountain, and in a short period of time you can lose it in large quantities. To stop, you can squeeze the artery with your fingers, but this requires a lot of strength, or apply a tourniquet.

What is the first aid sequence using a tourniquet? The actions are as follows:

  1. The tourniquet must be applied above the wound site.
  2. Tighten it until the bleeding stops, the skin below turns pale.
  3. Apply a sterile dressing to the wound.
  4. Under the tourniquet put a piece of paper with the exact time of its application. In winter, no more than an hour, you can leave the tourniquet, and in the summer - 1.5. After the lapse of time, if the ambulance crew did not arrive, it must be loosened to restore blood circulation for 10-15 minutes, and then tightened again.
Stop bleeding

We provide assistance after burns

Depending on the nature of the influencing factor, burns are:

  • Thermal. After exposure to flames, hot objects, hot liquids or steam.
  • Chemical. It can be obtained if a concentrated solution of acid or alkali gets on the skin. Electric burn after exposure to current.
  • Radiation from ionizing or radiation radiation.
  • Combined.

The sequence of first aid should begin with the elimination of the impact of a negative factor. Further actions are as follows:

  1. If the burn is thermal, then the affected part of the body must be freed from clothing, but if it is stuck, do not tear it off.
  2. To reduce pain and to disinfect the wound with a water-soluble composition. Dilute vodka with water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  3. Then rinse the burn with water and apply a sterile dressing.
  4. To accelerate healing, the wound can be treated with a spray with dexpanthenol.
First aid for burns

For the treatment of wounds, it is not recommended to use oily creams, vegetable oils or fat. They do not promote healing and do not disinfect.

If the burn has an area more than a palm, then you need to see a doctor.

Fainting state

It comes when a person suddenly loses consciousness. This happens against the background of a lack of oxygen to the brain cells. Fainting is common, which can happen in any person, and epileptic (in patients with epilepsy).

This condition is always accompanied by nausea and dizziness. A person begins to roll his eyes, cold sweat appears, the pulse weakens, hands and feet become cold.

Fainting often happens:

  • With a fright.
  • From strong excitement.
  • In a stuffy room.

The consequences of first aid in this situation are as follows:

  1. Lay the person on a flat horizontal surface.
  2. Ensure the flow of air, for this you need to remove the tie, unfasten the upper buttons of the clothes and open the windows.
  3. Pat the victim on the cheeks or sprinkle with cold water.
  4. If there is a first-aid kit nearby, then it is necessary to give a sniff to cotton wool moistened with ammonia.

After a person comes to his senses, he must be given a glass of hot tea or coffee. If consciousness does not return for more than 5 minutes, then an urgent need to call a doctor.

Drowning aid

When swimming in open water, drowning is not uncommon, especially if a person cannot swim or has decided to cool off after taking a fair dose of alcohol. The danger of water entering the lungs is that it can be fatal.

First aid is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Get a person out of the water. In this case, care must be taken so that the drowning person does not drag you under water with him. It is better to swim up to him from behind and hold by the hair, under the arms.
    Help to the drowning man
  2. Put it on your knee to remove water from the airways.
  3. Cleanse the mouth of mucus, algae.
  4. Check for spontaneous breathing and palpitations.
  5. If the heart is silent and there is no breathing, then urgently it is necessary to start artificial ventilation of the lungs and indirect heart massage.
  6. After successful completion of resuscitation procedures, the victim must be put on his side, sheltered and not disturbed until the arrival of the team of doctors.

We help during a sunstroke

With prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, and even without a headgear, there is a high probability of sunstroke. Symptoms appear as follows:

  • Headache.
  • General weakness appears.
  • Noisy in the ears.
  • May be vomiting.
  • With prolonged exposure to the sun, temperature may rise.
  • Shortness of breath appears.
  • There may be a loss of consciousness.

First aid includes the following steps:

  1. The victim must be moved to the shade.
  2. Unclip from clothing, loosen belt, tie, if any.
  3. Put a towel dampened with cold water on the head and neck.
  4. If there is a loss of consciousness, then you need to give ammonia to smell.
  5. Give the victim drink cool water with a small amount of salt. To drink often, but in small sips.

We help with poisoning

If toxic or harmful substances enter the body, then poisoning occurs. At high doses, you must call an ambulance. You can be poisoned:

  • Chemicals.
  • Medicines
  • Carbon monoxide.
  • Alcohol drinks.
  • Food products.
  • In pairs of paints and varnishes.

Depending on the nature of the poisoning factor, first aid measures are selected. If the poisoning is associated with the consumption of expired or poor-quality food, then it is necessary:

  • Take 5 grams of activated charcoal every 15 minutes for an hour.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Do not eat.
  • See a doctor.

If the poisoning is caused by taking medication or alcohol, then help includes the following:

  1. Rinse the stomach. To do this, you need to drink several glasses of water with the addition of salt and soda per 5 g of soda and 10 grams of salt per liter.
  2. Rinse until clean vomit appears.
  3. Dissolve 15-20 tablets of activated carbon in a glass of water and give the victim a drink.
  4. Call an ambulance or take a person to the hospital.

It must be remembered that washing the stomach with salt water is only possible if the poisoned person is conscious.

If some of your loved ones have a problem and you are not nearby, then indicate the sequence of first aid to relatives or neighbors by phone. A quick response allows you to save a person's life or reduce the degree of manifestation of complications.

Everyone is required to have first aid skills. They are taught back in school.

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