What is phimosis in children?

Phimosis in children is a physiological condition, which is expressed in the narrowing of the foreskin and in the difficulty in removing the glans penis. This condition does not occur in every boy, because it depends on the features of the intrauterine development of the fetus. Pediatric andrology and urologists disagree about the treatment of phimosis, but they all consider this phenomenon transient, saying that after a certain period of time (8 or 15 years), the foreskin and head will separate as a result of spontaneous rejection of synechia.

The degree of development of the disease

Physiological phimosis has four degrees of development:

1 degree. In normal condition, the glans penis is excreted, but there are problems with erection.

2 degree. The head is not fully displayed, but visualized.

3 degree. Only part of the head is displayed.

4 degree. Difficulty urinating in the presence of adhesions, a precursor bag.

The first and second degree of development of phimosis require exclusively observing the rules of care and hygiene, in turn, the fourth or third degree is a prerequisite for the appointment of adequate treatment. Regular bathing with decoctions of chamomile, calendula or with the addition of potassium permanganate are mandatory for hygiene procedures in boys with phimosis of 1 and 2 degrees. With phimosis of the third degree, these procedures are no less important, since they allow to avoid surgical treatment.

Possible complications

Sometimes due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, phimosis in children can cause various complications. Such phenomena include balanoposthitis (inflammation of the foreskin of the penis). Often this disease is expressed in swelling, redness, itching and deformation of the penis, as well as in violation of urination. If frequent relapses of balanoposthitis occur, then they can be expressed in the appearance of scars on the foreskin. As a result, physiological phimosis in children turns into cicatricial, and this condition already requires adequate treatment. Balanoposthitis, although rare, can still cause complications in the form of spread of infection to the genitourinary system. In this case, the boy will need adequate antibacterial therapy, uroseptics, plenty of water.

Another complication of phimosis is paraphimosis, this condition occurs when, when you try to open the head, it gets pinched. Paraphimosis requires emergency care, as it can lead to impaired blood circulation in the genital organ and to its death. Emergency help is also required if the boy feels discomfort when urinating, if the trickle of urine is very thin, if local procedures do not provide the necessary relief.

Phimosis in children. Treatment.

In modern medical practice, two methods of treating phimosis in children are used. The gentle method is a mini-surgical operation to cut existing adhesions. The second method is circumcision or circumcision, it is used for cicatricial phimoses or for the ineffectiveness of other treatment. Medicinal methods include the prolonged use of hormonal ointments, which soften and increase the elasticity of the foreskin. The disadvantages of this method are the prolonged use of hormonal drugs and their effect on the children's body, however, there are many positive outcomes when, in a year, doctors achieved a cure even of the third and fourth stages. A similar treatment of phimosis in children today is considered fairly well-ordered.

It should be noted that the timely passage of medical examinations, attention to the health status and complaints of your child, compliance with basic hygiene rules is an excellent prevention of complications and the guarantee of the health of the future man.

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