As a result of the work of enterprises, organizations, people's livelihoods, various wastes are generated that must be transported. This can be removal to a landfill, handing them over to a processing organization, moving between enterprises, and much more.
ADR - what is it?
Waste transportation is strictly regulated by a number of legislative acts. Among them are federal laws, state standards, orders and regulations. One of the main documents in this area is ADR. What it is? This is the European International Agreement on the Regulations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods, concluded in Geneva in 1957. During transportation, various emergencies can occur: fire, explosion, spill of toxic substances that harm the environment and the health of personnel involved in transportation.
Waste is a dangerous cargo
Why? How, for example, are household waste products dangerous? After all, this is just rubbish. Meanwhile, this same rubbish belongs to the 4th class of environmental hazard of waste. This is due to the fact that the waste as a result of decay forms its liquid component, the filtrate, which, penetrating into groundwater, poisons the drinking water produced from artesian wells. Then the water enters the river, thereby making the environment for the existence of fish, crayfish, mollusks and other aquatic inhabitants unsuitable. Decaying waste is an excellent breeding ground for insects, rodents, stray dogs.
Scrap metal stored not according to the rules on the territory of various enterprises is oxidized as a result of atmospheric precipitation. Together with rain and melted snow, heavy metal compounds penetrate the soil.
Summing up the above, it becomes clear that almost any waste is a dangerous cargo. ADR governs the transport of these goods, identifying possible packaging, its labeling, and vehicle requirements. This document classifies shipments by hazard class. The regulatory enactment has a detailed table with a description of all the properties of the goods - fire hazard, toxicity, radioactivity, explosives and others.
Packaging and labeling
Each shipment must be packaged and labeled. To indicate a dangerous cargo, a container with a side of at least 10 cm is placed on the container. If we conditionally divide the square horizontally with a diagonal, then the danger symbol of the substance being transported - a flame, a skull with crossbones, a radiation sign and others, and the bottom - his class.
Packaging for the cargo is selected depending on its state of aggregation. Liquid waste is transported in tanks, barrels, solid - in boxes, containers, bulk - in bags.
Each vehicle is marked according to ADR. What it is? Dangerous goods packaging has a danger sign. It is a rectangular orange plate that contains information: the cargo number assigned to it in the UN general classification, hazardous properties and class, as well as the code of measures to be taken in the event of an explosion, fire, or the like. The danger sign is usually located on the side and rear of the vehicle. It should be visible to the rescue team in the event of an accident.
Cargo transportation
Dangerous goods can be transported by any type of transport: river, air, road, rail. For each species, relevant legislation has been adopted. Most often, dangerous goods are transported by road. The Russian Ministry of Transport has approved appropriate rules for such movements. The rules contain requirements for the vehicle itself, waybills, driver.
So, for transportation of explosive and flammable goods, a car with a battery remote from the fuel tank is used. The latter should be placed in a casing and removed from the electrical wiring, the engine, so that in case of damage to the tank, the fuel does not fall onto the cargo being transported, but spills onto the ground. The silencer pipe is pulled out to the side with a slope in front of the radiator.
In order to avoid the formation of static electricity, the car must be equipped with an earthing switch in the form of a chain descending 20 cm along the ground and have a metal pin for use during parking.
In a van-type car, the body must be durable, airtight and with ventilation, if necessary for the transportation of a cargo. The wooden body structure must be flame retardant.
Separate requirements are imposed on the convoy of vehicles. It is necessary to observe the distance and extreme caution in conditions of poor visibility.
Car equipment
On each vehicle it is necessary to have a set of tools and devices regulated by ADR. What it is? It:
- tools for emergency repairs;
- a shovel and the required amount of sand in case of fire;
- orange lights autonomous power, which are installed on the roof of the car, and in case of accident - in front of and behind the vehicle
- wheel chocks;
- first aid kit and emergency response equipment.
Exceptions to the Rules
The requirements of the legislation regarding the transportation of goods must be observed in each case, although there are a number of exceptions:
- when goods are transported by private individuals for further retail sale or personal use, only if measures are taken to eliminate possible accidents;
- emergency transportation to save people or nature:
- transportation of mechanisms and machines in which dangerous goods are contained in their internal parts and equipment. But in this case, it is necessary to exclude possible leaks of harmful substances. All these exclusion requirements are provided for in ADR.
Drivers involved in the transport of dangerous goods are required to undergo appropriate training. Special training consists of the following items:
- study of the rules for communicating hazard (labeling of goods);
- study of the dangerous properties of transported goods;
- training in the necessary methods of providing medical care in case of emergency;
- the procedure for action in case of accidents - fire fighting, disinfection, decontamination, report to relevant persons (consignor and consignee).
Qualification requirements are presented to the driver, which consists in the fact that he has a continuous experience in this vehicle for at least three years.
The driver must correctly fill out the waybill. It should be marked "Dangerous goods". By car it is necessary to have an emergency card with information on the elimination of possible emergency situations; an information card containing a decryption of emergency codes.
Additional transportation requirements
In addition to all of the above measures, the vehicle must have permission to transport dangerous goods. Special documents are issued by Rostransnadzor services. The list of dangerous goods for the movement of which permits are required has been determined in accordance with ADR. Permission is a mark on the vehicle's waybill. It can be received for a limited period or a consignment of goods. A license for the transport of dangerous goods is not required.