"By whom?", "By what?" - What case answers these questions? Forms of instrumental case

Nouns in Russian are declined. In order not to be mistaken in writing unstressed endings in words, it is necessary to determine their case. To do this, put a question to the noun. The spelling of the endings depends on the case in which the word is. You must also be able to determine the type of declension and the number of the noun. For example, "by whom?", "By what?" - What case answers these questions? What endings will nouns have in this position?

How to determine the case of nouns

A person who makes mistakes in spelling noun endings cannot be considered a cultural citizen of his country. And if someone asks: “By whom?”, “By what?” “What case answers these questions?”, it should be answered correctly. In particular, it may sound like this: naturally, this is a case! For example, in the sentence “Flowering plants are pollinated by insects and wind”, in addition to the subject “plant” there are additions “insects” and “wind.” We will ask questions to those words that play the role of additions in the sentence: “by whom?”, “by what?” We have already found out which case answers them — satisfactory. Now it remains only to choose the desired option from the ending table. in more detail all options ck loony.

by whom than what case

The ending of the nouns 1 declension of the singular in the instrumental case is a solid variant.

The difficulty of spelling in the Russian language lies in the fact that there are declensions of nouns. In practice, it is necessary to determine the case of a noun in order to correctly write the endings. To do this, parsing phrases on the sentence members. In the instrumental case, the endings of nouns also differ. What kind of ending to write in an unstressed position depends on what kind of declension they relate to, what kind and in what quantity are used in this context. For example, in nouns 1 declension in the singular, the instrumental case of nouns has the endings -th, -th, -th. As an example, we can use the sentence: "Children with a smile watched a funny monkey." In this case, the words "monkey" and "with a smile" can be asked questions "by whom?", "By what?" What case answers them? Everyone should know that the answer is a positive one. You also need to determine the declension of these nouns and the number. Since both words refer to the 1st declension and stand in the singular, then the ending must have the ith, since these words are inclined according to the type of the solid variant.

sentences in the instrumental case

The ending of the nouns 1 declension of the singular in the instrumental case is a soft variant

In the soft version, in this position, the ending is traced by -th or -th. As an example, you can take the sentence “Tanya and her aunt looked after the wounded heron all winter, and in the spring they released her into the wild. And the bird flew above the ground, soared, gracefully flapping its wings! ” Here in the first sentence there are the words "with an aunt," "heron," ending in -ey. And in the second sentence there is the word "earth" with an ending in the instrumental case -y.

instrumental nouns

Noun endings 2 singular declensions in the instrumental case - solid

In declension 2, singular nouns in the instrumental case have endings -th, -th, -th. Considering the sentence “Guys with pleasure took care of the rabbit”, it is easy to establish that the additions “with pleasure” and “rabbit” are used in the singular and refer to the 2nd declension. They will help to understand that this is a instrumental case, questions: "with what?" - with pleasure, “by whom?” - a rabbit. Therefore, the endings of these words will be -th, -th.

instrumental cases

The endings of nouns 2 singular declensions in the instrumental case are a mild variant

In the soft version, in this position, the ending of -th and -th is traced. An example is the following sentence: “Valentine made a move with the knight, to which Marina in response to the queen“ ate ”his rook.” Here the words 2 declensions “horse” and “queen” stand in the instrumental case of the singular and end in it. And in the example “Cranes flew over the field”, the word “over the field” has the ending -em.

by whom than instrumental

Noun endings 3 singular declensions in the instrumental case

In the 3rd declension of nouns in the singular in the instrumental case the ending is written by -th. In the sentences “Natalia happily ran to training. A horsewoman met her horse as her closest friend. The words “with a horse” and “with joy” refer to the 3rd declension, stand in the singular. They answer the questions “by whom?”, “By what?”. The instrumental case in which these nouns stand dictates the end of these words by-word.

adjectives in the instrumental case

The endings of plural nouns in the instrumental case

Nouns in the instrumental case, used in the plural, have endings, s, s, s. “You can admire lemurs for hours, wondering how cleverly they eat, taking neatly food with their paws, like people!” In this example, there are plural nouns that stand in the instrumental case with lemurs, paws. Having determined the case and the number of these nouns, a competent person will necessarily write the endings with s. For some nouns in a similar position, the ending is written with -mi. For example, in the sentence “Running horses can be admired endlessly,” such a word is “horses”, which answers the question “by whom?”

form of instrumental case

The semantic role of nouns in the instrumental case

The form of instrumental case can play a variety of roles in a sentence. For example, a noun may appear as:

  • tool (cut with a knife, write with a pen, saw with a chainsaw);
  • tool (mascara, brush toothpaste);
  • patients (to command a platoon, conduct an orchestra);
  • agent (training is conducted by the doctor of sciences);
  • effector (seedlings were beaten by hail, the hat was torn by the wind);
  • reason (tormented by boredom, get chickenpox);
  • trajectory (ride in a field, gush with a throat);
  • time (in the early morning, late evening);
  • stimulus (to admire the mind, to smell of honey);
  • measure (to import meat by wagons);
  • aspect (different dexterity, like being docile);
  • comparison standard (jump a young goat, neigh a horse, watch an evil lemur).

semantic role of instrumental case

Adjectives in the instrumental case

The sign of the noun in the instrumental case expressed by the adjective will be used in the same case. That is, if the speaker says: “It is impossible to remain indifferent without admiring the amazing roses growing behind the neighboring fence”, then in this sentence the adjective “amazing”, which is a sign of the word “roses”, will also be in the instrumental case, like the noun, which it defines. The situation is the same with the adjective "for the neighbor", which will also stand in an instrumental case, like the word "fence" to which it refers.

adjectives in the instrumental case

The endings of adjectives in the instrumental case

In order not to be mistaken in writing the endings of adjectives, questions should be asked to them. Adjectives will have the same endings as the questions asked to them.

  1. For example, to the female adjectives of the singular one can ask the question “what?”, Which means they will end in -th, -th. "The girl from the second floor blossomed with a magnificent rose." Here you can see the connection: a rose (what?) Luxurious. In the soft version, option -e is used: “In early spring, a birch tree by the road is supposedly covered with a lace green shawl.” The question "what?" to the adjective “early” from the word “spring”.
  2. To the adjectives of masculine and neuter gender in the instrumental case of the singular the question is asked "what?" Their endings, respectively, will be the ith or ith. For example: “Tatyana couldn’t fall asleep for a long time with the secret feeling of Tomim ...” In this sentence, you need to consider the phrase “secret feeling”, where the question “what?” Is asked to the word “secret”, therefore, the adjective has an ending with -th, since leaning on a solid version. And in the soft version, the adjective will end in -i, for example: “In the late evening, Nikolai returned home tired, but happy.” The noun “evening” is defined by the adjective “late” and answers the question “what?”, Therefore it ends in -im.
  3. To the plural adjectives in the instrumental case they ask the question “what?”. Based on the spelling rule, the endings of these adjectives will be -th in the hard version or -imi in the soft version. “The audience of the failed artist escorted them with funny laughs.” Here the phrase "funny laughs" demonstrates declension in the hard version. And as an example of declining in the soft version, you can use the sentence "She looked with her blue eyes straight into his soul."

By the way, one should note the fact that the same rule for spelling the endings of adjectives obeys the participles and some pronouns, numerals, in the form of an adjective.

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