Consider what are the types of management decisions in management

Each of us takes several, or even dozens of decisions throughout the day. It is difficult to calculate how many such decisions are made in a lifetime. A similar situation exists in the management environment, however, unlike everyday life, such decisions require careful consideration, as they require serious and responsible answers, and if the task is set incorrectly, not only the person responsible for the decision made can suffer, but also other employees of the enterprise or organization. That is why a successful manager is a person who is able to make the right and quick decisions.

In order for the decision-making process to be more successful, they were divided into several types.

Types of managerial decisions in management, for a start we list the managerial decisions in the form of stages or stages of their adoption.

Firstly, it is necessary to develop a goal for which a decision needs to be made, then study and select the criteria by which you can justify the effectiveness and consequences of these decisions. After this, the time comes to consider all possible solutions, choose the final one from them and formulate it correctly. And after that, the adoption process takes place. And subsequent bringing it to the performers.

In addition, the types of managerial decisions in management can be classified according to various criteria. But at the same time, the main criterion is the conditions under which a decision is made. Decisions can often be made in an environment of uncertainty and risk. Such decisions represent certain types of decisions in management, and they have their own nuances, since often a decision needs to be taken very quickly and the responsibility for such decisions is simply colossal. But the decisions that are made in a calm atmosphere of certainty allow you to develop several options and then choose the best one.

In addition, the types of managerial decisions in management can be divided according to such criteria as the duration of the decision (long, medium and short-term); by frequency of adoption (random, one-time, repeated); on the coverage of employees (general for all, or narrowly targeted for a certain circle of people); according to the form of preparation (group, collective or single (sole) decisions); by complexity (complex and simple); by the rigidity of regulation (algorithmic, contour, structured).

A certain interest is caused by the classification of decisions, using decision-making models in management given by such luminaries as F. He-douri, M. Albert, Mmescon. By their models, intuitive solutions, rational and organizational , can be distinguished.

All of the listed types of managerial decisions in management differ according to the algorithm of the process of making such a decision, that is, what guided the person or group of people in making the decision.

I would like to dwell on the organizational decision, since it is still subdivided into two subspecies: programmed and unprogrammed. In essence, organizational decisions are determined by the position of the manager who makes the decision. Moreover, in a programmed solution, the number of possible solutions is limited by some scope (job responsibilities, etc.), respectively, that in an unprogrammed version, the solution can have many alternative options and the manager is free to choose the most suitable for him.

Although in practice such solutions do not always have a clear distinction between programmable and non-programmable. Very often, the decision-making process is interconnected with the organization management process .

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