Most of us believe that an enema is a very unpleasant procedure, so it is rarely resorted to. The question of how to make an enema for yourself at home does not even arise for them. Indeed, the introduction of fluid into the large intestine through the anus is not very pleasant. However, there are a number of reasons why setting an enema is a necessary step.
Indications for enema
Inflammatory diseases of the colon and anus
· Bleeding of the intestine or stomach
Cancer of the rectum
· Stomach ache
In general, an enema helps cleanse the intestines from toxins, toxins and other unnecessary things, so it can be done in some other cases. For example, during weight loss, with poisoning, etc. But! This must be done very carefully!
Enema at home: contraindications
Since almost everyone can make an enema at home today, the most important thing is to understand how to do it right, it will not be out of place to know when this procedure is contraindicated.
· The presence of a tumor of the colon
· Bleeding
Inflammation or ulcerative process of the colon
· The postoperative period (in the case of surgery on any organ of the abdominal cavity).
· Individual intolerance to enemas.
How to make yourself an enema at home
Enema is put in two cases. Accordingly, if it is necessary to carry out a cleansing, and if it is necessary to introduce drugs into the colon. It is easier to enter drugs, for this microclyster is used. But for cleansing, which occurs by introducing fluid into the colon, you will need a special Esmarch mug, which will not be difficult to buy in a pharmacy.
When buying Esmarch’s mug , make sure that the tip goes along with it (which will need to be inserted into the anus), as well as the tap, through which it is easy to regulate the flow of water.
So, an enema cleansing at home can be delivered according to the following scheme:
1. Pour 1-2 liters of room temperature water into an Esmarch mug. For better clarification, you can add a little lemon juice or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the water.
2. An enema is most convenient in the bathroom. To do this, hang Esmarch's mug as high as possible, this will ensure the normal flow of fluid into the intestines.
3. Get into the bathroom and get on all fours, and lower your head down and do not lift it until all the fluid has entered the intestines.
4. Insert the tip pre-greased with vegetable oil to a depth of about five centimeters, open the faucet.
5. When the water is completely poured from the mug into your large intestine, do not rush to run to the toilet. It will be very good if you can retain the fluid in yourself for five to ten minutes. So cleansing will be more effective.
6. After the procedure, wash the mug and tip. The latter is also desirable to boil for thirty minutes.
Now you know how to make yourself an enema at home. It remains only to share a few useful tips on this subject.
What else you need to know about an enema
· If it suddenly so happened that you need to put not a cleansing, but a medical enema, then everything is much simpler and faster. You need to take a large rubber bulb, fill it with the necessary medicine, grease the tip and insert into the anus. After this, it remains only to click on the pear itself and wait until the medicine enters the colon.
· If you feel pain or discomfort while setting an enema, turn on the tap and wait a bit. When it gets better, open it back and continue the procedure.
· Please note that the temperature of the injected liquid must be exactly room temperature. Too hot water can injure the intestinal mucosa, but if it is equal to the temperature of the human body, the intestines will not contract and simply absorb all the fluid like a sponge.