Many parents are afraid of vaccines akin to panic. Doctors, in turn, are surprised at this behavior.
To be vaccinated or not
Modern parents spend a lot of time on social networks and on various sites. They indiscriminately read information and take what they read as truth. And they don’t even think that most of the people who give them negative information about vaccinations do not have a medical education, or that their experience was influenced by other factors, for example, an allergy hidden from the doctor.
There are also doctors who did not acquire their diploma for knowledge. Meeting with such doctors can harm one child, and as a result, hundreds will refuse vaccinations. It is worth remembering that each child is individual and will not be vaccinated in the same way as children of neighbors or friends.
When wondering whether or not to get vaccinated, many parents tend to favor a negative answer. They believe that vaccinated diseases cannot be infected. After all, these days, epidemics do not break out largely due to vaccinations.
However, the disease can come from an unexpected angle. She can be brought by a grandmother from a trip to India or a neighbor from places of detention. A child may become infected in the sandbox. After all, except for children, cats and dogs spend their time there, which relieve themselves.
Vaccinations made by professionals can have negative consequences, but they will be less fatal than previous illnesses. For example, if a child develops an allergy to a component of the drug, it will be tolerated more easily than measles.
Many parents in vain believe that a measles vaccine can lead to the development of autism in a child. Scientists in 2005 proved that autism and vaccines have no relationship. This error can be attributed to the myths of the Internet network.
Much deplorable to the baby's health can be affected by measles, tuberculosis or rubella. Polio transmitted by a child can lead to disability. Tetanus, which can be infected as a result of the slightest scratch or bruise, is a deadly disease.
Constant contraindications
The list of contraindications for vaccination is divided into two categories. The first is constant contraindications. Vaccinations are strictly contraindicated in patients with diseases such as HIV, immunodeficiency, and malignant neoplasms.
This also includes patients with a poor reaction to the previous dose of the drug - a temperature of at least 40 degrees or edema. Such episodes, as well as pregnancy, are also contraindications to vaccinations.
Temporary contraindications
The second category includes temporary contraindications to vaccinations in children. These are contraindications due to recent acute illnesses. These include colds and intestinal infections. From the moment of recovery to vaccination, at least 14 days must pass.
In consultation with the doctor, this period can be extended to 6 weeks or reduced to 1 week. Light cough and runny nose are not considered contraindications. Parents are wary of vaccinations during this period. Although a doctor can prescribe a vaccine or cancel it.
Exacerbation of chronic diseases is the reason for the temporary cancellation, but not serious contraindications to vaccinations. Before vaccination, wait 2 to 4 weeks in remission. The third reason is a plasma or blood transfusion.
True and false contraindications
Contraindications to vaccinations can be divided into true and false. The list of false contraindications is much wider. These include:
- Prematurity of children. This factor is important only for BCG if the baby was born with a weight of less than 2 kg.
- Anemia and malnutrition.
- The presence of an acute disease without temperature and in a mild form.
- Dysbacteriosis It all depends on the cause of its onset. If it is caused by taking antibiotics, then the vaccine is delayed until complete recovery. A small deviation of feces from the norm for other reasons cannot serve as a challenge for vaccinations. At the same time, diarrhea is a sufficiently powerful argument for canceling the vaccine until complete healing.
- Stable neurological conditions. These include children with Down syndrome, with cerebral palsy, with the consequences of injuries and other diseases of a similar nature.
- Congenital malformations and chronic diseases , and many other indicators.
True include all of the above contraindications for vaccination. Diseases can be prevented through vaccination. The first example is colds. After all, the flu and its modifications can lead to very adverse consequences. This applies to both children and adults.
"Influenza": indications and contraindications
There are many vaccine options for such vaccinations. One of them is the influenza vaccine. It has indications for use and, of course, contraindications.
Doctors advise using the vaccine for vaccinating children, schoolchildren and the elderly over 60 years old. After all, it is they who are more prone to the occurrence of various diseases. And when complications occur, they carry them much harder than other people.
The second subgroup, which is recommended for the use of the drug, are people who are prone to the frequent occurrence of various diseases. Diseases can go into the stage of chronic and lead to adverse consequences.
The third subgroup is people who are at risk of developing diseases by the nature of their activity. These include doctors, social workers, teachers, service and trade workers.
Medical contraindications for vaccinations include:
- allergic to the components of the drug;
- period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- allergic reactions to other drugs of the same group;
- the period of the course of colds and intestinal disorders.
"Flu": the pros and cons
Many people think whether to be vaccinated or you can do without it. On the one hand, the Grippol vaccine will help to hurt a little less often or completely eliminate the possibility of infection. If the disease can still overcome the barrier and enter the body, then it will be much easier to proceed. The likelihood of complications is reduced to zero.
But, on the other hand, recently viruses have been mutating very quickly and often, so it’s impossible to guess which flu will rage. Therefore, vaccination may simply not help. It may still be necessary to be ill even if the vaccine is not given in advance, but at the beginning of the epidemic or at its height.
Vaccination calendar
Basically, all vaccinations are given in childhood. Each pediatrician has a vaccination table. It describes the timing of the vaccination.
If the child is often exposed to various kinds of diseases, then he should be vaccinated against diseases caused by hemophilic bacillus. Such a stick can cause quite serious diseases, such as:
- purulent meningitis;
- otitis;
- osteomyelitis;
- pneumonia and others.
Dates are approximate. More precisely, they are valid only under the condition that there are no contraindications and delays in vaccinations. If available, the doctor should develop an individual vaccination table for the child.
Inoculated Disease | Age | additional information |
Hepatitis B (1 vaccination) | 12 hours after birth | It is done with the written consent of the mother. Can be done in the clinic in 1 month |
Tuberculosis (BCG) | 3 to 7 days | It is done with the written consent of the mother. Can be done later in the clinic. |
Hepatitis B (2 vaccinations) | 1 month | If the term of 1 vaccination is not shifted |
Whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, polio (DTP, 1 vaccination) | 3 months | It is done with the written consent of the mother |
DTP, 2 vaccinations | 4,5 months | It is done with the written consent of the mother |
DTP, 3 vaccinations, and hepatitis B | 6 months | It is done with the written consent of the mother |
Measles, rubella, mumps (stage 1) | 12 months | It is done with the written consent of the mother |
DTP revaccination (stage 1) | 18 months | It is transported extremely hard. Leg may temporarily be taken away from an injection |
Revaccination against poliomyelitis | 20 months | Can do with DTP revaccination |
Measles, rubella, mumps (stage 2) | 6 years | It is done with the written consent of the mother |
BCG revaccination | 6-7 years old | In 1st grade |
Revaccination AKDS-2 | 7-8 years old | No whooping cough |
Rubella vaccine | 13 years old | Girls |
Hepatitis vaccine | 13 years old | In her absence |
Revaccination: DTP, polio and BCG | 14-15 years old | It is done with the written consent of the mother |
Tetanus booster vaccination | Every 10 years | It is done with the written consent of the mother |
If necessary, it can be supplemented with some special vaccinations or, conversely, narrow the list and take into account all contraindications to vaccinations.
Many parents believe that you should not load the body of the baby immediately after birth with vaccines. After all, BCG is done a few days after birth. Is it possible to do BCG for each specific child, it's up to the parents, and no one else. After all, now the mother can write a refusal, and the vaccination will not be carried out.
But at the same time it is considered that the vaccine will protect the child from tuberculosis. It has many contraindications and indications for use. That is why, if the baby is premature or weak or has developmental defects, the vaccine will not be given. If everything is in order with the baby’s health, then you should not abandon it.
Tuberculosis is a serious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. They can become infected immediately after discharge from the hospital. After all, not all people with an open stage of tuberculosis are isolated from society.
Measles, rubella, mumps
The child is vaccinated against mumps, measles and rubella when he is one year old. This is perhaps the only vaccine that you should not refuse even if you do not want to get vaccinated.
Not every child can survive measles. After all, the number of deaths with this disease is off scale. Even if the child survives, then his immune system will be practically at zero. He will be constantly sick for the next two years.
Mumps are popularly called mumps. This disease can lead the boy to infertility. On girls, it is reflected less problematically. Infertility does not threaten them, but their health will be undermined.
Rubella is a bit simpler than measles and mumps. But this is only before the onset of childbearing age. If the disease occurs during pregnancy, this will lead to the development of malformations of the fetus. Well, if a husband gets rubella, he can also infect a future mom. The consequences will be the same.
In order for the vaccination immunity to last for a longer period, experts recommend not to forget about booster vaccination in adolescence. Vaccination against mumps, measles and rubella is useful, but do not forget about the characteristics of the child, if they exist. Weakened immunity and the presence of allergies require consultation with a doctor before vaccination.
Memo for parents
In order for the vaccination table, more precisely, their schedule, to be fully observed, and the vaccination be transferred by the child with the least shock, parents need to follow a few simple rules.
Before vaccination, it is necessary to measure the temperature at home. In order for the doctor to allow the vaccination and it was well tolerated by the child, the temperature should be 36.6-36.7 degrees.
Before entering the vaccination room, all patients are admitted to the pediatrician. He should talk about how the child feels today and what diseases he has suffered recently. If you have an allergy, you should not hide this fact from the doctor. It will only harm the child. The more detailed the story, the less negative consequences will arise.
Refusal of vaccinations should be substantiated by substantial arguments, and not by maternal fears. After all, at the time, all parents received the same series of vaccinations, and this did not lead to negative consequences. And what some users write in the comments can be quite far from the truth.
If the child is allergic, then before vaccination the doctor can give him an antihistamine. Or a different vaccine is selected for the vaccine. It may be paid, but the child’s health is much more expensive.
But no matter what is said or written, only parents can decide whether to get vaccinated or not. If you decide to still get the vaccine, then after it you should not neglect the instructions of the doctors. It is advisable to isolate the child for a while from communication with other children. Indeed, in this case, they are carriers of diseases.
If the choice is not in favor of vaccination, you should also be careful when dealing with other children. After all, they can be carriers of pathogens and harm the baby's health. In this case, it is recommended to avoid playgrounds and squares.
In addition, this may affect the admission of a child to kindergarten. Most managers refuse to accept children without vaccinations, justifying their position by the fact that this can be dangerous for the child. Although no document regulating this issue exists.