Spring, summer, autumn - the time when we are drawn to the forest and parks. But not only we are activated at this time. Ticks also wake up and show significant activity. And since the insect is small enough, it is quite difficult to find it on your body. And everyone needs to know how to remove a tick at home. So, you found this insect on any part of the body, do not panic. Before fleeing to the hospital, he should be pulled out. And how to do it right?
How to remove a tick at home
These small insects can quite bite not only you, but also your animal, which went for a walk. Yes, the first desire at the sight of such an unpleasant sight is to pull out and throw away the tick. But do not do this, he can not only bite, but also leave his small head under the skin when jerking, and this can lead to inflammation and blood poisoning. So, if the tick is located under the hair or hair, then they need to be moistened and combed to the sides. Now you need to take in your hands tweezers, previously disinfected, or a napkin. In no case do not take the tick with your hands, suddenly it suffers encephalitis. Grab the insect as close to the skin as possible and pull. Only you need to do this very carefully so as not to crush the tick. You need to pull slowly until the skin rises. Hold the insect for about two minutes. You can slightly shake it from side to side. If it does not help, you need to drip a little alcohol at the place of entry into the skin. This will help pull it out much faster.
How to remove a tick yourself - doctor's advice
The first and most famous method is to take tweezers, alcohol, iodine, thread and a needle. With tweezers, gently grab the tick by the body and pull, turning it along the axis. Having pulled out the insect, the wound must be treated with alcohol and iodine. Tweezers also need to be processed, and hands should be washed with laundry soap.
Second way
He is also known to almost everyone. It is necessary to drip oil or smear with Vaseline the place where the tick stuck. This will block his access to oxygen, and the insect will begin to crawl out. At this point, you need to pick it up with tweezers and pull it out carefully, without leaving the head under the skin. After this, the wound must be treated with brilliant green or iodine.
Third way
This option is suitable for you if the tick has stuck shallowly into the skin. You need to make a ring of thread and throw it on an insect as close to the proboscis as possible. The knot needs to be tightened, and then with a slow swaying motion pull out the tick. If suddenly the head of the insect remains under the skin, you need to take a needle, bake it on a fire and carefully pull it out. Carefully process the wound.
And the last way, telling how to remove a tick in a person yourself
To do this, you need a cotton swab and oil or petroleum jelly. Apply a little oil to the stick and drive it around the tick. This will paralyze him, deprive him of air, and he will begin to crawl out himself. After this, the insect will only have to pick up with tweezers and burn. Now you know how to remove a tick at home, but how not to get bitten at all?
Before you go to the forest or park, protect yourself. Put your trousers in boots, and preferably in socks. Put on your shoes higher and cover your neck with a scarf. Dress so that the tick does not find a place in which he could "leak". And returning home, be sure to examine yourself from all sides. Often a tick can be brought on clothes. And most importantly, if you live in an area where encephalitis is common, immediately after a bite, go to the hospital. Well, these are all tips on how to remove a tick at home and generally not pick it up.