Collar of Chance: Orthopedic Use

The Collar of Chance is an orthopedic device that is used in cases where the cervical spine is damaged . Sometimes it is used to prevent spinal diseases, such as cervical osteochondrosis, scoliosis, displacement of the vertebrae, spondylolisthesis and others. Chance's orthopedic collar maintains the neck in the correct position, removes stress from the vertebrae and limits their displacement with increased mobility. The device is quite simple to use, inexpensive and durable.

collar of chance

The benefits of a neck brace

The effect of applying the collar comes quickly. It normalizes the work of organs directly related to diseases of the cervical region: hearing, vision, nervous system, memory, and also reduces pressure on the vessels.

Disorders of the vertebrae in the neck most often occur in the elderly and middle-aged people. Usually this is a consequence of childhood injuries or work associated with prolonged sitting, which leads to displacement of the discs and manifestations of osteochondrosis or scoliosis. In newborns, such problems also occur and are manifested by torticollis. The collar is effectively used for severe fat folds in the chin, scoliosis, cardiopathic syndrome and compression.

Collar of Chance - how to use

Chance collar, photo

When using an orthopedic brace, neutral fixation of the spine and soft fixation of the head are ensured. The cervical spine is the most vulnerable segment of the spine, and therefore requires careful treatment. Thanks to special soft fixation head holders, the device maintains heat in the neck and reduces pain.

Creating a metered fixation and additional soft support of the head, the Chance collar partially unloads the musculo-ligamentous apparatus due to the constant position and light traction effect. Additionally, flexion (flexion) or extension (extension) is specified. All this should be done after consultation with a specialist.

Indications for the appointment of a bandage

A chance collar is recommended for:

  • moderate violations of the functions of the ligamentous apparatus and muscles of the cervical spine;
  • osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylitis;
  • mild instability of the cervical spine;
  • muscle, installation crank in children;
  • myositis;
  • neurological pain of various etiologies;
  • stage of transition from hard immobilization after injuries.

Questions about the wearing time, mode and removal of the device are decided by the attending physician. Usually the fixation period is from 2 to 4 months.

chance collar for newborn

Chance Collar for the Newborn

Difficulties during pregnancy often lead to birth injuries. The causes of such pathological conditions are factors such as a narrow pelvis, improper presentation of the fetus, prematurity, complicated birth, pathologies with intrauterine development and others.

A similar pathology occurs after a birth injury to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, when it ruptures with hemorrhage in the tissue. Sometimes such complications occur when using forceps and other traumatic instruments during childbirth. As a result, trauma often leads to a birth pathology such as torticollis. It manifests itself by the fact that in a calm state, the head of the newborn bends to the side.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to place the cervical spine in a position in which the pathological tilt of the baby’s head is eliminated. For this, the chance collar is used, the photo of which you see in the article. It is a kind of soft tissue bandage designed to fix the cervical spine. The orthopedic collar should be installed on the cervical region so that the chin is located in the recess on the tire. The back of the device is equipped with a fastener for fixing.

Therapeutic effect on the child

Chance collar how to use

The Collar of Chance restricts movement and thus relieves the vertebrae of the baby’s neck. It also provides normalization of tone and muscle warming. The device improves the blood circulation of the head, for which four arteries are responsible, two of them pass through the holes of the transverse processes of the vertebrae of the cervical spine . Their displacement leads to a violation of stability in the blood supply to the brain, which provokes various changes in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Improper blood circulation in babies can be manifested by symptoms such as restless sleep, weakened muscle tone of the limbs of the child. The Chance collar is successfully used in orthopedics of newborns for the treatment of various pathologies of this nature. Children's bandage is made from a fairly soft, but durable polyurethane foam. The material from which the orthopedic collar is made does not cause undesirable allergic reactions and inflammation on the skin. The dimensions of the device are selected individually according to the height of the neck.

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