OFP is ... OFP for children

General physical preparation (AFP) is a set of exercises aimed at improving health, developing muscles, the functions of the musculoskeletal system, preventing diseases of various etiologies, maintaining the immunity of each child. Such exercises perfectly prepare children for school and form the correct physical education.

Since ancient times, the idea of ​​introducing complex physical training for people has come. It has long been known that this is how the basic physical abilities of a person develop in the best way, while harmony in the activity of organs and all systems of the body as a whole is not violated. For example, the development of strength should occur in unity with the development of speed, agility and endurance. Only through such coherence does the mastery of vital skills take place.

Why do we need general physical fitness?

OFP is undoubtedly a beneficial effect on the psychological and physical health of the child. A systematic training can have a beneficial effect on the behavior and emotional state of the student.

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Who needs an OFP?

Conducting general physical training for children is recommended in the following cases:

  • with frequent colds;
  • with violations of posture;
  • with excessive hyperactivity of the child.

Exercising helps children calm down and focus on a certain hobby. At the same time, both the child and parents will feel more comfortable and more confident with each other.

How and where is general physical training performed?

There are special clubs for general physical training, which work on the basis of schools or in special sports centers. Training in such circles is carried out in order to:

  • strengthen health and temper athletes;
  • develop a comprehensive outlook;
  • acquire instructor skills and master the ability to engage in sports independently;
  • to form moral and volitional qualities of a citizen.

Any student who has successfully passed a physical examination is allowed to attend classes in such circles.

off for children

General physical preparation can affect the education of the following qualities in a person:

  • you were fast;
  • Agility
  • strength;
  • flexibility;
  • stamina.

It is possible to conduct physical fitness for children even at home, as it includes very affordable exercises. Outdoor sports activities are welcome, especially in the spring and autumn.

Such physical activities are able to keep muscles in good shape all the time, improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, the work of internal organs and systems, the child’s mental and emotional state.

In addition, a set of program activities is aimed at developing the personal qualities of the student, the manifestation of the ability to independence in solving many problems and easy digestibility of the school program.

An important aspect when supervising the circle on the OFP is to interest the child in the leader of the circle. After all, only an experienced specialist will be able to find an individual approach to the baby and develop interest in the lesson, thereby having a beneficial effect on his physical and mental health.

offp program

OFP Circle

There are many sports sections on physical fitness for children, it will be very difficult to list everything. In such a variety of choices, it is not easy to single out one thing. In the case when you want to do several sports at once, you can turn your attention to a circle of general physical training.

OFP Circle Program

The OFP program in the circle is very similar to the program and methods that children study in secondary schools. It is designed for one year when you visit the club one hour a week.

Training Plan

Since the OFP program is, first of all, various independent types of motor activity, which differ in the nature of performance and the amount of stress, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of a particular child. The leader of the circle should take this issue seriously enough and carefully study the data of his future pupils in order to avoid further negative consequences.

section ofp

The OFP section includes the following steps for drawing up an individual lesson plan. The first meeting of the trainer with the future pupil - this is the initial stage in the study of the child and the preparation of the lesson plan. The head of the circle personally communicates with the child and his parents, learns about the preferred types of sports load.

An important role is played by a medical examination of children and a conversation with a doctor about each specific child. During this conversation, it is already possible to more clearly outline the boundaries of the load for children. Already in the first lessons, observing the group members, one can clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of the children, and select specific individual lesson plans. The results of control exercises, which should be carried out at admission and at the end of each month, may become concluding.
But even after that, it is worth paying attention to each child, evaluating their reaction to the proposed load, in order to avoid overstrain of children.

offp work program

The main stages of work

  • The first communication with the child and parents.
  • The results of a medical examination of the child.
  • Pedagogical observations in the first classes.
  • Results of control exercises.
  • A systematic assessment of student responses to stress.

Coach Responsibilities

But not only the working program on general physical education is the responsibility of the educator. The trainer should teach children the proper nutrition and daily routine, if necessary, help them to compose, help shape the skills of the child in relation to sportswear and shoes, personal hygiene, make sure that children learn and perform safety procedures and monitor their health, on time reporting on his changes.

offp circle

Selection of means and methods of practical exercises

When drawing up a lesson plan, the trainer should not only take into account the educational side of the process, but also instill in children an interest in different types of sports load. Each lesson should be fascinating, it should entertain children, it will be easy to cope with this task if the lesson combines several sports (orienteering, athletics, volleyball, table tennis). The OFP group involves the systematic conduct of sports competitions - this will qualitatively increase the interest of children in sports, and help them develop leadership skills.

Should be considered:

  • individual characteristics of each child;
  • medical indications;
  • age of each group of children;
  • various sports tasks;
  • interest in victory.

If you take into account all of the above factors, then the lesson in the circle will be interesting and entertaining for each child.

offsite planning

Classes in general physical fitness. Their construction

The duration of the school year is nine months (September - May). Throughout this time, classes in general physical training are held.
Several types of RPP groups are distinguished. So, in groups with initial preparation, classes throughout the academic year do not have any distinctions and proceed as a single process. This feature is associated with the absence of any participation in competitions at any of the levels. The activity of such groups is to conduct a large number of internal relay races, pass the basic standards and various sports activities. The intensity of classes remains high regardless of the changing seasons. Particular emphasis is placed on conducting outdoor classes.

OFP Planning

Planning is based on two main characteristics of the loads:

  1. Occupation of low intensity and low volume.
  2. Occupation of high intensity and high volume.

In each of the types of lessons, the results are individual in terms of physical fitness. The circle is designed for individual load cases for children of different physical fitness.

Another view is extended-day groups. In this option, the construction of classes takes into account the following types of exercises:

  1. To develop agility. These are complex coordination exercises.
  2. Strength exercises. They are used in parallel with flexibility development exercises, and endurance training techniques are also included.

So, OFP is a subject, a mandatory element of which should be a game. It can be both mobile in nature and sports. Games are used for emotional recovery in the group, increasing the level of speed and power indicators, agility. Moreover, depending on the specific task, the set and sequence of exercises change, which affects the final result.

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