From black dots cream - recommendations, tips and reviews of cosmetologists

Daily hygienic facial skin care procedures are a set of measures aimed at keeping the epithelium clean and toned. To make your face look attractive, you need to regularly cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin, remove excess vegetation and eliminate black spots. In this article, we will teach you how to make an acne and blackhead cream yourself, as well as talk about ready-made remedies for this scourge.

off black dots cream


Black dots appearing on the skin, or comedones, greatly spoil the appearance. A cluster of comedones is called acne. This phenomenon does not pose a health hazard.

Although black dots almost never become inflamed, they must be removed at least from an aesthetic point of view. They form in the pores or hair follicles. If the epithelium is not cleaned of keratinized particles, sweat and fat for a long time, then all these physiological secretions will clog the microscopic hollow openings of the skin.

Dead tissue is a breeding ground for the development of microorganisms. As a result, the volume of the substance that clogged the pores increases and becomes visible to the naked eye. The black surface of comedone is melanin, the product of the oxidation of tyrosine, which is part of proteins and fats. In short, black dots are pores clogged with dirt.

Comedones are open and closed. Closed can become inflamed. So acne appears. Non-inflamed comedones look like white tubercles. They are called wen. In our article, we will talk about black comedones. Cleaning black spots is to prevent the appearance of not only dangerous and unaesthetic acne. By removing black comedones, you remove excess load from the skin, improve its appearance, and, as a result, prolong its youth, that is, delay the appearance of wrinkles, rosacea, etc.

acne and blackhead cream

Means of struggle with gums

The most effective means of cosmetologists consider scrub. You can get rid of black dots by performing a peeling procedure.

According to the mechanism of action, peels are divided into chemical and mechanical. Both of them are useful as ordinary hygiene products for everyone. In perfume stores and pharmacies, you can find cream from black dots. Reviews about different tools leave many users. Based on this, a choice should be made.

If the skin is prone to acne, that is, when it is necessary to fight not with black dots, but with bacterial infections that provoke the occurrence of inflammation in the form of acne, you should contact a dermatologist to prescribe an individual course of treatment with antibiotics.

from acne and black spots

Chemical peeling

Skin care products containing hydroxy acids (salicylic or glycolic) that dissolve skin fats are chemical peels, or keratolics.

Rubbing the skin with a preparation containing the named acids dries the skin and dissolves the fat that clogged the pores. Toner, cream, gel from black dots can be used every day, unless otherwise indicated in the annotation. As for chemical peeling containing abrasive inclusions, it is allowed for use no more than twice a week. Particulate peels are called scrubs. Weโ€™ll talk about them in more detail below.

We offer to master the methods of dealing with black dots collected in this article and tested by cosmetologists.

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French comedone drug

The principle of the chemical dissolution of fats underlies the action of the French anti-acne drug known as Differin. The price (reviews confirm this) is quite high, but the investment justifies itself.

One tube of cream weighing 30 g costs a little more than 700 rubles. The cream is more suitable for dry integuments.

For oily or normal skin, it is better to use the Differin gel. The price (reviews praise this product) is exactly the same as the cream.

Both cream and gel are applied to acne-covered areas of the skin of the face, shoulders and forearms. This should be done at night, after cleansing the skin well with a mild soap.

The first results are noticeable after a few days. The general course of treatment has no duration limit. It ends with the complete disappearance of comedones and can be repeated as necessary.

black pore points

Mechanical peeling

The action of mechanical peeling is based on peeling surface contaminants from the skin. As a rule, modern acne and blackhead peeling is a scrub of one or more components acting on the epithelium as an abrasive. These are pieces of crushed seeds of apricots, bird cherry, coffee beans, oats, flax, wheat, rye, barley, other cereals, as well as baking soda, salt, sugar and cosmetic clay, plus water. To get the best result, we recommend using multi-composition.

black dots on face cream

Cleansing Mature Skin

From black dots, you can prepare the cream yourself. For ladies of mature age with aging skin prone to irritation, cosmetologists recommend preparing a composition of eggs, aloe and lemon.

Take one egg white and combine it with the juice of one lemon and scraped up pulp of a pair of large aloe leaves. Using a mixer, beat until smooth and apply on the face, trying not to get on the eyelids and on the area of โ€‹โ€‹thin skin under the eyes. As soon as you feel the skin begin to tighten (this dries the protein), apply a new layer of cream. Repeat several times to prevent drying out. This is a great tool that eliminates not only black spots on the face. The cream also tightens the oval of the face and whitens age spots. Aloe soothes the skin, strengthens the capillaries and heals minor injuries. Egg white tightens pores. The principle of the mask is based on the mechanical displacement of pores that clogged them with pores from the pores.

Before applying a cream against blackheads and blackheads, it is necessary to open the pores of the skin. To do this, it is steamed, holding your face over a hot, moist steam. Another way to open pores is to put a thick terry towel dampened with hot water on your face.

With severe rosacea, it is not recommended to steam the face.

cream for blackheads and blackheads

For all skin types

The following mask is very often used in beauty salons. It is good because it combines two beneficial effects on the skin - cleansing and massage.

One egg white is mixed with a full tablespoon of powdered sugar. The resulting cream should be distributed throughout the face, without touching the area around the eyes. If you just need to get rid of the black dots, the cream is applied to separate areas of the skin where comedones have accumulated. When the product dries up, the next layer is applied, vigorously patting the skin with the pads of the fingers, especially intensively in places where acne accumulates. Patting continued until the cream no longer sticks. Then wash off with cool water and apply a soothing tonic or emulsion.

This is a very good remedy for black dots. The cream is enough to use once a week. Even better for the skin, if different means alternate with each other. Beauticians, in order to avoid allergic reactions, usually make simple formulations. Knowing your skin and its reactions to various components, you can make yourself a multifunctional cream that removes black spots and improves other skin parameters.

cream for blackheads and blackheads

Means for skin teenagers

Very quickly removes the black dots of baking soda. In beauty salons, it has been used to clean skin since time immemorial. Itโ€™s difficult to think of the best remedy for oily skin of teenagers. Soda cream easily removes acne and slightly dries the epithelium.

Before starting the procedure, the pores should be expanded. To do this, steam the skin over steam or cover with a towel soaked in hot water. After that, apply a cream of soda, flax flour, boric acid and kefir to the wings of the nose, chin, cheeks and forehead. Massage in a circular motion, gently rubbing the cream into the most critical places (nose wings, chin, forehead and cheeks). For the best effect, leave for another 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Finally, wipe with a calming tonic with chamomile or calendula.

cream gel from black dots

White clay peeling

Acne and blackhead cream with white clay is suitable for all skin types. It is done very easily. It is enough to dilute the clay powder with water to the consistency of sour cream, and the cream is ready. It should be applied to the skin of the face and left to dry. Rinse with water and soothe the skin with tonic.

If you did not find white clay, use blue. Instead of plain water, take micellar, thawed, or decoction of grass. Chamomile, calendula, sage, horsetail, lavender and other herbs are useful for the skin. Choose the most suitable for your skin type. You can use bags with natural herbal tea, without artificial flavors.

blackhead cream reviews

Removing comedones with gelatin cream

Try to prepare the following gelatin composition from black dots. This cream is done very simply, and the effect is amazing.

To prepare it, you will need two tablespoons of gelatin and 100 ml of water.

Soak gelatin in water. After 20 minutes, place the cup with the solution in a water bath and bring the gelatin to complete dissolution. Cool the cream a little. While it is warm, its consistency will be quite fluid.

Cleanse your face with lotion. Open your pores with a hot, wet bath towel. Now you can apply a warm, but not hot, gelatin cream to your face. The cream layer should be thick, so as soon as you feel that the first layer has stabilized slightly, apply the second one, and so on until you smear the entire cream on your face. Do not be afraid to cover it all over the face except for the thin skin of the eyelids and under the eyes.

After the gelatin cream has been completely applied, stay horizontal for about half an hour. At this time, listen to relaxing music or an interesting audiobook. It is important that the facial expression is motionless, otherwise the gelatin film will be broken.

After 30 minutes, the cream will become dull and acquire a structure similar to a film. If it is not frozen, wait again. Along with the hardening of the product, your skin cools and the pores narrow.

The hardened cream is removed very easily. It is enough to pick up the gelatin film at its edge and pull it slightly. If you did everything right, then it will be removed quickly enough with one large canvas. On its inside you will find elongated comedones.

Now you can wipe your face with tonic and, if necessary, apply a caring cream.

black dots soda

Shaving Foam Cream

This home composition was invented by cosmetologists back in the days of our grandmothers, when shaving cream just appeared in stores . It has disinfecting acids and healing substances. To remove comedones, just take a couple of tablespoons of foam or shaving cream and mix with a teaspoon of drinking soda. Apply the resulting cream to places with black dots and rub it lightly with your fingertips, making circular movements. Rinse off with clean water. Wipe the skin with a tonic.

black dots scrub

Abrasive cream with bird cherry flour

If you live in a large dusty city and spend a lot of time outdoors, then black dots appear on your skin more often than those living in ecologically clean areas. Cream or gel "Differin" - that will help cure the neglected skin. In the future, it is easy to maintain its condition with the help of home abrasive cream based on bird cherry flour.

This cream can be used to cleanse the face two to three times a week. Make yourself a 50-100 ml jar and refrigerate it on the top shelf where the temperature is not too low.

To make the cream, you need cherry cherry flour, apricot kernel flour, natural honey and tonic. Combine two tablespoons of flour with the same amount of flour and tonic, add one tablespoon of apricot kernel flour, stir until smooth. If the cream is too thick, add a little more tonic. This cream in consistency should resemble thick sour cream. It very well cleanses the skin of black spots, keratinized epidermis and insoluble residues of skin secretions. In addition, it perfectly tones sluggish or tired skin.

It is enough to apply it on the face, making circular movements in the direction of the massage lines. For a better effect, hold for one to two minutes and rinse with warm water. You will see that the skin immediately became noticeably cleaner.

Bird cherry flour cannot be replaced with anything, since its structure is due to the presence of small, not too hard seeds, crushed into tiny fractions, ideal in order not to injure the skin.

If you are allergic to bee products, replace honey with shaving cream.

black dot cleaning

The reasons for the appearance of comedones

Comedones, as we have said above, are not the result of any disease and or disruption of the body. They are always on the skin. The problem is only those cases where the number of black dots is too large, and they appear more often than other people.

Why do black dots occur in excessively large numbers? The main reasons are an unbalanced diet and hormonal conditions (adolescents of the pubertal period experience the greatest problems). Spicy and fatty foods, meat products to the detriment of vegetable products, refined sugar and products based on it (chocolate candies and carbonated drinks), plus a small amount of coarse fiber and mucous membranes that absorb toxins in the gastrointestinal tract, lack of natural juices and water - all this contributes to the intensive production and accumulation of sebum clogging pores.

Another risk factor is decorative cosmetics, in particular, foundation of poor quality. There is only one advice - either use good masking agents, or do not use them at all, and put emphasis on cleansing and nourishing the epithelium. Skin is beautiful without a thick layer of makeup. In general, try not to abuse makeup. Use it sparingly, depending on the situation. For daily makeup, lipstick, blush, mascara and eyebrow pencil are enough.

black dots scrub

Acne Prevention

Despite the fact that black dots are a natural phenomenon for human skin, and we have fully mastered the methods of eliminating comedones, it cannot be said that there are food products that have a significant effect on the condition of the skin and prevent the accumulation of toxins.

Oatmeal and flaxseed porridge are not called accidental keepers of beauty. When brewed with boiling water, the grains of these cereals form a mucous structure, which, getting into the digestive organs, envelops the intestinal walls and absorbs toxic compounds and toxins. Clean intestines - clean skin. This formula is well known to cosmetologists. Even the best remedy for acne and blackheads will not make the skin perfectly beautiful without an integrated approach to the state of health, that is, without a balanced diet and timely hygiene procedures.

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